52 research outputs found

    Un sistema automatico di acquisizione ed elaborazione per il monitoraggio RFI: prime misure da 300MHz a 18GHz presso la Stazione Radioastronomica di Noto

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    Il monitoraggio periodico e la vigilanza delle Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) nelle bande di frequenza assegnate alla radioastronomia e' un'attivita' fondamentale per il cor- retto funzionamento di una stazione di osservazione radioastronomica. Il lavoro presentato descrive lo sviluppo di un sistema di acquisizione automatica di spet- tri attraverso un analizzatore di spettro, per il monitoraggio RFI al Radiotelescopio di Noto. Si e' voluta valorizzare l'attrezzatura gia' presente presso i laboratori della stazione radioastronomica, mediante interventi di modifica e modernizzazione della strumentazio- ne datata. L'integrazione tra vecchie e nuove tecnologie ha trovato in questo lavoro terreno ferti- le ed ha consentito, con impegni economici minimali di realizzare un valido strumento di monitoraggio delle RFI nelle Bande radioastronomiche (RAS), rivelatosi efficiente e affidabile

    Circuiti di automazione e controllo remoto per la cupola del telescopio APT2

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    Circuiti di automazione e controllo remoto per la cupola del telescopio APT2 Criteri di progetto, schemi elettrici e manuale di manutenzione e verific

    Status of the Local Monitor and Control System of SKA Dishes

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    The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) project aims at building the world's largest radio observatory to observe the radio sky with unprecedented sensitivity and collecting area. In the SKA1 phase of the project, two dish arrays are to be built, one in South Africa (SKA1-Mid) and the other in Western Australia (SKA1-Survey). Each antenna will be provided with a local monitor and control system, enabling remote operations to engineers and to the Telescope Manager system. In this paper we present the current status of the software system being designed to monitor and control the dish subsystem. An overview of the dish instrumentation is reported, along with details concerning the software architecture, functional interfaces, prototyping and the evaluated technologies

    The design of the local monitor and control system of SKA dishes

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    The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) project aims at building the world's largest radio observatory to observe the sky with unprecedented sensitivity and collecting area. In the first phase of the project (SKA1), an array of dishes, SKA1-MID, will be built in South Africa. It will consist of 133 15m-dishes, which will include the MeerKAT array, for the 0.350-20 GHz frequency band observations. Each antenna will be provided with a local monitor and control system (LMC), enabling operations both to the Telescope Manager remote system, and to the engineers and maintenance staff; it provides different environment for the telescope control (positioning, pointing, observational bands), metadata collection for monitoring and database storaging, operational modes and functional states management for all the telescope capabilities. In this paper we present the LMC software architecture designed for the detailed design phase (DD), where we describe functional and physical interfaces with monitored and controlled sub-elements, and highlight the data flow between each LMC modules and its sub-element controllers from one side, and Telescope Manager on the other side. We also describe the complete Product Breakdown Structure (PBS) created in order to optimize resources allocation in terms of calculus and memory, able to perform required task for each element according to the proper requirements. Among them, time response and system reliability are the most important, considering the complexity of SKA dish network and its isolated placement. Performances obtained by software implementation using TANGO framework will be discussed, matching them with technical requirements derived by SKA science drivers

    Towards coordinated site monitoring and common strategies for mitigation of Radio Frequency Interference at the Italian radio telescopes

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    We present a project to implement a national common strategy for the mitigation of the steadily deteriorating Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) situation at the Italian radio telescopes. The project involves the Medicina, Noto, and Sardinia dish antennas and comprised the definition of a coordinated plan for site monitoring as well as the implementation of state-of-the-art hardware and software tools for RFI mitigation. Coordinated monitoring of frequency bands up to 40 GHz has been performed by means of continuous observations and dedicated measurement campaigns with fixed stations and mobile laboratories. Measurements were executed on the frequency bands allocated to the radio astronomy and space research service for shared or exclusive use and on the wider ones employed by the current and under-development receivers at the telescopes. Results of the monitoring campaigns provide a reference scenario useful to evaluate the evolution of the interference situation at the telescopes sites and a case series to test and improve the hardware and software tools we conceived to counteract radio frequency interference. We developed a multi-purpose digital backend for high spectral and time resolution observations over large bandwidths. Observational results demonstrate that the spectrometer robustness and sensitivity enable the efficient detection and analysis of interfering signals in radio astronomical data. A prototype off-line software tool for interference detection and flagging has been also implemented. This package is capable to handle the huge amount of data delivered by the most modern instrumentation on board of the Italian radio telecsopes, like dense focal plane arrays, and its modularity easen the integration of new algorithms and the re-usability in different contexts or telescopes.Comment: 39 pages, 10 Figures and 7 Tables. INAF Technical Report n. 149 (2022). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12386/3208

    Erratum to nodal management and upstaging of disease. Initial results from the Italian VATS Lobectomy Registry

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.21037/jtd.2017.06.12.]
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