4 research outputs found

    Pemberdayaan Pengrajin Perak Melalui Market Place sebagai Media Penjualan Online di Desa Ungga,Kabupaten Lombok Tengah

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    The impact of the industrial revolution era 4.0 has been switched from a traditional system to a digital. Therefore, craftsmen also must follow the changing of this era to sell their handicrafts that previously used a traditional sales system where buyers have to go to the counter/gallery selling silver, especially the silver handicrafts in the village of Lombok, Central Lombok. The output of this community service is that craftsmen have an online shop as a medium for selling the silver handicrafts in Ungga. This online shop can be accessed by residents all over the world anytime and anywhere in making an online store uses the word press content management system because it probably solves the problem to increase the product sales.Dampak era revolusi industry 4.0 kita harus beralih dari system tradisonal ke digital,sehingga pengrajin juga harus mengikuti perubahan era tersebut untuk menjual hasil kerajinannya yang sebelumnya menggunakan system penjualan tradisional dimana pembeli harus ke counter/galeri penjualan perak khususnya hasil kerajinan perak yang ada di desa Ungga Lombok Tengah. Output dari pengabdian ini adalah para pengerajin memiliki toko online sebagai media penjualan hasil kerajinan perak pada Desa Ungga Lombok Tengah,toko online tersebut bisa di akses oleh penduduk seluruh dunia kapanpun dan dimanapun.Pembuatan toko online menggunakan content management system wordpress karena dapat mengatasi masalah yang terjadi dan dapat meningkatkan penjualan produk

    Pelatihan Pengisian SPT Tahunan Orang Pribadi (OP) pada Mahasiswa Prodi Akuntansi Universitas Bumigora

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    The community service program implemented at Bumigora University aims to: carry out training activities with all students of the Accounting study program, in training on Procedures for Filling in Annual Personal Income Tax Return. The service material presented was training on reporting and filling out the Annual Personal Income Tax Return in hall 3 of the Bumigora University building. The method used in this activity namely by giving lectures / giving material followed by discussion and question and answer responsibility between presenters and participants in filling out the Annual Personal Income Tax Return. Training results The completion of the Annual Personal Income Tax Return is expected to make a significant contribution in the form of knowledge and skills that can be used as provisions in readiness to become a skilled workforce in the field of Accounting and Taxation to be able to compete in the world of work

    Electrochemical Sensors: Practical Approaches

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