7,891 research outputs found

    An Introduction: The Effectiveness of International Law

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    International law today touches on nearly every aspect of our lives, from the price of practically everything we purchase, to the health of the environment that surrounds us, to our ability to communicate seamlessly worldwide. These encounters serve as daily reminders that, as Louis Henkin famously put it, “almost all nations observe almost all principles of international law and almost all of their obligations almost all of the time.” Yet at the same time, there are regular reminders that not all nations, groups, or individuals observe all principles of international law or all of their obligations all of the time. International law violations such as human rights abuses, trade law breaches, and law of armed conflict violations remain all too common

    Effects of transition metal substitutions on the incommensurability and spin fluctuations in BaFe2As2 by elastic and inelastic neutron scattering

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    The spin fluctuation spectra from nonsuperconducting Cu-substituted, and superconducting Co-substituted, BaFe2As2 are compared quantitatively by inelastic neutron scattering measurements and are found to be indis- tinguishable. Whereas diffraction studies show the appearance of incommensurate spin-density wave order in Co and Ni substituted samples, the magnetic phase diagram for Cu substitution does not display incommensu- rate order, demonstrating that simple electron counting based on rigid-band concepts is invalid. These results, supported by theoretical calculations, suggest that substitutional impurity effects in the Fe plane play a signifi- cant role in controlling magnetism and the appearance of superconductivity, with Cu distinguished by enhanced impurity scattering and split-band behavior.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Major change in the manuscrip

    Psychiatric symptoms and disorders in extremely preterm young adults at 19 years of age and longitudinal findings from middle childhood

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    Since the 1980s, the long term outcomes of extremely preterm birth, before 28 weeks of gestation, have garnered considerable interest as a result of significant improvements in neonatal care and the consequent increase in survival rates. Compared with birth at full term, extremely preterm birth places infants at increased risk for neurodevelopmental disorders, intellectual impairments and psychiatric sequelae that persist throughout childhood and adolescence.1 There is now increasing interest as to the longer term outcomes for these babies; in particular, whether adverse outcomes persist or increase in adulthood, or whether survivors may outgrow earlier problems

    Validation of Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Devices on Sheep to Detect Grazing Movement Leaders and Social Networks in Merino Ewes.

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    Understanding social behaviour in livestock groups requires accurate geo-spatial localisation data over time which is difficult to obtain in the field. Automated on-animal devices may provide a solution. This study introduced an Real-Time-Kinematic Global Navigation Satellite System (RTK-GNSS) localisation device (RTK rover) based on an RTK module manufactured by the company u-blox (Thalwil, Switzerland) that was assembled in a box and harnessed to sheep backs. Testing with 7 sheep across 4 days confirmed RTK rover tracking of sheep movement continuously with accuracy of approximately 20 cm. Individual sheep geo-spatial data were used to observe the sheep that first moved during a grazing period (movement leaders) in the one-hectare test paddock as well as construct social networks. Analysis of the optimum location update rate, with a threshold distance of 20 cm or 30 cm, showed that location sampling at a rate of 1 sample per second for 1 min followed by no samples for 4 min or 9 min, detected social networks as accurately as continuous location measurements at 1 sample every 5 s. The RTK rover acquired precise data on social networks in one sheep flock in an outdoor field environment with sampling strategies identified to extend battery life

    Enhanced Leak Detection

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    A key requirement for Veeder-Root’s Enhanced Leak Detection System is that it be able to test in situ for the presence of leaks at gasoline dispensing facilities. Aside from the obvious issues of safety and lost product, this functionality is obligatory for compliance with environmental standards mandated by federal and state oversight bodies, such as the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). The SWRCB demands a testing procedure that includes conditions as close to operational as possible, while still using environmentally safe gases as a test fluid. Although the test parameters (e.g., pressure) are allowed to deviate from operating conditions in order to facilitate the test procedure, a prescribed rescaling of the test thresholds must then be applied to account for the deviation. Whether the test is run at operation conditions or in a slightly different parameter regime, the fact that the testing must be done on the product and return lines after installation at a service station presents significant challenges in devising an effective test strategy

    Pemanfaatan Bahan Ajar Digital Berbasis Android dan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta didik Kelas XI MIA pada Materi Pokok Asam Basa

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    Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk  mengetahui  perbedaan hasil  belajar  yang signifikan antara peserta didik yang diajarkan menggunakan bahan ajar digital berbasis android dan model pembelajaran problem based learning (PBL)  dengan peserta didik yang diajarkan menggunakan menggunakan model PBL. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Dari populasi terpilih 2 kelas sampel yaitu XI MIA 2 (kelas eksperimen) dan XI MIA 4 (kelas kontrol). Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah metode angket, obeservasi dan tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa adanya perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Hasil uji hipotesis hasil belajar peserta didik dengan uji-t menunjukan bahwa nilai sig. 2-tailed < taraf signifikan 5% yaitu 0,000 < 0,05, maka H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini bahwa ada perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara peserta didik yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan bahan ajar digital berbasis android dan model pembelajaran problem based learning (PBL)   dengan peserta didik yang diajarkan menggunakan model PBL pada materi asam basa

    Availability, healthiness, and price of packaged and unpackaged foods in India: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Vulnerable populations are the most prone to diet-related disease. The availability, healthiness, and price of foods have established associations with diet-related disease in communities. However, data describing this in India are sparse, particularly in urban slums and rural areas. Aim: To quantify and compare availability, healthiness, and price of packaged and unpackaged foods and beverages in India, and to identify opportunities to improve diets and health of vulnerable populations. Methods: Nutrition data and price were collected on foods and beverages available at 44 stores in urban, urban slum, and rural areas in four states in India between May and August 2018. Healthiness was assessed using the Australasian Health Star Rating system and product retail prices were examined. Comparisons in the findings were made across state, community area type, and adherence to current and draft Indian food labeling regulations. Results: Packaged foods and beverages (n = 1443, 89%) were more prevalent than unpackaged (n = 172, 11%). Unpackaged products were healthier than packaged (mean Health Star Rating = 3.5 vs 2.0; p < 0.001) and lower in price (median price per 100 g/ml: 13.42 Indian rupees vs 25.70 Indian rupees; p < 0.001), a pattern observed across most community area types and states. 96% of packaged products were compliant with current Indian labeling regulations but only 23% were compliant with proposed labeling regulations. Conclusions: Unpackaged products were on average much healthier and lower in price than packaged foods and beverages. Food policies that support greater availability, accessibility and consumption of unpackaged foods, while limiting consumption of packaged foods, have enormous potential for sustaining the health of the Indian population

    Hand Preference Develops Across Childhood and Adolescence in Extremely Preterm Children: The EPICure Study.

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    AIM: To determine how handedness changes with age and its relation to brain injury and cognition following birth before 26 weeks of gestation. METHODS: We used data from the EPICure study of health and development following birth in the British Isles in 1995. Handedness was determined by direct observation during standardized testing at age 2.5, six, and 11 years and by self-report using the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory at 19 years. Control data from term births were included at six, 11, and 19 years. RESULTS: In extremely preterm children left handedness increased from 9% to 27% between 2.5 and 19 years, with a progressive reduction in mixed handedness from 59% to 13%. Although individual handedness scores varied over childhood, the between-group effects were consistent through 19 years, with greatest differences in females. In extremely preterm participants, neonatal brain injury was associated with lower right handedness scores at each age and left-handed participants had lower cognitive scores at 19 years after controlling for confounders, but not at other ages. CONCLUSION: Increasing hand lateralization is seen over childhood in extremely preterm survivors, but consistently more have non-right preferences at each age than controls

    Analysis of Cattle Social Transitional Behaviour: Attraction and Repulsion.

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    Understanding social interactions in livestock groups could improve management practices, but this can be difficult and time-consuming using traditional methods of live observations and video recordings. Sensor technologies and machine learning techniques could provide insight not previously possible. In this study, based on the animals' location information acquired by a new cooperative wireless localisation system, unsupervised machine learning approaches were performed to identify the social structure of a small group of cattle yearlings (n=10) and the social behaviour of an individual. The paper first defined the affinity between an animal pair based on the ranks of their distance. Unsupervised clustering algorithms were then performed, including K-means clustering and agglomerative hierarchical clustering. In particular, K-means clustering was applied based on logical and physical distance. By comparing the clustering result based on logical distance and physical distance, the leader animals and the influence of an individual in a herd of cattle were identified, which provides valuable information for studying the behaviour of animal herds. Improvements in device robustness and replication of this work would confirm the practical application of this technology and analysis methodologies
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