2 research outputs found

    Women in the middle age and in the age of the late adulthood, who were not successful in the effort to have a child.

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    Bachelor´s work deals with women who are in the age of 38 years old and more who have not got any children nevertheless they always wanted to have some children during their life but they posponed their decision to found the family until the middle age of their life. Some of them have still desire to have their own children and the others are gradually coming to terms with the fact that they will be probably childless. My work will be focused on their life circumstances which did not allow them to found the family. My work will be targeting to founding out some women´s attitudes to parenthood. Then I will also try to describe the demanding situation of the women, who are coming to term with the fact that they will not have a child. The work is divided into the theoratical and practical part. The theoretical part is about the psyche of the women link between some disordres of the infertility, then it is focused on responsible planning of the parenthood, on motivation of parenthood, on the problem of the induced abortion and it is also focused on the possibillity of the arteficial fertilization and adoption. Finally this part is dealing about the change of the life in the family which is in the narrow connection with the phenomenon of singles. After that I will mention the life of women without any children. Practical part is dedicated to qualitative research which is founded on five halfstructured interviewes with the women who are in the age of 38 years old and more who are childless. Then I will use the psychodiagnostic test as a projectative method of research-Chromatic associational experiment from Doc. PhDr. Vadima Ščepichina CSc. My research´s aim is to catch the difficult and demanding situation of the women, who were not succesfull in their effort to be pregnant. The other aim is to found out the causes which lead the women to postpone their decision to found the family until the middle age of their life. What factors influence women to become a parent. Then I would try to find out the role of the stress in the process of the conception and how the women are coping with possible failure to be pregnant