137 research outputs found

    Identificação das fontes de crescimento da produção de leite na Região Norte do Brasil, 1990-2011.

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    O presente trabalho identifica as fontes de crescimento da produção de leite na Região Norte do Brasil, no período 1990-2011, e decompõe o crescimento da produção, nos efeitos expansão do rebanho e produtividade animal. Foram estimadas as taxas de crescimento da produção, plantel de vacas ordenhadas e produtividade animal, por meio de regressão linear, com emprego de modelo semilogarítmico. A produção regional cresceu a taxa de 6,2% ao ano, com predominância do efeito expansão do rebanho, cuja taxa de crescimento foi de 3,3% ao ano, enquanto o crescimento da produtividade animal foi de 2,9% ao ano. Em quatro dos sete estados que compõe a Região Norte ocorreu crescimento da produtividade animal superior ao do rebanho, o que sinaliza avanços na adoção de tecnologias nos sistemas de produção

    Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Activity of Cationic Polymers against Mycobacteria: Toward Antitubercular Macromolecules.

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    Antimicrobial resistance is a global healthcare problem with a dwindling arsenal of usable drugs. Tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, requires long-term combination therapy and multi- and totally drug resistant strains have emerged. This study reports the antibacterial activity of cationic polymers against mycobacteria, which are distinguished from other Gram-positive bacteria by their unique cell wall comprising a covalently linked mycolic acid-arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan complex (mAGP), interspersed with additional complex lipids which helps them persist in their host. The present study finds that poly(dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) has particularly potent antimycobacterial activity and high selectivity over two Gram-negative strains. Removal of the backbone methyl group (poly(dimethylaminoethyl acrylate)) decreased antimycobacterial activity, and poly(aminoethyl methacrylate) also had no activity against mycobacteria. Hemolysis assays revealed poly(dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) did not disrupt red blood cell membranes. Interestingly, poly(dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) was not found to permeabilize mycobacterial membranes, as judged by dye exclusion assays, suggesting the mode of action is not simple membrane disruption, supported by electron microscopy analysis. These results demonstrate that synthetic polycations, with the correctly tuned structure are useful tools against mycobacterial infections, for which new drugs are urgently required

    Avaliação da qualidade do leite de cabra produzido por agricultores dos estados do Rio Grande do Norte e do Ceará.

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    This study aimed to characterize the quality of goat milk obtained from dairy farms family based in the states of Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará, Brazil, before and after the adoption of good practices in milking, according to Kit Embrapa of Manual Milking for dairy goats. The milk samples for total bacterial counts (CTB) were collected after the morning milking, directly from brass, for three days before and three days after the adoption of Kit Embrapa. The data was statistically analyzed by the statistical program R, through the Student t test for paired samples and comparison of means by logarithmic transformation neperiana. The mean values found were 5,2x105 CFU/mL and 4,1x105 CFU/mL respectively before and after use of the kit. The results indicate that the quality of goat milk produced on estates family based in both States, is within the parameters of hygiene and quality. However, there is a need for improvements in hygiene and sanitary handling of animals before, during and after milking, the milk for obtaining the best commercial quality

    Perfil de ácidos graxos de carne de búfalos terminados em sistemas tradicional e silvipastoril.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the fatty acid profile of the meat of buffalo finished in creating Traditional Systems (ST) and Silvopastoral (SSP) with supplemental feeding. The experiments were performed in the Research Units Animal "Senator Álvaro Adolpho", silvopastoral system and "Dr. Philibert Camargo, "traditional system of creation, belonging to Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém-Pará, Brazil. After the fattening period, eight months, the animals were slaughtered at a commercial abattoir and their carcasses identified, refrigerated for 24 hours. The Longissimus dorsi (kebabs) retained the right half carcass between the 12th and 10th ribs, was ground and stored for determination of acids in lipids extracted from samples and cold reading esters performed by gas chromatography. The experimental design was completely randomized, the data were evaluated by ANOVA and means were compared by 't' test at 5% significance level. The analysis of fatty acid profile reveals a statistical difference (P <0.05), only the percentage of myristic acid (C14: 0) and polyunsaturated fatty acids. In conclusion, therefore, that breeding systems and supplementation are not sufficient to indicate the use of either system, since it must be taken into account also the environmental, social and economic

    Composição centesimal, física e sensorial de carne de búfalos terminados em sistema tradicional e silvipastoril na Amazônia Oriental.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the physical and sensory characteristics of buffalo meat ended Traditional Systems and Silvopastoral. The experiments were performed in the Research Units Animal "Senator Álvaro Adolpho", SSP installed and "Dr. Philibert Camargo "(ST), belonging to Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém-Pará. After this period the animals were slaughtered at a commercial packing plant and their carcasses were identified and cooled for 24 hours. The right side carcass was cut between the 12th and 13th ribs and removed the Longissimus dorsi (kebabs), for analysis of pH, texture and color lenses, weight loss by cooking, ability to retain water, determining the composition proximate and sensory evaluation. The experimental design was completely randomized, the data submitted to analysis of variance and means were compared by 't' test at 5%. There were no differences (p> 0.05) in chemical composition and physical analysis between meat derived from animals of the two systems. Among the evaluated sensory only the "aroma" differed statistically. It is still early to suggest the use of either system, just based on the quality of meat produced, should be considered also the environmental, social and economic

    Produção de leite e consumo de concentrado em búfalas lactantes suplementadas com concentrado à base de torta de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) e torta de murumuru (Astrocaryum murumuru).

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a produção de leite e o consumo de concentrado em búfalas em lactação suplementadas com resíduos agro-industrial, torta de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) e torta de murumuru (Astrocaryum murumuru). A quantidade de concentrado foi administrada com base na produção de leite individual. O delineamento experimental foi o quadrado latino 3 x 3, quatro quadrados, distribuídos de acordo com a data de parição das búfalas. O experimento durou 63 dias, com três períodos de 21 dias, com 10 dias de adaptação inicial e os últimos 11 dias para recolher os resultados. O consumo de suplemento e produção de leite foram avaliados nos últimos sete dias de cada período. Para a análise estatística foi utilizado o modelo misto (PROC MIXED) do SAS (SAS, 1999). Não houve diferença estatística para o consumo de concentrado e produção de leite. As tortas de cupuaçu e de murumuru podem ser usado como suplementação alimentar alternativa em búfalas em lactação, trazendo um desempenho semelhante ao concentrado à base de milho e soj

    Desenvolvimento e avaliações físico-química e sensorial de bebida láctea saborizada de cenoura e laranja com o soro do leite de búfala.

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    Esta pesquisa foi realizada para avaliar o desenvolvimento, as características físico-químicas e sensoriais de bebida láctea com cenoura sabor de laranja, utilizando soro de leite de búfala, no Laboratório do Centro de Ciências Naturais e Tecnologia da Universidade do Estado do Pará, com base de soro de leite de búfalo, do rebanho da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental , Belém, Estado do Pará, Brasil. Inicialmente, a calda é feita com cenoura, suco de laranja, sacarose e água, que foi misturada a 45 º C, e, subsequentemente, empacotado e refrigerado. Em seguida, foram realizadas análises físico-química e sensorial. Análise sensorial confirmou a aceitabilidade do produto, com ênfase sobre o sabor e aparência global