90 research outputs found

    Nongaussianity from Particle Production During Inflation

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    In a variety of models the motion of the inflaton may trigger the production of some non-inflaton particles during inflation, for example via parametric resonance or a phase transition. Such models have attracted interest recently for a variety of reasons, including the possibility of slowing the motion of the inflaton on a steep potential. In this review we show that interactions between the produced particles and the inflaton condensate can lead to a qualitatively new mechanism for generating cosmological fluctuations from inflation. We illustrate this effect using a simple prototype model g^2 (\phi-\phi_0)^2\chi^2 for the interaction between the inflaton, \phi, and iso-inflaton, \chi. Such interactions are quite natural in a variety of inflation models from supersymmetry and string theory. Using both lattice field theory simulations and analytical calculations, we study the quantum production of \chi particles and their subsequent rescatterings off the condensate \phi(t), which generates bremsstrahlung radiation of light inflaton fluctuations \delta\phi. This mechanism leads to observable features in the primordial power spectrum. We derive observational constraints on such features and discuss their implications for popular models of inflation, including brane/axion monodromy. Inflationary particle production also leads to a very novel kind of nongaussian signature which may be observable in future missions. We argue that this mechanism provides a simple and well-motivated option to generate large nongaussianity, without fine-tuning the inflationary trajectory or appealing to re-summation of an infinite series of high dimension operators.Comment: 53 pages, 15 figures. Invited review article, published in Advances in Astronom

    Dynamics with Infinitely Many Derivatives: Variable Coefficient Equations

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    Infinite order differential equations have come to play an increasingly significant role in theoretical physics. Field theories with infinitely many derivatives are ubiquitous in string field theory and have attracted interest recently also from cosmologists. Crucial to any application is a firm understanding of the mathematical structure of infinite order partial differential equations. In our previous work we developed a formalism to study the initial value problem for linear infinite order equations with constant coefficients. Our approach relied on the use of a contour integral representation for the functions under consideration. In many applications, including the study of cosmological perturbations in nonlocal inflation, one must solve linearized partial differential equations about some time-dependent background. This typically leads to variable coefficient equations, in which case the contour integral methods employed previously become inappropriate. In this paper we develop the theory of a particular class of linear infinite order partial differential equations with variable coefficients. Our formalism is particularly well suited to the types of equations that arise in nonlocal cosmological perturbation theory. As an example to illustrate our formalism we compute the leading corrections to the scalar field perturbations in p-adic inflation and show explicitly that these are small on large scales.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure

    Nongaussianity from Tachyonic Preheating in Hybrid Inflation

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    In a previous work we showed that large nongaussianities and nonscale-invariant distortions in the CMB power spectrum can be generated in hybrid inflation models, due to the contributions of the tachyon (waterfall) field to the second order curvature perturbation. Here we clarify, correct, and extend those results. We show that large nongaussianity occurs only when the tachyon remains light throughout inflation, whereas n=4 contamination to the spectrum is the dominant effect when the tachyon is heavy. We find constraints on the parameters of warped-throat brane-antibrane inflation from nongaussianity. For F-term and D-term inflation models from supergravity, we obtain nontrivial constraints from the spectral distortion effect. We also establish that our analysis applies to complex tachyon fields.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. Comments added to introductio

    Signatures of anisotropic sources in the squeezed-limit bispectrum of the cosmic microwave background

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    The bispectrum of primordial curvature perturbations in the squeezed configuration, in which one wavenumber, k3k_3, is much smaller than the other two, k3k1k2k_3\ll k_1\approx k_2, plays a special role in constraining the physics of inflation. In this paper we study a new phenomenological signature in the squeezed-limit bispectrum: namely, the amplitude of the squeezed-limit bispectrum depends on an angle between k1{\bf k}_1 and k3{\bf k}_3 such that Bζ(k1,k2,k3)2LcLPL(k^1k^3)Pζ(k1)Pζ(k3)B_\zeta(k_1, k_2, k_3) \to 2 \sum_L c_L P_L(\hat{\bf k}_1 \cdot \hat{\bf k}_3) P_\zeta(k_1)P_\zeta(k_3), where PLP_L are the Legendre polynomials. While c0c_0 is related to the usual local-form fNLf_{\rm NL} parameter as c0=6fNL/5c_0=6f_{\rm NL}/5, the higher-multipole coefficients, c1c_1, c2c_2, etc., have not been constrained by the data. Primordial curvature perturbations sourced by large-scale magnetic fields generate non-vanishing c0c_0, c1c_1, and c2c_2. Inflation models whose action contains a term like I(ϕ)2F2I(\phi)^2 F^2 generate c2=c0/2c_2=c_0/2. A recently proposed "solid inflation" model generates c2c0c_2\gg c_0. A cosmic-variance-limited experiment measuring temperature anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background up to max=2000\ell_{\rm max}=2000 is able to measure these coefficients down to δc0=4.4\delta c_0=4.4, δc1=61\delta c_1=61, and δc2=13\delta c_2=13 (68% CL). We also find that c0c_0 and c1c_1, and c0c_0 and c2c_2, are nearly uncorrelated. Measurements of these coefficients will open up a new window into the physics of inflation such as the existence of vector fields during inflation or non-trivial symmetry structure of inflaton fields. Finally, we show that the original form of the Suyama-Yamaguchi inequality does not apply to the case involving higher-spin fields, but a generalized form does.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in JCA

    Tachyon Defect Formation and Reheating in Brane-Antibrane Inflation

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    We study analytically the dynamical formation of lower dimensional branes at the endpoint of brane-antibrane inflation through the condensation of topological defects of the tachyon field which describes the instability of the initial state. We then use this information to quantify the efficiency of the reheating which is due to the coupling of time dependent tachyon background to massless gauge fields which will be localized on the final state branes. We improve upon previous estimates indicating that this can be an efficient reheating mechanism for observers on the brane.Comment: 9 pages. Talk given at the 26th annual Montreal-Rochester-Syracuse-Toronto Conference on High-Energy Physics: MRST 200

    Gravity waves and non-Gaussian features from particle production in a sector gravitationally coupled to the inflaton

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    We study the possibility that particle production during inflation could source observable gravity waves on scales relevant for Cosmic Microwave Background experiments. A crucial constraint on such scenarios arises because particle production can also source inflaton perturbations, and might ruin the usual predictions for a nearly scale invariant spectrum of nearly Gaussian curvature fluctuations. To minimize this effect, we consider two models of particle production in a sector that is only gravitationally coupled to the inflaton. For a single instantaneous burst of massive particle production, we find that localized features in the scalar spectrum and bispectrum might be observable, but gravitational wave signatures are unlikely to be detectable (due to the suppressed quadrupole moment of non-relativistic quanta) without invoking some additional effects. We also consider a model with a rolling pseudoscalar that leads to a continuous production of relativistic gauge field fluctuations during inflation. Here we find that gravitational waves from particle production can actually exceed the usual inflationary vacuum fluctuations in a regime where non-Gaussianity is consistent with observational limits. In this model observable B-mode polarization can be obtained for any choice of inflaton potential, and the amplitude of the signal is not necessarily correlated with the scale of inflation

    Observable non-gaussianity from gauge field production in slow roll inflation, and a challenging connection with magnetogenesis

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    In any realistic particle physics model of inflation, the inflaton can be expected to couple to other fields. We consider a model with a dilaton-like coupling between a U(1) gauge field and a scalar inflaton. We show that this coupling can result in observable non-gaussianity, even in the conventional regime where inflation is supported by a single scalar slowly rolling on a smooth potential: the time dependent inflaton condensate leads to amplification of the large-scale gauge field fluctuations, which can feed-back into the scalar/tensor cosmological perturbations. In the squeezed limit, the resulting bispectrum is close to the local one, but it shows a sizable and characteristic quadrupolar dependence on the angle between the shorter and the larger modes in the correlation. Observable non-gaussianity is obtained in a regime where perturbation theory is under control. If the gauge field is identified with the electromagnetic field, the model that we study is a realization of the magnetogenesis idea originally proposed by Ratra, and widely studied. This identification (which is not necessary for the non-gaussianity production) is however problematic in light of a strong coupling problem already noted in the literature.Comment: 28 pages, no figures. Final versio