7 research outputs found

    The Transition to the Circular Economy through Buyback Programs

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    The way we produce and consume contributes to many of today's environmental issues such as global warming, pollution, exhaustion of natural resources and biodiversity loss. In a circular economy, the value of products and materials is kept if possible, waste and use of resources are minimized, and resources do not leave the economic flow once they are at the end of their lifetime but are reused and create value. The aim of this paper is to investigate the degree of association of buyback programs with the concept of circular economy among young people. In terms of research methods, the questionnaire-based investigation method was chosen. The survey was conducted on a sample of 130 young people. The methodological tool used has the advantage of providing complex information and the objective possibility of correlating the indicators, thus making it possible to obtain credible and easy to interpret results


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    Entrepreneurship is now recognized as the fundamental economic basis for development of the country. It is considered as an active, determinant and orientated factor of the development of national economy.International business circles approach entrepreneurship as the driving force, aspiring towards globalization, ensuring the flow of goods and services. The objective of this study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of Romanian entrepreneurial ecosystem as well as motivating and supporting Generation Y in developing entrepreneurial initiative. Small Businesses represent the future of Romania. Own business offers the opportunity to express abilities and talent, for the application of the professional experience, for personal development. The purpose of this scientific approach is to propose a comprehensive analysis through a questionnaire distributed to the representatives of Generation Y from “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava. The survey had 118 respondentsbetween 20-35 years old,students of local University,of which were validated only 100 questionnaires and followed the way the younger Generation Y, regards entrepreneurship as a possible launch rail, on the labor market or even more, if it has been involved in the development of business environment,supporting and generating start-ups and designing trends and policies to encourage the prospective young entrepreneurs


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    Throughout this paper we conduct an argument about ethical behavior and managerial communication in business organizations, whether it is an effective or rather inefficient communication. The debate shall present information about what makes a manager or an employee develop the ethical or non-ethical behavior, as well as the barriers that often stand in the way of an organization's success. Issues of ethics in organizations as well as managerial communication are topical and searching for continuous improvement. Both specialized literature in psychology and sociology emphasize the idea of simple and clear communication, but also the ways we behave, we dress or express ourselves send messages to the people. The arguments of addressing these issues are the controversy that arises, the important link they have in business organizations and the fact that these seemingly insignificant details can make an organization succeed or, on the contrary, fail. We will also focus on positive aspects such as analyzing the skills of successful managers and what has led to such a great success in their career. This section will discuss ethical issues, as well as how effectively everyone communicates throughout his career, and last but not least, the relationship with employees and the way they have been motivated over time. Therefore, through this paper we will highlight the issue of managerial ethics and communication in the manager-employee relationship but also the psychological impact that can be triggered if some basic principles of management are not respected in this context


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    The development is a preamble of the improvement of the quality of life and includes both materials such as infrastructure, housing quality and living standards in general, but also spiritual elements such as education, freedom of expression and cultural manifestation.An important feature of human development reveals the fact that socioeconomic development is performed by people and, therefore, must be created and perfected human potential based on investment in man, namely in the field of education, education and culture, vocational training and health. Their active involvement in the development process is the key to success. Using the documentation and literature review identifies key factors of assessing the present situation of scientific research and European practice. The purpose of this paper is highlighting the existence of correlations between human development and economic growth from a theoretical point of view. The work Is structured as follows: in Section 1, is presented the stage of knowledge of theme proposed for the research, in section 2, we present some theories concerning economic growth; in Section 3, we discuss about the connection between economic growth and human development by using the HDI , and , finally, Section 4 contains the main conclusions of the paper


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    The modern society, in order to reach its current stage of development, has been through stages whose patterns have been stocked as important archives, which they constituted and built up a chain of values that allow us to call/ name the modern society a society of knowledge. The knowledge has become, by far, the most important asset and resource to which we report ourselves to into the organized and non-organized fields of our nowadays society, and the nature, evolution, dynamics of these organized domains of business entities have become a subject of fundamental importance to maximize their competitive advantage. In that matter, the scientific, theoretical, practical knowledge or the one resulted from experience, is the key determiner to acquire modern corporate success, at least in the more global context of markets and business processes. This paperwork comes to complete the idea, according to which, the competitive advantage of modern business entities/ corporations can’t be reached unless the general management strategy would include: processes, principles, techniques to make/ to create this knowledge productive, meaning to include the knowledge management strategy into the general one of the specific corporation. Another important aspect we want to emphasize is the importance of reporting ourselves to knowledge as a key factor for the development of the academic environment/ domain, as well as for the one of business organizations. In the present, workers are using more and more their minds rather than their hands, and the idea of knowledge worker in the business area has its roots, as we believe, in the institutional education. The high level of absorbing individuals who own intangible active stocks/ knowledgeis bigger and bigger, and this thing wouldn’t be possible without looking towards the academic domain as the main determiner in developing the human factor, and also being the supplier that fuels the quality of employment, mostly in modern corporations on all the organizational levels

    Dynamics of Teleworking and Impact on Stakeholders in the Current Pandemic Context

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    The exponential development of information and communication technology (ICT) through computer networks, Wi-Fi systems, wireless signals, and information storage systems has contributed to the transition to the so-called new economy, which is becoming increasingly digital and global. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, teleworking has begun to dramatically change the work dynamics for all stakeholders. The aim of this research was to identify the main impacting factors and their level of influence in relation to the macroeconomic context of teleworking, public policies, and the legal framework regarding quality of life, as well as the effects of teleworking on employees and employers. Through empirical research, we explored the perspectives of employees and employers as main stakeholders who had operated in the teleworking field within Suceava County in Romania during 2020. In this regard, we undertook exploratory research, the results of which were processed using SPSS v.20. The insightful results have practical implications for the labor market, where an obvious increase in the share of teleworking in the total forms of work has already occurred, and the relations between employer and employee are expected to become based more and more on cooperation and less on subordination. The results also revealed an important tendency of employees to appreciate the positive effects of teleworking on other aspects of life