337 research outputs found

    Favorability of representative and visionary leaders following an organizational crisis

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    Effective leaders are critical in ensuring the success of organizations. Particularly in crisis situations, employees look to leaders to guide the organization through hardships and achieve success in the face of challenges. I discuss and explore two main types of leadership style: visionary leadership and representative leadership. The present research consists of two experiments that investigate group members’ preference for one type of leader over another. Experiment 1 replicated Halevy et al.’s (2011) research exploring general preferences for visionary and representative leaders, comparing Halevy et al.’s (2011) original leader profiles and revised versions of leader profiles that equalize competence across the visionary and representative leaders. Results partially supported the hypothesis, showing that when competence is equalized across leadership styles, there is no significant difference in favorability between a visionary and representative leader. Experiment 2 explored people’s preferences for these two types of leaders in both an intragroup crisis and an intergroup crisis, extending the existing research. Results did not support the hypothesis, revealing no significant differences in leader style favorability in either an intragroup crisis or an intergroup crisis. In the control (no crisis) condition, participants significantly preferred a representative leader. However, when crisis condition was collapsed across type of condition, participants significantly preferred a representative leader. This preference was less robust than in a no crisis scenario, indicating a possible openness to a visionary leader in a crisis compared to no crisis

    Process parameter influence on high cycle fatigue life of direct metal laser sintered parts

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    Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) is a relatively new additive manufacturing (AM) technique. This manufacturing process involves fusing powdered metal layer by layer by using a high-powered laser. Although AM is expected to significantly transform the manufacturing process, there are some limitations that restrict the speed at which parts can be manufactured through the DMLS process. This study focuses on comprehending the influence of process parameters, and parameter interactions, involved in additive manufacturing by using an EOS M290 DMLS machine. A design of experiments is conducted to investigate process parameter in order to determine adequate parameters, or interactions, that can assist in comprehending the DMLS manufacturing process. The parameters tested in this study are layer thickness, laser scan speed, and laser hatch distance. These parameters have been primarily chosen because of their influence on build time. The response variables of the design of experiments include results from dynamic testing through cyclic fatigue. Fatigue testing data is obtained from a custom fatigue testing machine built specifically for this study. Additionally, tensile testing has been conducted to determine ultimate tensile strength.It can be concluded from the results of this study that layer thickness is a significant parameter that needs to be carefully evaluated for fatigue life consideration. The other two parameters tested in this study, scan speed and hatch distance, are seen to be statistically insignificant. Out of all possible parameter interactions tested in this study, the only statistically significant interaction between parameters is that of layer thickness and scan speed. Results from tensile tests conclude that ultimate tensile strength does not seem to be significantly affected by any process parameter. These results highlight the fact that while the static material properties may not be affected by different process parameters, the same conclusion cannot be made about the influence of process parameters on high cycle fatigue characteristics

    State Education Agency curriculum consultants' perceptions of the principalship in North Carolina

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of State Education Agency (SEA) curriculum consultants based in regional education centers in North Carolina concerning the role of the principal. This investigation considered the independent variables of region of the state where the consultant was employed, length of service as a curriculum consultant, gender and age of the consultant, highest degree earned by the consultant, existence of prior experience as a principal by the consultant, and the self-perception held by the consultants as to their role in a regional education center. Data were obtained from 41 responses to a survey mailed to the total population of 47 regional SEA curriculum consultants in North Carolina exclusive of the writer. Data were analyzed according to nine specific research questions asked by the study regarding perceptions of the population members as to the role of the principals with whom they work and of those in the rest of the state. This information was analyzed according to the seven independent variables used in the study. In addition, interviews were conducted with 16 curriculum consultants. The interview data were analyzed to give information about the desired relationship between principal and consultant

    Leadership styles of small, private, liberal arts college presidents in North Carolina

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    Although there has been much written about the leadership role of today's college president, there remains a lack of consensus about the value and distinctiveness of the president's leadership style. Vet, the effectiveness of the institution and the viability of its programs are projected by the image and leadership of its president. The purpose of this study was to investigate the leadership styles of small, private, liberal arts college presidents. Through this study, elements of the presidents' motivational patterns, leadership characteristics, performance behaviors, and leadership roles were explored. The president of each of the twenty-four small, private, liberal arts colleges in North Carolina was asked to complete Elias Porter's Strength Deployment Inventory and the Job Interactions Inventory. To serve as a counterpoint to each president's perception about his/her leadership style, five colleagues (the chief academic officer, chief student affairs officer, chief business officer, and two senior faculty members selected by the president) were asked to complete Porter's Strength Deployment Inventory: Feedback Edition

    “The Hush In The High Country”

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    The past year and a couple months have been globally tumultuous with the COVID-19 virus outbreak and pandemic. Following the outbreak of the virus, the college careers we had as students and faculty dramatically changed right before our very eyes. When I began this semester remotely, the second semester that would be online due to the pandemic, I was faced with the choice of what to base my departmental honors thesis on. I ultimately decided to write a series of flash-fiction stories that captured a few individual members of the Boone community’s experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic. I began with creating a short survey and posting it on the Boone community Facebook group, App State Classifieds. The first survey question asked if the individual lived in Boone. If they did not, their survey was immediately not considered for the project, as this was to be representative of the members of the town. Other questions included if the individual had tested positive with COVID-19 at any point, whether or not they experienced symptoms if diagnosed, their pronouns, and they were asked to describe a moment of complete happiness or sadness during the pandemic for me to base a piece off of. Each story was promised anonymity if the individual so choosed, and I have received clear consent of each individual to use their experiences for my creative liberty. There was some difficulty with the survey, however. Some people refused to give their consent to me, making their surveys immediately null. Some respondents gave nothing more to their explanation about their pandemic experience than “I was sad that I couldn’t see my friends.” In instances like this, I decided against using these responses because I would be forcing a story to come from nothing, and I feared it would not be representative of the Boone locals’ experience, making my thesis have less substance and truth to it. Due to these factors, I ultimately had less usable material for my thesis presentation than I originally thought. In parallel to our coronavirus journey so far, though, we must press on. In the end, I have a total of seven unique stories of Boone locals. My goal ultimately was to depict the lives and struggles of individuals throughout this entire situation. I chose a vignette style for these pieces of flash fiction, because I wanted to create the effect of peering into a moment in time in these subjects’ lives. As some respondents to the survey preferred anonymity, I have decided to title the individual pieces with their survey numbers, adding credit at the end for their allowance of me to use their stories. We’ve been tackling the virus this entire time as a whole, and we often forget that collective and shared experiences affect everyone a little differently

    An examination of devaluation of alternatives beyond physical attractiveness

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    Individuals in romantic relationships often encounter threats to the longevity of their current romantic relationship, such as noticing attractive alternative partners. To protect against such threats, committed individuals engage in a devaluation process in which they evaluate physically attractive individuals as less attractive than objectively warranted. The present study examines how individuals in romantic relationships evaluate attractive alternatives that possess desirable qualities beyond just physical attractiveness. One hundred and fifty-six participants were recruited from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and my university’s research participation pool for this study. Participants completed the commitment subscale of the Investment Model Scale (Rusbult et al., 1998) to measure commitment and evaluated fake dating profiles that independently varied in physical attractiveness, intelligence, status, and friendliness. Participants rated targets in accordance with their objective coding, creating a set of validated dating profiles. Surprisingly, this study also found that highly committed individuals devalued low status alternatives; however, no other devaluation effects were found. Future research can use these profiles to further study how individuals rate strangers

    Estimating Individual and Household Reproduction Numbers in an Emerging Epidemic

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    Reproduction numbers, defined as averages of the number of people infected by a typical case, play a central role in tracking infectious disease outbreaks. The aim of this paper is to develop methods for estimating reproduction numbers which are simple enough that they could be applied with limited data or in real time during an outbreak. I present a new estimator for the individual reproduction number, which describes the state of the epidemic at a point in time rather than tracking individuals over time, and discuss some potential benefits. Then, to capture more of the detail that micro-simulations have shown is important in outbreak dynamics, I analyse a model of transmission within and between households, and develop a method to estimate the household reproduction number, defined as the number of households infected by each infected household. This method is validated by numerical simulations of the spread of influenza and measles using historical data, and estimates are obtained for would-be emerging epidemics of these viruses. I argue that the household reproduction number is useful in assessing the impact of measures that target the household for isolation, quarantine, vaccination or prophylactic treatment, and measures such as social distancing and school or workplace closures which limit between-household transmission, all of which play a key role in current thinking on future infectious disease mitigation

    Cultivation of Human Corneal Endothelial Cells Isolated from Paired Donor Corneas

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    Consistent expansion of human corneal endothelial cells (hCECs) is critical in the development of tissue engineered endothelial constructs. However, a wide range of complex culture media, developed from different basal media have been reported in the propagation of hCECs, some with more success than others. These results are further confounded by donor-to-donor variability. The aim of this study is to evaluate four culture media in the isolation and propagation of hCECs isolated from a series of paired donor corneas in order to negate donor variability