579 research outputs found

    The unspoken voices of apartheid : confessions of the interregnum

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    This thesis examines the relationship between silence and confession in Athol Fugard’s Tsotsi, Sindiwe Magona’s Mother to Mother, and J. M. Coetzee’s Disgrace in order to show that the act of confession is often problematic, specifically when some characters choose to remain silent while other characters encourage their speech. The withholding of speech, then, becomes an act of empowerment and a rhetorical endeavor, where silence is more than the absence of speech; it is a way to communicate. Whether silence is to bring about a specific purpose, or is enforced because a character does not understand his or her situation and therefore cannot offer a sincere confession, the character has the power to choose whether or not to confess his or her story. Furthermore, this thesis explores the shift of control in three political climates: During apartheid, at the end of apartheid, and in post-apartheid South Africa in order to reflect the transferal of power from white hands to black hands. As suggested in the novels, the ability to speak correlates with the amount of power a subject has

    Appalachian Rural Homelessness: The Case Of Watauga County, North Carolina

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    There are no regional studies of Appalachian homelessness because there are not enough community studies from which to correlate regional trends. This thesis addresses that situation by compiling a history of homeless service provision in Watauga County, North Carolina from archival materials, agency narratives, and community recollections. That community is then compared to other Appalachian examples through site visits, a regional survey, and additional archival materials. This research discovered that, in the absence of systematic alternatives, local community efforts begun region-wide evolved from grass-roots and faith-based initiatives into federally dependent programs developing along prevailing urban patterns. The majority of successful shelters in Appalachia developed in rural commercial centers already moving towards urban status

    The Revenge Of Dreyfus: Charles Maurras And His Influence On Right-Wing Political Discourse

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    This thesis was born out of an interest in the recent surge of far-right nationalism in the 21st century and a curiosity about whether or not an analysis of the far-right surge in the early twentieth century can be used to better understand it. It includes an analysis of Charles Maurras, the founder of the French far right tradition, as well as a comparison between his ideas and the ideas of his ideological successors. In this thesis, I argue that Maurras employs a synthesis of two elements of thought: an aesthetic traditionalism, which prioritizes tradition, order, and cultural continuity, and a territorial xenophobia, which attacks foreigners and anti-French influences as unhealthy for France. Elements of aesthetic traditionalism are found to be admired and used by thinkers such as T.S. Eliot, while elements of his territorial xenophobia are found in the discourse surrounding contemporary far right movements. Both elements, although never both found together, are reflected in the ideas of nationalist figures and movements post-Maurras in order to respond to a perceived national degradation

    The Vascular Flora of Three Top Mountain Game Land Preserve, Ashe County, North Carolina

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    This study documented the flora of a Game Land Preserve on an isolated massif in Ashe County, North Carolina from Spring 2009 – Summer 2011. 317 taxa from 198 genera and 94 families compose the flora at Three Top Mountain Game Land Preserve. Of these 317 taxa, 27 taxa are listed as imperiled by the U.S. or North Carolina, including Liatris helleri, Geum radiatum, Houstonia montana, and Juncus trifidus. This flora is the only documentation of Campanula rotundifolia in the state of North Carolina. In addition to the previously documented communities, a Carolina Hemlock Forest community was documented. The flora compares with the other studies in the area, sharing similarities and showing variations in floristic composition. The flora compares with the expected number of taxa based on the generated species area curve from Southern Appalachian floras. This study addressed the challenges faced by botanists conducting floristic studies by introducing botanist and ecological effects that should be acknowledged when completing floristic studies and using floristic data. A cautionary note on the need to gather more data about floristic studies to be able to compare results appropriately is presented, as well as a theoretical model for the completion of a floristic study

    The Animal Within: Edward Albee’s Deconstruction of Human Privilege in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

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    In 1962, with the premiere of Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? came a firestorm of ardent yet ambivalent responses from scholars and critics alike, who acknowledged the play’s dramatic intrigue but also its over exaggerated portrayal of the “battle of the sexes.” Albee’s theatrical spectacle disturbed many, and as a result, many reviewers and scholars began to use a notable discourse to discuss the play, calling the characters “diseased,” the language “murderous,” and the play as proof of civilization’s “decadence” or possessing the breadth of apocalypse. In this thesis, I argue that, in Who’s Afraid, Albee’s critique of human privilege (privilege related to class, gender, nationality, and ultimately humans’ perception of their “privilege” over animals) was a primary catalyst to this fervent response and can provide insight into how Albee’s particular technique of deconstructing the human/animal hierarchy yields a dramatic response from audiences

    World enough and time : a vision of man

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    On November 7, 1825, a young lawyer of southern Kentucky, Jereboam 0. Beauchamp, stabbed to death the Attorney General of the state, Colonel Solomon P. Sharp, in the doorway of Sharp's Frankfort home. The murder and the trial were sensational, but the appeal of the incident to writers from then until the present lies in the events leading up to the homicide. The primary source for the literary treatments of the tragedy has been "The Confession of Jereboam 0. Beauchamp, Who was Executed at Frankfort, Ky. on the 7th of July, 1826 for the Murder of Col. Solomon P. Sharp," which was written by the murderer in his cell as he awaited his execution and was published posthumously in 1826 in Bloomfield, Kentucky

    A study of personal and home living needs of rural high school girls in western North Carolina

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    Educators are disturbed about the many unmet needs of high school youth. "Among these unmet needs, none is more urgent than the need for sound, practical education for home and family living."1 Education must come at or below the high school level if it is to reach those needing education for family living. The North Carolina Education Commission survey reveals that …approximately one half of those entering high school drop out before graduation. This is especially true in the smaller high schools; 42.4 per cent of students entering 9th grade remain to graduate in 3-4 teacher high schools; About 13 per cent of students go to college.2 High school training for family living is reaching only a small proportion of the students at the present time. Folsom says in regard to education for family living: ". . . we must face the reality that probably not more than 10 per cent of youth now in high school are reached by all existing high school programs combined. ... it is second to no institution in its importance for education in family living."

    Legal aspects of child abuse and neglect as related to the public schools

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    Although the violent abuse of children is not a new phenomenon, public and professional concern over the plight of abused children has developed primarily in the last two decades in this country. Intense interest in the problem of child abuse was awakened when medical and other professional authorities recognized the "battered child syndrome" in the 1960's. Child abuse and neglect usually takes place in the privacy of the home; therefore, no one knows exactly the number of children affected. In order for the child to be protected, child abuse must be discovered and reported. Much of the research indicates a majority of abuse and neglect goes unreported for various reasons

    Factors influencing quality of life in older adults with osteoarthritis prior to total knee replacement

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    The purposes of this study were to explore the expectations of older adults with medically diagnosed osteoarthritis (OA) who are scheduled for total knee replacement (TKR) surgery and to examine factors that influence the older adult's quality of life prior to TKR surgery. The revised Wilson and Cleary model of health-related quality of life was used to guide the study. Characteristics of the individual (age, race, sex, expectations), characteristic of the environment (social support), biological factors (body mass index), symptoms (pain, fatigue, depression), functional status, and general health perception were examined to determine their influence on overall quality of life. A cross-sectional, correlational non-experimental study was conducted with a convenience sample of 75 older adults who were planning first time TKR surgery for OA of the knee. Participants were mostly female (76%), White (67%), married (73%), and approximately one-third reported an annual household income greater than $71,000. The ages of the sample ranged from 52 to 86 years, with a mean age of 69 years (SD = 8.179). When all 11 variables were included in the model, 62% of the variability in overall quality of life was explained. However, only the variables of depression, functional status, general health perception, and social support significantly (p <= 0.05) contributed to quality of life. Individuals in this study reported high expectations for the outcomes of the TKR surgery, such as improved symptoms and physical function as well as high overall quality of life. Future studies should continue to explore the indirect influence of expectations and the relationships among the factors that influence the older adult's quality of life prior to TKR surgery to develop interventions to enhance their quality of life

    Social dance in North Carolina before the twentieth century : an overview

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    It was the purpose of this study to examine the existing historical materials available in North Carolina concerning social dance, in order to determine to what extent the early settlers participated in this form of recreation. Data were collected primarily through perusal of materials found mainly in the Southern Historical Collection at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, North Carolina; the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources in the Department of Archives and History in Raleigh, North Carolina; and archives and special collections at various public libraries throughout North Carolina. A second method of collection of data was to obtain a list of all historical societies in North Carolina and to contact each one about material on the topic of social dance. A third method of collection of data involved formulating a list of the existing preparatory schools and colleges in North Carolina who received their charters before the twentieth century in order to investigate any material they might have had on the topic
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