8 research outputs found

    Economic Efficiency of Processed Hibiscus Sabdanriffa (Roselle) Drink in Imo State, Nigeria

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    The study developed a model to evaluate efficiencies of Zobo drink processors in Imo State using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Data were collected from 163 Zobo drink processors across 36 markets in the study area and was analyzed under the constant returns to scale (CRTS) and variable returns to scale (VRTS) assumptions. Result showed that Zobo processing was highly profitable with about 44.34% net margin on total revenue generated. Mean economic efficiency scores estimated from the DEA frontier for both CRTS and VRTS were 0.537 and 0.683. Sex, educational level and alternative to income were most statistically significant factors. It was recommended that more male involvements are encouraged in Zobo drink; educated individuals particularly unemployed are advised to engage and create a cliché for themselves through the use of more innovative processing and packaging activities and adopting cost-minimizing input mixes of best-practice to enable them become fully efficient

    Proximate, Functional and Anti-Nutritional Properties of Boiled Ukpo Seed (Mucuna flagellipes) Flour

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    gUkpoh (<i>Mucuna flagellipes</i>) seed flour is one of the soup thickeners used in most rural Igbo-speaking communities of Southern Nigeria. Its preparation is usually associated with long cooking time which is required to soften the cotyledon before grinding as well as reduce the anti-nutritional components of the seed. This work was therefore aimed at determining the effect of boiling time on some functional properties and antinutritional properties of the ukpo seed flour. The result obtained showed that there were slight reductions in the protein, fat and ash content as boiling time increased probably due to leaching. All the functional properties analysed increased significantly (p .0.05) with increasing boiling time. The water absorption, oil absorption and emulsion capacities increased from values of 1.60 ml/g, 1.23 ml/g and 9.3 ml/g respectively at 0 minutes to 3.2 ml/g, 2.8 ml/g and 17.66 ml/g respectively at 60 minutes. The bulk density and swelling index also increased from 0.72 g/ml to 1.17cm3/cm3 and from 1.02 g/ml to 1.36 cm3/cm3 respectively. The oxalate, tannin, saponin, phenol and phytate contents decreased significantly (p .0.05) with increasing boiling time. The values at 60 minutes boiling time were 0.14%, 0.182%, 0.434%, 0.146% and 0.719% respectively. These results suggest that heat treatment improves the performance of the Ukpo flour in soup thickening while reducing to a large extent the anti-nutritional properties.Keywords: Thickners, anti-nutritional, functional properties

    Understanding Treatment Refusal Among Adults Presenting for HIV-Testing in Soweto, South Africa: A Qualitative Study

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    HIV treatment initiatives have focused on increasing access to antiretroviral therapy (ART). There is growing evidence, however, that treatment availability alone is insufficient to stop the epidemic. In South Africa, only one third of individuals living with HIV are actually on treatment. Treatment refusal has been identified as a phenomenon among people who are asymptomatic, however, factors driving refusal remain poorly understood. We interviewed 50 purposively sampled participants who presented for voluntary counseling and testing in Soweto to elicit a broad range of detailed perspectives on ART refusal. We then integrated our core findings into an explanatory framework. Participants described feeling “too healthy” to start treatment, despite often having a diagnosis of AIDS. This subjective view of wellness was framed within the context of treatment being reserved for the sick. Taking ART could also lead to unintended disclosure and social isolation. These data provide a novel explanatory model of treatment refusal, recognizing perceived risks and social costs incurred when disclosing one’s status through treatment initiation. Our findings suggest that improving engagement in care for people living with HIV in South Africa will require optimizing social integration and connectivity for those who test positive

    Biochemistry and Pathophysiology of the Molecular Forms of Cholinesterases

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    Platelets: versatile effector cells in hemostasis, inflammation, and the immune continuum

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    Pharmacology of Antimalarial Drugs, Current Anti-malarials

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