628 research outputs found

    Relationships between genetic diversity, clonal structure and sudden apsen decline in Kaibab National Forest, Arizona

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    Rapid and extensive dieback of aspen stands in the western United States, termed ‘Sudden Aspen Decline,’ has been attributed to combinations of predisposing inciting and contributing factors. A recent study in the Kaibab National Forest near Flagstaff, AZ conducted by Zegler (2011) was intended in part to examine the relationships between aspen crown dieback and mortality with predisposing stand factors and contributing damaging agents. However, the genetic diversity and clonal structure of the sample sites used in this study had not been estimated. This provided a unique opportunity to combine a genetic dataset with preexisting measurements of stand degradation and environmental conditions to test for relationships between them. The objectives of this study were 1) to estimate the genetic diversity of aspen in the study area, 2) to assess clonal structure to make inferences of historical reproductive patterns, and 3) to test for relationships between genetic diversity, clonal structure, and signs of SAD. To accomplish this, microsatellite multilocus genotypes were generated from tissue samples taken from a subset of sample sites from Zegler (2011). Analysis of the genotypes from these sites revealed an association between genotypic diversity and northerly aspect, and levels of site degradation showed a positive relationship with mean heterozygosity. I speculate that the association between genotypic diversity and northerly aspect may be due to higher rates of aspen seedling recruitment among northerly aspects, and that the relationship between heterozygosity and stand degradation results from ancient clonal lineages with both high levels of heterozygosity and poor fitness under current conditions. I conclude that conservation efforts encouraging the propagation of seedlings and younger clones would improve resistance of the greater aspen population in Kaibab National Forest to Sudden Aspen Decline

    CEO International Assignment Experience and Corporate Social Performance

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    Research suggests that international assignment experience enhances awareness ofsocietal stakeholders, influences personal values, and provides rare and valuableresources. Based on these arguments, we hypothesize that CEO international assignmentexperience will lead to increased corporate social performance (CSP) and will bemoderated by the CEO's functional background. Using a sample of 393 CEOs of S&P 500companies and three independent data sources, we find that CEO internationalassignment experience is positively related to CSP and is significantly moderated by theCEO's functional background. Specifically, CEOs with international assignmentexperience and an output functional background (e.g., marketing and sales) arepositively associated with greater CSP

    Strength in numbers or guilt by association?: Intragroup effects of female chief executive appointments

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    We predict that the media reports on female CEOs as a coherent group, whereas male CEOs are treated as individuals by the media. We also suggest that the resulting investors’ perceptions of group entitativity of female-led ?rms may not only in?uence the succession event–performance relationship at the focal ?rm, but may also have a signi?cant effect on the value of other female-led companies. Results of a text analysis and an event study of appointments of female CEOs to Fortune 1000 ?rms provide support for these predictions

    The Empty Bowls Project: Creating, Leading, and Sustaining a Social Enterprise

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    Lisa and John never envisioned that a luncheon held 20 years ago at their local high school would grow into The Empty Bowls Project, an international grassroots effort to fight hunger. The premise is simple in that potters, educators, students, and others create handcrafted bowls and serve a simple meal of soup and bread. In exchange for cash donations, attendees take home the bowl to recall all the empty bowls in the world. Monies raised are donated to community-based organizations working toward food security. The founders subsequently formed the nonprofit Imagine Render and now are considering their succession and future direction

    Beyond ‘‘Does it Pay to be Green?’’ A Meta-Analysis of Moderators of the CEP–CFP Relationship

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    Review of extant research on the corporate environmental performance (CEP) and corporate financial performance (CFP) link generally demonstrates a positive relationship. However, some arguments and empirical results have demonstrated otherwise. As a result, researchers have called for a contingency approach to this research stream, which moves beyond the basic question ‘‘does it pay to be green?’’ and instead asks ‘‘when does it pay to be green?’’ In answering this call, we provide a meta-analytic review of CEP–CFP literature in which we identify potential moderators to the CEP–CFP relationship including environmental performance type (e.g., reactive vs. proactive performance), firm characteristics (e.g., large vs. small firms), and methodological issues (e.g., self-report measures). By analyzing these contingencies, this study attempts to provide a basis on which to draw conclusions regarding some inconsistencies and debates in the CEP–CFP research. Some of the results of the moderator analysis suggest that small firms benefit from environmental performance as much or more than large firms, US firms seem to benefit more than international counterparts, and environmental performance seems to have the strongest influence on market- measures of financial performance

    The Future of the Planet in the Hands of MBAs: An Examination of CEO MBA Education and Corporate Environmental Performance

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    Several critics contend that MBA education is irrelevant to practicing managers (e.g., Mintzberg, 2004), while others suggest it creates a pro fits- first mentality without regard for moral considerations (e.g., Ghoshal, 2005). Based on these criticisms, we explore the implications for CEOs with an M BA degree-specifically, if and how their M BA ed ucation might influence their firms' corporate environmental performance (CEPJ. Extant literature provides conflicting arguments; therefore, we empirically tested the relationship using a sample of 416 S&P 500 CEOs and found a significant positive association between CEOs with M BAs and CEP, even alter accounting for several firm- and individual-level characteristics. In addition, post-hoc analysis revealed that the MBA program ranking had no effect on CEP

    Edward Lear and the Liberarion of Young Readers Through Nonsense

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    The author examines the work of the English artist and poet Edward Lear, specifically his nonsense poetry, and considers how Lear uses nonsense as a means of exploring content that might otherwise be considered too socially or emotionally complex for children

    America’s backbone: a contemporary analysis of Black women and the trap of loyalty

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    Black women’s dual subordinate identities (black and woman) create unique experiences in America which are often erased or ignored. Studies focusing on race center on black men, while studies on gender focus on white women. Richie’s (1985, 2012) trap of loyalty, the cultural and emotional exploitation of black women, helps to provide insight into black women’s unique perspectives in America. The trap of loyalty consists of three defining qualities: (1) Black women are more privileged than black men; (2) Black women are expected to endure their abuse in silence; and (3) Black women are expected to buffer their family from racism. This study answers the question: In what ways is the black woman’s experience in the United States today defined, or not defined, by the trap of loyalty? In this study, I conduct one-on-one interviews with 8 black women and femmes to examine the absence or presence of the three defining qualities. Findings indicate that black women and femmes are expected to prioritize race above all other identities, often meaning an erasure of gender issues and the endurance of abuse in silence. The erasure of black women’s experiences and issues continues to leave them vulnerable to racism and sexism in America

    Fixed interval reinforcement for a situational response

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    The present study examined fixed interval reinforcement of a situational response in a shuttlebox for pigeons. In Experiment 1 the response, being in the responding color, was reinforced on an FI schedule and compared with behavior generated by a fixed time schedule. For the FI schedules reinforcement did not interrupt responding, and the bird began the interval in the responding color. The pause-respond pattern of behavior typically observed with fixed interval schedules of reinforcement was not observed, and the birds tended to remain in the responding color throughout the interval. The manipulations in Experiment 2 were designed to evaluate the importance of several features inherent Ln a discrete response schedule for generating FI schedule control in more general situations. Two modified situational responses and a discrete shuttle response were reinforced on FI schedules. Pause-respond patterning was observed for each of the schedules, and no significant difference was noted between the schedules when the proportion of the total responding was plotted for successive quarters of the fixed interval

    The effects of selected soaps upon the removal of soil from dacron-and-cotton and similar all-cotton fabrics

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    One of the best selling fabrics on the market today is the dynamic blend of 65 per cent Dacron1 35 per cent cotton. A great variety in styling is now available and is making the influence of the fabric widespread. It is being used in men's dress and sport shirtings, ladies' dresses and blouses, and is expected to gain in the sportswear and suiting fields with a carry-over into all-season apparel. Even though fabrics made of this blend are higher in price, recent studies have shown that the price-conscious consumer will frequently buy a Dacron-and-cotton garment. Dacron-and-cotton and all-cotton fabrics look the same and it is only after several wearings and laundering that the superior performance of this blend is definitely established. As a result of studies it has been concluded that the Dacron-and-cotton blend offers better long-term value in looks, performance, and minimum care.
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