34 research outputs found

    Effects of Lateral Diffusion on the Dynamics of Desorption

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    The adsorbate dynamics during simultaneous action of desorption and lateral adsorbate diffusion is studied in a simple lattice-gas model by kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. It is found that the action of the coverage-conserving diffusion process during the course of the desorption has two distinct, competing effects: a general acceleration of the desorption process, and a coarsening of the adsorbate configuration through Ostwald ripening. The balance between these two effects is governed by the structure of the adsorbate layer at the beginning of the desorption process

    Revealing the molecular structure of soot precursors

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    The earliest stages of soot formation in flames are believed to involve the formation of small, nanoscale clusters of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules. The structure of these clusters is still highly uncertain, however, impeding the construction of quantitative models of soot inception and growth. To provide insight into the structure of incipient soot, we produced nanoclusters of hydrocarbon molecules by annealing coronene films deposited on Pt(111), and examined them with scanning tunneling microcopy. We find that clusters containing ∼20–100 molecules, are disordered agglomerations of stacks that are ∼5–6 molecules tall. These structures are quite distinct from crystalline coronene, but bear a striking resemblance to recently proposed models for the equilibrium structure of similarly-sized clusters that are assumed to initiate soot formation. In contrast to mature soot, the surfaces of these clusters contain very few molecules with graphitic planes oriented parallel to the surface

    Correlating Electron Tomography and Atom Probe Tomography

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