28 research outputs found

    Subsystems, Flowpaths, and the Spatial Variability of Nitrogen in a Fluvial Ecosystem

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    Nutrient dynamics in rivers affect biogeochemical fluxes from land to oceans and the atmosphere. Fluvial ecosystems are thus important environments for understanding spatial variability in nutrient concentrations. At the San Pedro River in semi-arid Arizona, USA, we investigated how variability in dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) was regulated by subsystem type and hydrological flowpaths. The three subsystems we compared were the riparian zone, parafluvial (gravel bar) zone, and surface stream. DIN concentration was greater in the riparian zone than in the surface stream, suggesting that the riparian zone retains DIN and is a source of N for the surface stream. Parafluvial zones were too variable to generalize how they regulate DIN. Our hypothesis that subsystem type regulates DIN oxidation was too simple. The riparian and parafluvial zones host a mosaic of oxidizing and reducing conditions, as they exhibited highly variable ammonium to nitrate (NH 4 +:NO 3 - ) ratios. Surface stream DIN was dominated by NO 3 - . Along a subsurface flowpath in the riparian zone, we did not observe spatial covariation among the N forms and transformations involved in mineralization. We also compared spatial variability in solute concentrations between flowpaths and non-flowpath reference areas. Our mixed results suggest that spatial variability is regulated in part by flowpaths, but also by solute-specific processing length along a flowpath. To understand the distribution of N in fluvial ecosystems, subsystem type and flowpaths are readily discernable guides, but they should be coupled with other mechanistic factors such as biota and soil type

    The Spatial Structure of Variability in a Semi-Arid, Fluvial Ecosystem

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    The arrangement and composition of flowpath types within a given network are thought to govern its functioning. This concept assumes that different flowpath types are functionally distinct. We investigated this assumption in a fluvial ecosystem by comparing the riparian zone, parafluvial zone (in-channel gravel bars), and surface stream. We hypothesized that differences in advection, uptake, and sorption would render material cycles more (a) open and (b) mutable in the surface stream, whereas the converse would occur in the riparian zone, and an intermediate state would be seen in the intervening parafluvial zone. To test our first hypothesis, we predicted that spatial heterogeneity in solute concentrations would be least in the surface stream, greater in the parafluvial zone, and greatest in the riparian zone. Using a null model, we ascertained that this pattern was shown by all solute species we examined (nitrate, ammonium, total dissolved inorganic nitrogen [DIN], dissolved organic N, total dissolved N, soluble reactive phosphorus, dissolved organic carbon, and chloride). To test our second hypothesis, we predicted that temporal change in spatial heterogeneity would be greatest in the surface stream, less in the parafluvial zone, and least in the riparian zone. Nitrate, DIN, and chloride showed this pattern. In particular, surface stream inorganic N was less spatially variable following months of high rainfall. According to an extant hypothesis, these results suggest that inorganic N processing may be a stable function in this ecosystem. Other solute species did not support our second prediction, perhaps because their retention and release dynamics are influenced principally by geochemistry. Generally, our findings indicate that a geomorphic template can generate spatial patterns in ecosystem function, warranting an expansion of the spiraling framework to a variety of flowpath types

    Plasticity in Resource Allocation and Nitrogen-Use Efficiency in Riparian Vegetation: Implications for Nitrogen Retention

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    In this work, we summarize our current understanding of the function of riparian zones and describe an investigation of changes in the production per unit nitrogen (N) taken up, or nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE) and resource allocation of a riparian shrub in response to changes in N availability. Empirical work included measuring leaf %N and root-to-shoot ratios (R:S) of individual riparian shrubs (Baccharis salicifolia, or seepwillow) growing at a range of N availabilities in the field and growing in fertilized and unfertilized plots in a field fertilization experiment. In both observational and experimental work, N availability was related positively to %N of plant tissues and negatively to R:S. We used a simulation model to investigate feedbacks between seepwillow responses to and effects on N availability. In the model, plasticity in resource allocation and NUE in response to changes in N led to lower productivity at low N supply and higher productivity and lower retention at high N supply than was observed in plants constrained to a constant %N and R:S. Furthermore, uptake became relatively more important as a retention mechanism when plants responded to high N supply. These feedbacks could have significant effects on N retention by riparian zones in watersheds receiving large fertilizer inputs of N or on ecosystems exposed to high rates of atmospheric N deposition

    The effect of nutrient enrichment of either the bank or the surface water on shoreline vegetation and decomposition

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    Riparian ecosystems can harbor great diversity and provide important ecological functions such as improving water quality. The impact of eutrophication on riparian ecosystems, however, is unclear. We conducted a mesocosm experiment to study the effects of nutrient loading on riparian ecosystems. We specifically asked whether the source of nutrients in the riparian zone affects the complex interactions that occur between surface water and adjacent wetlands. We also studied litter decomposition in the wetland component of the mesocosms, because litter accumulation in fens is assumed to control succession toward floating mats. Each mesocosm consisted of an upland component, referred to as the bank, and a water compartment. The bank and water compartments were planted with typical riparian zone and open water fen species prior to the addition of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in different combinations to either the bank or the surface water. Nutrient addition (mainly P) resulted in increased plant production and higher expansion rates of plants on the bank and in the water. There were also clear interactions in plant responses between the bank and water. Only eutrophic species increased shoot densities after fertilization. Nutrient addition further resulted in higher litter production, especially on the banks, and stimulated decomposition. Both the plant responses and the litter experiment indicated that eutrophication would accelerate succession to floating mats. Such floating fen mats are not likely to have the typical species-rich combination of desirable species; however, as our results suggest that they would be dominated by a few eutrophic species.

    Nutrient vectors and riparian processing: A review with special reference to African semiarid Savanna ecosystems

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    Nutrient Vectors and Riparian Processing: A Review with Special Reference to African Semiarid Savanna Ecosystems

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