30 research outputs found

    Expression patterns of angiogenic and lymphangiogenic factors in ductal breast carcinoma in situ

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    The objective of this study was to investigate expression of various growth factors associated with angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis and of their receptors in ductal carcinomas in situ of the breast (DCIS). We studied protein expression of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A, endothelin (ET)-1, and VEGF-C, and their receptors bFGF-R1, Flt-1, KDR, ETAR, ETBR, and Flt-4 immunohistochemically in 200 DCIS (pure DCIS: n=96; DCIS adjacent to an invasive component: n=104) using self-constructed tissue microarrays. Basic fibroblast growth factor-R1, VEGF-C, Flt-4, and ETAR were expressed in the tumour cells in the majority of cases, whereas bFGF and Flt-1 expression was rarely observed. VEGF-A, KDR, ET-1, and ETBR were variably expressed. The findings of VEGF-C and its receptor Flt-4 as lymphangiogenic factors being expressed in tumour cells of nearly all DCIS lesions and the observed expression of various angiogenic growth factors in most DCIS suggest that in situ carcinomas are capable of inducing angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis. Moreover, we found a higher angiogenic activity in pure DCIS as compared to DCIS with concomitant invasive carcinoma. This association of angiogenic factors with pure DCIS was considerably more pronounced in the subgroup of non-high-grade DCIS (n=103) as compared with high-grade DCIS (n=94). Determination of these angiogenic markers may therefore facilitate discrimination between biologically different subgroups of DCIS and could help to identify a particularly angiogenic subset with a potentially higher probability of recurrence or of progression to invasiveness. For these DCIS, targeting angiogenesis may represent a feasible therapeutic approach for prevention of progression of DCIS to invasion

    An expression signature of syndecan-1 (CD138), E-cadherin and c-met is associated with factors of angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in ductal breast carcinoma in situ

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    INTRODUCTION: Heparan sulphate proteoglycan syndecan-1 modulates cell proliferation, adhesion, migration and angiogenesis. It is a coreceptor for the hepatocyte growth factor receptor c-met, and its coexpression with E-cadherin is synchronously regulated during epithelial-mesenchymal transition. In breast cancer, changes in the expression of syndecan-1, E-cadherin and c-met correlate with poor prognosis. In this study we evaluated whether coexpression of these functionally linked prognostic markers constitutes an expression signature in ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast that may promote cell proliferation and (lymph)angiogenesis. METHODS: Expression of syndecan-1, E-cadherin and c-met was detected immunohistochemically using a tissue microarray in tumour specimens from 200 DCIS patients. Results were correlated with the expression patterns of angiogenic and lymphangiogenic markers. Coexpression of the three prognostic markers was evaluated in human breast cancer cells by confocal immunofluorescence microscopy and RT-PCR. RESULTS: Coexpression and membrane colocalization of the three markers was confirmed in MCF-7 cells. E-cadherin expression decreased, and c-met expression increased progressively in more aggressive cell lines. Tissue microarray analysis revealed strong positive staining of tumour cells for syndecan-1 in 72%, E-cadherin in 67.8% and c-met in 48.6% of DCIS. E-cadherin expression was significantly associated with c-met and syndecan-1. Expression of c-met and syndecan-1 was significantly more frequent in the subgroup of patients with pure DCIS than in those with DCIS and a coexisting invasive carcinoma. Levels of c-met and syndecan-1 expression were associated with HER2 expression. Expression of c-met significantly correlated with expression of endothelin A and B receptors, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A and fibroblast growth factor receptor-1, whereas E-cadherin expression correlated significantly with endothelin A receptor, VEGF-A and VEGF-C staining. CONCLUSION: Syndecan-1, E-cadherin and c-met constitute a marker signature associated with angiogenic and lymphangiogenic factors in DCIS. This coexpression may reflect a state of parallel activation of different signal transduction pathways, promoting tumour cell proliferation and angiogenesis. Our findings have implications for future therapeutic approaches in terms of a multiple target approach, which may be useful early in breast cancer progression

    Der Einsatz von Unterrichtsvideos in der universitären Ausbildung: Zur Wirksamkeit video- und transkriptgestützter Seminare zur Klassenführung auf pädagogisches Wissen und situationsspezifische Fähigkeiten angehender Lehrkräfte

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    Untersucht wird, inwieweit Unterrichtsvideos für den Erwerb situationsspezifischer Fähigkeiten im Bereich der Klassenführung sowie für den Zuwachs an pädagogischem Wissen bei Lehramtsstudierenden lernwirksamer sind als Unterrichtstranskripte. Ein dafür entwickeltes Training wurde in einer video- und einer transkriptgestützten Experimentalgruppe (je zwei Seminare) durchgeführt. Als Kontrollgruppe dienten drei Seminare aus dem gleichen Bachelormodul. In diesen sieben Seminare (222 Lehramtsstudierende) erfolgte eine Prä-/Postmessung. Zum Einsatz kamen ein videobasierter Test zur Klassenführungsexpertise sowie ein inhaltlich breiter angelegter Papier-Bleistift-Test zum pädagogischen Wissen. Die Studierenden der Experimentalgruppen wurden außerdem zu ihrer Motivation und zur erlebten kognitiven Aktivierung befragt. Studierende der video- und transkriptgestützten Seminare weisen (im Gegensatz zur Kontrollgruppe) in beiden Tests statistisch signifikante Zuwächse mit praktischer Bedeutsamkeit auf. Zwischen den Experimentalgruppen finden sich keine Unterschiede im Zuwachs. Allerdings wird in den videogestützten Seminaren das Lernmedium vor allem kognitiv aktivierender eingeschätzt als in den transkriptgestützten Seminaren. The final version of this reseach has been published in Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. © 2017 Springer Verla