22 research outputs found

    Exploration of the relationship between sleep position and isolated tongue base or multilevel surgery in obstructive sleep apnea

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    This study aimed to elucidate the role of sleep position as a confounding factor on apnea hypopnea index (AHI) and surgical success in isolated tongue base or multilevel surgery. This study was conducted using retrospective analysis of patients who underwent hyoid suspension because of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), in the St. Lucas Andreas Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from 2004 to 2011. Concurrent surgical treatment was documented. Sleep positions and corresponding AHIs before and after surgery were compared. A total of 130 patients were included. 94 patients underwent surgery of base of tongue and palate (either uvulopalatopharyngoplasty or Z-palatoplasty), of whom 72 underwent concurrent radiofrequent thermotherapy of the base of tongue. 36 patients underwent base of tongue surgery alone, of whom 22 underwent concurrent radiofrequent thermotherapy of the base of tongue. 65 patients either had a successful reduction in AHI or in AI. Isolated tongue base or multilevel surgery was as successful on the supine AHI as it was on the AHI in other sleeping positions. Surgery was not more successful in the group with position-dependent patients as compared with the non-position-dependent patients (P = 0.615). Successful and non-successful surgical results could not be explained by variations in percentages of supine sleep position. Sleep position is not a confounding factor on surgical outcomes in tongue base surgery. The results of isolated base of tongue or multilevel surgery in position-dependent OSA patients leave room for improvement, possibly through positional therapy

    Sleep-related laryngospasm

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    Seven patients (mean age 46.6; range 33-58; 6M.1F) presented with sleep-related choking episodes and were found to have features in common that distinguished them from other known causes of choking episodes during sleep. The characteristic features include: an awakening from sleep with an acute choking sensation, stridor, panic, tachycardia, short duration of episode Gess than 60 seconds), infrequent episodes (typically less than 1 per month), and absence of any known etiology. The disorder most commonly occurs in middle-aged males who are otherwise healthy. In one patient an episode of laryngospasm was polysomnographically documented to occur during stage 3. The clinical features and the polysomnographic findings suggest spasm of the vocal cords of unknown etiology