21 research outputs found

    Superior olivary complex organization and cytoarchitecture may be correlated with function and catarrhine primate phylogeny

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    In the mammalian auditory system, the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body and the lateral superior olive (MNTB-LSO system) contribute to binaural intensity processing and lateralization. Localization precision varies with the sound frequencies. As recency of common ancestry with human beings increases, primates have improved low-frequency sensitivity and reduced sensitivity to higher frequencies. The medial part of the MNTB is devoted to higher frequency processing. Thus, its high-frequency-dependent function is nearly lost in humans and its role in binaural processing as part of the contralateral pathway to the LSO remains questionable. Here, Nissl-stained sections of the superior olivary complex of man (Homo sapiens), bonobo (Pan paniscus), chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus), gibbon (Hylobates lar), and macaque (Macaca fascicularis) were compared to reveal differences and coincidences. From chimpanzees to humans, the size of the LSO decreased, and the MNTB as a compact nucleus nearly disappears. From chimpanzees to humans, the LSO/MNTB ratio increases dramatically too, whereas the LSO/MSO ratio remains 1.1; a finding that probably corresponds to the phylogenetic proximity between the species

    Genetic architecture of human plasma lipidome and its link to cardiovascular disease

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    Understanding genetic architecture of plasma lipidome could provide better insights into lipid metabolism and its link to cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Here, we perform genome-wide association analyses of 141 lipid species (n = 2,181 individuals), followed by phenome-wide scans with 25 CVD related phenotypes (n = 511,700 individuals). We identify 35 lipid-species-associated loci (P <5 x10(-8)), 10 of which associate with CVD risk including five new loci-COL5A1, GLTPD2, SPTLC3, MBOAT7 and GALNT16 (false discovery rate<0.05). We identify loci for lipid species that are shown to predict CVD e.g., SPTLC3 for CER(d18:1/24:1). We show that lipoprotein lipase (LPL) may more efficiently hydrolyze medium length triacylglycerides (TAGs) than others. Polyunsaturated lipids have highest heritability and genetic correlations, suggesting considerable genetic regulation at fatty acids levels. We find low genetic correlations between traditional lipids and lipid species. Our results show that lipidomic profiles capture information beyond traditional lipids and identify genetic variants modifying lipid levels and risk of CVD