212 research outputs found

    A simple and sensitive gas chromatography–electron capture detection method for analyzing perfluorocarbon tracers in soil gas samples for storage of carbon dioxide

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    Co-injection of a conservative tracer during the geological sequestration of CO2 can imprint a marker to the injected gas that can be easily recognized during soil gas surveys in case of CO2 leakage from the reservoir toward the surface. In this work, an ultra-trace detection method, based on gas chromatography with electron capture detection for analyzing perfluorocarbon tracers (PFTs) in soil gas samples was optimized. Three totally fluorinated cycloalcane compounds consisting of five and six atom carbon rings were selected for this purpose. We evaluated the feasibility of collecting PFTs on adsorbent tube packed with a commercial graphitized carbon black (Carbotrapâ„¢ 100) sampling 2 L of soil gas. The sorbent tubes were then analyzed by using a two-stage thermal desorption process. The developed method allows to quickly determine these compounds at very low fL/L level, method identification limits ranged from 1.3 to 5.8 fL/L. Moreover, it shows good precision, evaluated by within-day and between-day studies. A preliminary survey of the PFT soil gas background concentrations, conducted by analyzing some soil gas samples collected in two different areas in Central Italy and in the Po Plain, ascertained the PFT background concentration lower than MIL

    Widespread abiotic methane in chromitites

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    Recurring discoveries of abiotic methane in gas seeps and springs in ophiolites and peridotite massifs worldwide raised the question of where, in which rocks, methane was generated. Answers will impact the theories on life origin related to serpentinization of ultramafic rocks, and the origin of methane on rocky planets. Here we document, through molecular and isotopic analyses of gas liberated by rock crushing, that among the several mafic and ultramafic rocks composing classic ophiolites in Greece, i.e., serpentinite, peridotite, chromitite, gabbro, rodingite and basalt, only chromitites, characterized by high concentrations of chromium and ruthenium, host considerable amounts of 13C-enriched methane, hydrogen and heavier hydrocarbons with inverse isotopic trend, which is typical of abiotic gas origin. Raman analyses are consistent with methane being occluded in widespread microfractures and porous serpentine- or chlorite-filled veins. Chromium and ruthenium may be key metal catalysts for methane production via Sabatier reaction. Chromitites may represent source rocks of abiotic methane on Earth and, potentially, on Mars

    Chlorine as a Discriminant Element to Establish the Provenance of Central Mediterranean Obsidians

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    Chlorine is a minor element present in obsidians in quantities greater than in average igneous rocks. The chlorine concentration in obsidians is generally low, of the order of tenths of wt %, but it exhibits an appreciable differentiation among geological sources. Despite these characteristics, chlorine has rarely been taken into consideration as a possible indicator of obsidian provenance and it does not appear in the chemical analytical tables accompanying the geochemical characterisation of obsidian samples. In this work, after an overview of chlorine geochemistry and cycle, we present thirty-one new electron microprobe (EPMA) analyses, including Cl, of geologic obsidians sampled from the four sources of the Central Mediterranean, exploited in prehistoric times (Monte Arci, Palmarola, Lipari and Pantelleria). The results are compared with 175 new EPMA analyses, including Cl, of archaeological obsidians already characterised in previous work and of known provenance. As such it was possible to ascertain that each source has a characteristic chlorine concentration, showing the utility of its use in the studies of obsidian provenance. Furthermore, given that the solubility of chlorine in silicate melts is correlated to its alkali content, in particular sodium, we assessed the efficacy of simple binary graphs Cl vs Na2O to better constrain the provenance of the obsidian samples

    Effectiveness of the spot-on combination of moxidectin and imidacloprid (Advocate®) in the treatment of ocular thelaziosis by Thelazia callipaeda in naturally infected cats

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    Background: The present study evaluated the therapeutic effectiveness of moxidectin 1.0% (w/v) and imidacloprid 10% (w/v) (Advocate® spot-on solution for cats, Bayer Animal Health) against natural infections with the eyeworm Thelazia callipaeda in cats. This study was conducted as a GCP, negative-controlled, blinded and randomised field study in privately owned cats living in an area in southern Italy where T. callipaeda is enzootic. Methods: The study was carried out in 30 cats (19 females and 11 males, aged from 8 months to 5 years, weighing 1.2-5.2 kg) of different breeds, naturally infected by T. callipaeda. At study inclusion (Day 0), animals were physically examined and the infection level was assessed by examination of both eyes for clinical score and live adult T. callipaeda count. Each cat was weighed and randomly assigned to one of the treatment groups (G1: Advocate, G2: untreated control). Clinical assessments and T. callipaeda adult counts were performed on Day 14. At the study completion visit on Day 28, clinical assessments and counts of T. callipaeda adults and larvae were performed. All cats were daily observed by their owners and general health conditions were recorded during the entire period of the study. Results: The primary effectiveness variable was the percentage of animals in G1 group (Advocate) showing a complete elimination (parasitological cure) of adult eye worms at Day 14 and Day 28. The effectiveness of the treatment in the G1 group was 93.3 and 100% at Day 14 and Day 28, respectively, when compared to group G2. Total worm count reduction from both eyes for Advocate was 96.3% on Day 14 and 100% on Day 28. Clinical data were confirmed by the examination of conjunctival pouch flushing. An overall reduction in the number of cats with lacrimation and conjunctivitis was observed following treatment despite the fact that in a few cats treated with Advocate clinical signs persisted due to the chronic nature of the disease. Conclusions: Based on the results of the present trial, a single dose of Advocate was found to be safe and highly effective in the treatment of natural T. callipaeda infection in cats

    The role of fault rock fabric in the dynamics of laboratory faults

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    Fault stability is inherently linked to the frictional and healing properties of fault rocks and associated fabrics. Their complex interaction controls how the stored elastic energy is dissipated, that is, through creep or seismic motion. In this work, we focus on the relevance of fault fabrics in controlling the reactivation and slip behavior of dolomite-anhydrite analog faults. We designed a set of laboratory experiments where we first develop fault rocks characterized by different grain size reduction and localization at normal stresses of σN = 15, 35, 60, and 100 MPa and second, we reload and reactivate these fault rocks at the frictional stability transition, achieved at σN = 35 MPa by reducing the machine stiffness. If normal stress is lowered this way, reactivation occurs with relatively large stress drops and large peak-slip velocities. Subsequent unstable behavior produces slow stick-slip events with low stress drop and with either asymmetric or Gaussian slip velocity function depending on the inherited fault fabric. If normal stress is raised, deformation is accommodated within angular cataclasites promoting stable slip. The integration of microstructural data (showing brittle reworking of preexisting textures) with mechanical data (documenting restrengthening and dilation upon reactivation) suggests that frictional and chemically assisted healing, which is common in natural faults during the interseismic phase, can be a relevant process in developing large instabilities. We also conclude that fault rock heterogeneity (fault fabric) modulates the slip velocity function and thus the dynamics of repeating stick-slip cycles

    Soil-gas survey of liquefaction and collapsed caves during the Emilia seismic sequence

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    Immediately after the 20th May 2012 Mw 5.9 main shock Emilia earthquake and during the seismic sequence of May-June, 2012, geochemical field investigations were carried out into the epicentral area. This paper provides preliminary soils measurements of CO2 and CH4 performed on widespread liquefactions and ground fractures, occurred after the main shock. Soil gas concentrations and flux measurements on some collapsed caves, already studied in 2008, were repeated again during the seismic sequence of 2012. Observations related to gap forming between buildings and sidewalk, damage of roads, tilting of electricity poles, sand eruption from a well and settlement of ground are also presented

    The onset and solidification path of a basaltic melt by in situ differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and ex situ investigations

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    The in situ differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) technique has been applied to investigate the solidification paths of a basaltic liquid. The starting glass was heated up to 1300◦C, kept at this superliquidus temperature for 2 h and cooled at rates (∆T/∆t) of 7, 60, 180, 1000, and 1800◦C/h, down to 800 and 600◦C. Glass transition temperature (Tg), crystallization temperature (Tx_HR) and melting temperature (Tm) were measured by in situ DSC spectra on heating. Tx measured along the cooling paths (Tx_CR) shows exothermic peaks that change from a single symmetric shape (7 and 60◦C/h) to multi-component patterns (180, 1000, and 1800◦C/h). The recovered products characterized by field emission gun source of the scanning electron microscopy and electron probe micro-analyzer-wavelength dispersive spectrometers show a phase assemblage of spinel (sp), clinopyroxene (cpx), melilite (mel), plagioclase (plg), and glass. Moreover, crystal size distributions (CSDs) and growth rates (Gmax and GCSD) were also determined. The crystal content slightly increases from 7 to 1800◦C/h. Faceted sp are present in all the run products with an amount always <2 area%. Cpx increases from 7 to 1800◦C/h, changing its texture from almost faceted to dendritic between 60 and 180◦C/h. The area% of mel follows an asymmetric Gaussian trend, while plg nucleates only at 7◦C/h with a content <2 area%. The coupling of DSC and SEM outcomes indicate that sp nucleate first, followed by cpx and mel (and/or plg). The increment of ∆T/∆t causes an increase of the CSD slope (m) and crystal population density per size (n0 ), as well as a decrease of the crystal size, for both cpx and sp. The log-linear CSD segments with different slopes at 7 and 60◦C/h suggest multiple nucleation events and crystal growth by coarsening. Gmax and GCSD for cpx and sp directly measured on the actual crystallization time by DSC spectra, both increase with the increasing of ∆T/∆t. The onset temperature of crystallization (Txi ) decreases as ∆T/∆t increases, following an exponential trend that defines the uppermost portion of a time-transformation-temperature-like curve. This analytical model allows us to quantitatively model the kinetic crystallization paths of dry basalts

    Transmission of Human and Macaque Plasmodium spp. to Ex-Captive Orangutans in Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    We identified 4 discrete Plasmodium spp. sequences from the blood of orangutans, including 1 of P. vivax, which has implications for human residents and orangutan rehabilitation programs

    Obsidians of Pantelleria (Strait of Sicily): A Petrographic, Geochemical and Magnetic Study of Known and New Geological Sources

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    This paper provides new petrochemical and paleomagnetic data from obsidian sub-sources on the island of Pantelleria, exploited since the Neolithic. Data has been obtained from 14 obsidian samples from 4 locations: Fossa della Pernice (2 sites), Salto la Vecchia and Balata dei Turchi. Here, we aim to better characterize these obsidians using a cross-disciplinary and multi-analytical approach, to further understand their archaeological significance. Major element analyses (EMP) have enabled two compositional super-groups to be distinguished: (i) Fossa della Pernice, less peralkaline and (ii) Balata dei Turchi-Salto la Vecchia, distinctly more peralkaline and having almost identical chemical patterns. Trace element analyses (LA-ICP-MS) corroborate major element groupings, with the Balata dei Turchi-Salto la Vecchia super-group being further characterized by a pronounced negative europium anomaly. Glass H2O contents (FT-IR) reveal an overlap among all the sub-sources (H2O = 0.1-0.3 wt. %). Magnetic methods have refined the petrochemical groupings, permitting further distinction between Balata dei Turchi-Salto La Vecchia and the Fossa della Pernice super-groups. The occurrence of sub-microscopic (< 1 μm) ferromagnetic minerals results in different magnetic susceptibility and Natural Remanent Magnetization values and allows the best distinction among the products from the chosen sites. When compared with obsidian tools excavated from Bronze-age settlements on the island of Ustica (230 km NE of Pantelleria), 12% are distinctly peralkaline, indicating their provenance to be from the Balata dei Turchi sub-source

    The biological underpinnings of perinatal depressive symptoms: a multi-systems approach.

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    Background. Well-established evidence exists of an association between depressive symptoms and alterations in the stress and inflammatory response systems; however, the picture is far less coherent during the perinatal period. This study combines the assessment of multiple stress and inflammatory biomarkers in late pregnancy and after delivery in order to investigate cross-sectional and prospective associations with perinatal depressive symptoms. Methods. Onehundred-ten healthy women were assessed in late pregnancy (mean gestational age=34.76; SD=1.12) and 89 were re-evaluated after delivery (mean hours after delivery=52.36; SD=19.70) for depressive and anxiety symptoms through the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Serum Interleukin-6 (IL-6), C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and diurnal salivary cortisol levels were measured on both occasions, while diurnal salivary alpha amylase (sAA) levels were assessed in late pregnancy. Results. Using Hierarchical Linear Models, higher depressive symptoms were found to be associated with higher IL-6 levels, lower morning cortisol levels and a flatter cortisol diurnal slope during pregnancy, while adjusting for potential confounders. No significant associations were found after delivery or with change in biomarker levels from pre- to post-partum. Furthermore, preliminary evidence of a positive association between inflammation and stress markers in women with higher antenatal depressive symptoms was found. Limitations: The sample was relatively small and highly selected, thus limiting generalizability of the findings. Conclusions. Results emphasize the need for an integrated multisystems approach to the understanding of the biological underpinnings of perinatal depression and suggest that the stress-immune interactions represent a promising avenue for future endeavor
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