2,471 research outputs found

    A MIP-based Energy Calibration of the STAR Endcap Electromagnetic Calorimeter

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    One of the main goals of the STAR Spin Collaboration is to understand the intrinsic angular momentum of the proton. An integral part of this experiment is the Endcap Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EEMC). The EEMC is used in detecting particles produced from hard proton-proton collisions that end up in the forward direction or \u27end\u27 of the experimental apparatus. In order to use properly the data collected, the energy and position measurements in the EEMC need to be well-known. To accomplish this, an energy calibration of the EEMC was performed using minimum ionizing particles (MIPs). The important property of MIPs utilized was that they will deposit a new amount of energy into a material. Knowing the composition of the EEMC, the expected amount of energy is also known. The MIPs then deposit this energy, which is measured and compared to the expected energy. A calibration constant is then calculated from this comparison. A description of this method and the current status of the energy calibration will be presented with results

    Acoustic Signals of \u3ci\u3eGraminella Nigrifrons\u3c/i\u3e (Homoptera: Cicadellidae)

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    The deltocephaline leafhopper, Graminella nigrifrons, produces low intensity sub- strate transmitted vibrations (signals) to facilitate location of virgin females by males during courtship. In the laboratory, signals produced on maize leaves were received by a phonographic cartridge, amplified, and analyzed on an oscillograph and sonograph. Male calls, that are produced spontaneously, are complex, consisting of three consecutive sections. Section 1 consists of ca. 3 sec of irregular clicks. Section 2 has ca. 4 sec of repeated phrases consisting of a continuous series of 0.4 sec chirps and a roll. Section 3 consists of ca. 5 sec of an intermittent series of 0.2 sec chirps and a roll. Female calls are produced in response to male calls. Female calls are simple compared to male calls and consist of ca. 4-5 sec of low frequency clicking. Signal patterns of G. nigrifrons are compared to those of other leafhoppers and evolutionary scenarios are presented to account for the observed gender differ­ences in signals

    Variability in Proto-Planetary Nebulae: IV. Light Curve Analyses of Four Oxygen-Rich, F Spectral-Type Objects

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    We present new light curves covering 14 to 19 years of observations of four bright proto-planetary nebulae (PPNs), all O-rich and of F spectral type. They each display cyclical light curves with significant variations in amplitude. All four were previously known to vary in light. Our data were combined with published data and searched for periodicity. The results are as follows: IRAS 19475+3119 (HD 331319; 41.0 days), 17436+5003 (HD 161796; 45.2 days), 19386+0155 (101.8 days), and 18095+2704 (113.3 days). The two longer periods are in agreement with previous studies while the two shorter periods each reveal for the first time reveal a dominant period over these long observing intervals. Multiple periods were also found for each object. The secondary periods were all close to the dominant periods, with P2/P1 ranging from 0.86 to 1.06. The variations in color reveal maximum variations in T(eff) of 400 to 770 K. These variations are due to pulsations in these post-AGB objects. Maximum seasonal light variations are all less than 0.23 mag (V), consistent for their temperatures and periods with the results of Hrivnak et al. (2010) for 12 C-rich PPNs. For all of these PPNs, there is an inverse relationship between period and temperature; however, there is a suggestion that the period-temperature relationship may be somewhat steeper for the O-rich than for the C-rich PPNs.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, to appear in the Astronomical Journa

    Qu’appelle-t-on promettre? Jacques Derrida et la religion

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    L'événement institué par la promesse n'est pas étranger à ce que Derrida identifie à « la religion ». Il faut être attentif aux modalités de cette identification afin de discerner les configurations particulières suivant lesquelles la déconstruction se trouve liée à la religion. Il s'agit, en définitive, d'éviter tout rapprochement indu ou non critique entre le geste derridien et le geste religieux. Il y a là un champ problématique à circonscrire; nous nous proposons de l'investir en suivant le fil de la promesse.An event instituted by a promise is not far removed from that which Derrida identifies as "religion". One must be attentive to these modes of identification in order to discern the particular configurations, which link deconstruction to religion. Every uncalled for or uncritical comparison between a deconstructive and a religious act must be avoided. Our purpose is to establish the borders of an area of questioning by exploring the field of "promise"

    IJSSELING, Samuel, Mimesis : On Appearing and Being

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    La toute-puissance en question ou les enjeux théologico-politiques de la nomination de Dieu

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    Le discours chrétien comporterait-il une dimension politique ? Jouerait-il nécessairement un rôle sur cette scène ? Quel rôle ? Comment faudrait-il comprendre, dans ce contexte, la référence à la toute-puissance de Dieu ? Voilà quelques-unes des questions que cet article soulève, de façon partielle et latérale en quelque sorte, en cherchant à reconstruire les moments d’un débat, déjà ancien, entre le théologien Erik Peterson et le juriste Carl Schmitt.Does Christian discourse have a political dimension ? Does it necessarily play a role in the sphere of politics ? If so, which role ? How should the reference to the all-mighty power of God be understood in this context ? These are a few of the questions raised by this article, albeit indirectly and partially, as it seeks to reconstruct the key elements of a debate between the theologian Erik Peterson and the jurist Carl Schmitt

    Entre la théologisation du politique et la politisation du théologique : en lisant Carl Schmitt

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    L’auteur analyse la notion de théologie politique chez Carl Schmitt. Reconnaissant l’impossibilité d’isoler le politique du religieux, l’auteur se demande s’il y a une théologie sous-jacente à la pensée de Schmitt, et cherche à en dégager les principaux axes.The author analyses the notion of political theology in the works of Carl Schmitt. Recognizing that the political and the religious are inextricably linked, Nault examines Schmitt’s “decisionism” with a view to uncovering its theological dimensions

    LE BLANC, Charles, Kierkegaard

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