5 research outputs found

    The Influence of Entrepreneurship Training and Financial Grant on Youth-Owned Enterprises in Somalia

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    Entrepreneurship and business creation are a growing alternative for young people whose age group often faces a labor market with double digit unemployment rates. It plays a crucial role in driving economic development and job creation. The study therefore sought to establish the effects of entrepreneurship training and financial grant on youth-owned enterprises.Descriptive research design was selected in this study because it would allow the researcher to gather numerical and descriptive data to assess the relationship between variables. Simple random sampling was used to select a total of 83 youth enterprises for a population of 110 youth entrepreneurs. Questionnaire was used as the main data collection instrument and statistical packages for social sciences was employed for coding and analyzing the data. From the findings of the study it was that the trainings provided helped the enterprises of the youth and that they got an idea of establishing plans and managing businesses. The entrepreneurship promotions of youth in Somalia enhanced the youths’ living condition, and that they get economic freedom of which they can also help with their households, the creation of the job enabled the youth to cover their needs, also the grants offer foundation as the business starts.In conclusion the knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship posits that entrepreneurship is a response to investments in knowledge and ideas by incumbent organizations, Entrepreneurship development is the process of improving the skills and knowledge of entrepreneurs through various training programs.  The provision of training and grants empowered the youth to fight with poverty. The study recommended that the entrepreneurship training programmes should be repeated for the youth and that the Entrepreneurship development programs should first identify the local market. It is recommended to analyze and then design unique ideas based on the needs of the surroundings. Keywords: entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship training, youth

    Morphology, histology, and chemistry of the wings of Tribolium castaneum and Tribolium confusum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)

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    Abstract Background Insect wings are an excessively diverse structures, which have fascinated scientist for centuries. Coleoptera is the largest order in the insect group and the most successful animal on earth (Nature Communications 9(205):1–11, 2018). In order to adapt to the change in the environments, they developed strategies to cope up with different factors. The most distinctive feature of beetles is that the forewings are sclerotized into elytra; from this, they get their formal name (koleos = sheath, pteron = wing). The elytra play an important role in protecting the delicate hindwings and the dorsal surface of the abdomen. Besides its influence on protective the hindwing during flight, the forewings are open enough to allow the hindwings to unfold and function. Result The structural and mechanical properties in living organisms may improve the understanding of natural solutions and advance the design of novel artificial materials. In this paper, the morphological and histological structure of the wings of two species of beetles, Tribolium castaneum and Tribolium confusum, has been investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The organic chemical function groups of the wings were detected using Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Both Tribolium species have considerable variations regarding the total thickness, and width of the hemolymph space within the elytra. The elytra of both species bear conspicuous field of trichoid sensilla from dorsal side and numerous gland openings with a pit. The michrotrichia found on the ventral side may have an important role in wing folding. The presence of C–H stretching bands with the prevalence of methylene bands may indicate the presence of long-chain aliphatic acids in surface waxes in T. castaneum. The height of the spikes of the hindwings was remarkable by hydrogen-bonded O–H and N–H amide stretching vibration and was correlated to the thickness of the wing. Conclusion Insect wings are a core example of histological and morphological novelty. This study illustrates the morphological and histological structure of both the forewing and hindwing of Tribolium castaneum and Tribolium confusum which were the most destructive pest stored products

    INSERTING A PERIPHERAL VEIN CANNULA: an educational video for English-speaking nursing students

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    Ääreislaskimokanylointi on yleinen toimenpide terveydenhuollossa, joka mahdollistaa nopean ja helpon pääsyn suoneen, mahdollistaen neste- ja lääkehoidon sekä verituotteiden ja parenteraalisen ravitsemusliuosten antamisen potilaille. Tämän toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli luoda englanninkielinen opetusvideo englanninkielisille hoitotyön opiskelijoille. Vaikka tiedot ovat saatavilla suomeksi, perifeeristä kanylointia koskevasta englanninkielisestä opetusmateriaalista on havaittu puutetta, joka noudattaa Suomen terveydenhuollon ohjeita, erityisesti videomuotoisessa materiaalissa, jossa käsitellään perifeeristä kanylointia. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on hyödyntää englanninkielisiä hoitotyön opiskelijoita oppimaan ääreislaskimokanylaatiosta opetusvideon avulla. Opinnäytetyön teoreettinen viitekehys sisältää näyttöön perustuvaa tietoa perifeerisestä kanylaatiosta, potilasturvallisuudesta ja audiovisuaalisesta oppimisesta. Opetusvideo on tuotettu tekijöiden kirjoittamalla käsikirjoituksella näyttöön perustuvaa kirjallisuutta hyödyntäen ja videon kesto on noin 3,5 minuuttia. Se sisältää indikaatioita perifeeriseen kanylointiin, valmistelut, kanylointitekniikka ja tarvikkeet. Yhteistyökumppanina toimii Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu. Valmistuttuaan opetusvideo julkaistaan ​​Laurean ammattikorkeakoulussa. Opetusvideo arvioitiin siten, että sairaanhoitajaopiskelijat vastasivat kyselyyn anonyymisti. Myöhemmin kirjoittajat analysoivat palautetta kaaviopalkkien avulla.Peripheral vein cannulation is a common procedure in healthcare, because it allows quick and easy access to veins, allowing fluid and drug treatment, and giving blood products and parenteral nutrition solutions to patients. This functional thesis aimed to create an educational video in English, for English-speaking nursing students. While the information is accessible in Finnish, there is a noticeable lack of educational materials for peripheral cannulation in English that follow Finnish healthcare guidelines, especially in video-form material, addressing peripheral cannulation. The purpose of this thesis is to help English-speaking nursing students to learn about peripheral vein cannulation, through an educational video. The theoretical framework of the thesis contains evidence-based information on peripheral cannulation, patient safety, audiovisual learning. The educational video was produced using a script written by the authors utilizing evidence-based literature, and the duration of the video is about 3.5 minutes. It contains indications for peripheral cannulation, preparations, cannulation techniques, and necessary equipment. The collaborating partner is Laurea University of Applied Sciences. Once completed, the educational video will be published by Laurea UAS. The educational video was assessed by having nursing students answer a questionnaire anonymously. Afterwards, the authors analyzed the feedback by using chart bar

    Somali Business Review 2015

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    The businesses are changing and growing faster, there are a lot of people who are coming back to the country to start out their businesses, a lot of businesses were started in different sectors, and markets are looking to be busy for serving the customers. Even though the unemployment of the country is high, as there are a lot of unemployed individuals, Some organizations are helping out the youth to start and operate their businesses to fight with the unemployment by providing training and grants these caused a lot of youth to improve their livelihoods and get a source of income. Given that Somalia has been at war from the early nineties, the water division infrastructure is broken down and will have to be rebuilt and reformed to serve the people of Somalia. There are opportunities in the supplying water sector materials range from small hand well digging to complex drilling borehole of services, to take advantage from the opportunities in the market for the water sector materials, it’s good to get the stocks needed for the water supply. In this issue covers articles that address business opportunities focusing on some sectors of the market and the new technologies used for the businesses to enhance their recording. Islam is a religion presenting a system for the welfare of the society and prohibits a system where people earn income without putting work or efforts so we provided an article about the Wisdom Behind Elimination of Riba in Financial transactions