414 research outputs found

    Common beans grain yield as affected by phosphorus fertilization in the sowing furrow and foliar.

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    The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that foliar P application would increases the efficiency of utilization of P from soil by common bean fertilization

    Phosphate fertilization in the soil and penergetic application in the grain yield of common bean.

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    The objective was to determine the grain yield and yield components of common bean as affected by P fertilization and applying Penergetic K (soil) and P (plant)

    Genotype selection and addition of fertilizer increases grain yield in upland rice in Suriname.

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    The upland rice farmers in Suriname use local varieties and low level technologies in the field. As a result, the upland rice grain yield is low, at about 1 000 kg ha-1. Our objective was to evaluate the use of upland rice cultivars from Suriname and Brazil, and the effect of nitrogen, N, phosphorus, P, and potassium, K, fertilizers on cultivation variables. We undertook four field trials in the Victoria Area, in the Brokopondo District, using a randomized block design each with four replications. The most productive rice varieties were BRS Esmeralda (grain yield 2 903 kg ha-1) and BRS Sertaneja (2 802 kg ha-1). The highest grain yield of 2 620 kg ha-1 was achieved with a top dressing application of 76.41 kg N ha-1 20 days after sowing. For P, the highest grain yield of 3 085 kg ha-1 was achieved with application of 98.06 kg ha-1 P2O5 applied at sowing. An application rate of 31.45 kg ha-1 of K2O at sowing achieved the highest grain yield of 2 952 kg ha-1. Together, these application rates of N, P and K resulted in rice grain yield of about 3 000 kg ha-1, which is three times greater than the national average for upland rice. We demonstrate that the use of improved rice varieties matched to the local conditions, and application of appropriate fertilizers, are management practices that can result in significant increases in rice grain yield in Suriname

    Application of liquid calcium carbonate micron particles on the furrow as affecting the soil phosphorus availability and common bean yield.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the liquid application of calcium carbonate micron particles in the sowing furrow on the pH, the concentrations of Al, P, K, and Ca, and the base saturation in the soil and on the yield components, grain yield, concentration, and grain content of common bean

    Nutrient uptake and use efficiency by tropical legume cover crops at varying pH of an Oxisol.

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    The objective of our study was to evaluate growth and nutrient uptake parameters of 16 tropical legume cover crops under three soil pH (5.1, 6.5, and 7.0) of an Oxisol

    Phosphorus rates as affecting upland rice grain yield in Suriname.

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    Tne objective was to evaluate rates of Phosphorus in the development of upland rice in Suriname.Editors: Andreas Carstensen, Kristian Holst Laursen, Jan Kofod Schjorring

    Characterization of early genotypes of common bean.

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    The aim of this study was to was to characterize the agronomic performance of three elite genotypes of common bean with early cycle by growth analysis technique

    Cover crops as affecting soil chemical and physical properties and development of upland rice and soybean cultivated in rotation.

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    Cover crops can provide changes in soil chemical and physical properties, which could allow a sustainable development of soybean and upland rice rotation in Brazilian Cerrado. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of cover crops (cultivated in the offseason) in the soybean-upland rice rotation (cultivated in the summer season) on the soil chemical and physical properties, yield components and grain yield of the cash crops. The experimental design was a randomized block design in factorial scheme 4 × 2 with six replications. Treatments were composed by four cover crops: fallow, millet (Pennisetum glaucum) + Crotalaria ochroleuca, millet + pigeon pea (Cajanus cajans), and millet + pigeon pea + Urochola ruziziensis in the offseason with one or two cycles of cover crops, with rice (Oryza sativa) or soybean (Glycine max) in the summer season. Cover crops alone provided no changes in soil chemical properties. However, the rotation cover crops / cash crops / cover crops / cash crops reduced pH, Al and H + Al and increased Ca, Mg, K and Fe contents in the soil. The cover crops millet + pigeon pea and millet + pigeon pea + U. ruziziensis improved soil physical properties in relation to fallow, especially in the 0?0.10 m soil layer. In spite of the improvement of the soil physical properties after two years of rotation with cover crops and cash crops, the soil physical quality was still below the recommended level, showing values of macroporosity, S index and soil aeration capacity lower than 0.10 m3/m3, 0.035 and 0.34, respectively. Upland rice production was higher under mixtures of cover crops than under fallow, mainly because of soil physical changes done by these mixtures of cover crops. Soybean grain yield was similar under all cover crops tested, but was higher after the rotation cover crops / upland rice / cover crops than after only one cycle of cover crops

    O agronegócio da fruticultura na Amazônia: um estudo exploratório.

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    Esta pesquisa, utilizando-se do método do estudo exploratório, buscou identificar os aspectos que interferem e influenciam no processo de desenvolvimento da fruticultura na Região Amazônica. Por meio do levantamento bibliográfico, de informações verbais e de dados estatísticos, busca-se construir a cadeia produtiva de frutas na Amazônia, analisando sua competitividade por intermédio da análise estratégica de seus pontos fortes, pontos fracos, oportunidades e ameaças.bitstream/item/24778/1/doc96-fruticultura.pd

    Levels of N as coated urea as affecting upland rice production.

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    The objective of this field research was to determine the effect of N rates applied in the form of coated urea in the grain yield of upland rice