1,440 research outputs found

    An updated assessment of the OECD's quality of life index

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    Indexing for measuring the quality of life have been developed by various countries or organizations. Probably the most comprehensive among these indexes is the Better Life Index, which is developed by OECD. The sampling of the study consists of 34 countries that are the members of OECD, and two countries that are not members of OECD. The data are obtained from the 2017 criteria of OECD life index. In this way, the welfare levels of the countries were compared through the 11 life index criteria defined by OECD. In the study, correlation and regression analyses were performed to reveal the relationships between the OECD life criteria and to measure the degree of these relationships. Thus, it was attempted to demonstrate to what extent the index criteria, particularly the safety criterion, affect a society's quality of life. When we evaluate these analyses in general sense, it was observed that there is a significant and positive relationship between the safety criterion and other parameters. However, a negative relationship between the safety and the satisfaction criteria was found according to another result of the analyses. This is because of the fact that, after a certain threshold level, an individual won't have a positive attitude towards the interventions to the living space.Metody indeksowania danych w celu zmierzenia poziomu jakości życia są rozwijane przez wiele krajów i organizacji. Prawdopodobnie najbardziej obszernym z tych indeksów jest Better Life Index, opracowany przez OECD. W przypadku tego artykułu dane odnoszą się do 36 krajów, z których 34 należy do OECD, a pochodzą one z OECD Life Index z 2017 r. Poziomy dobrostanu w poszczególnych krajach zestawiono z 11 kryteriami określonymi przez OECD. Przeprowadzono analizy korelacji i regresji, aby wykazać powiązania pomiędzy kryteriami OECD Life i aby określić ich zakres. Umożliwiło to wykazanie w jakim zakresie kryteria indeksowania, w szczególności kryterium bezpieczeństwa, wpływają na jakość życia społecznego. Z ogólnej perspektywy można dostrzec istnienie znaczącego i pozytywnego związku pomiędzy kryterium bezpieczeństwa a innymi parametrami. Jednocześnie zauważono występowanie zależności negatywnej pomiędzy bezpieczeństwem a kryterium zadowolenia. Uwarunkowane jest to istnieniem pewnego poziomu progowego, powyżej którego jednostka nie będzie miała pozytywnego nastawienia do ingerowania w przestrzeń życiową


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    Studies have shown that public regulatory authorities can serve self-interest instead of public interest. The US sugar market can be given as a concrete example of this situation. Regulatory actions for the sugar market have led to the widespread use of high fructose corn syrup, which has been called the plague of the age. The production of high fructose corn syrup, which has increased day by day in the US, has reduced sugar imports and significantly contributed to the economy with its undisputed role in the food sector. However, at the same time, the increase in chronic diseases and chronic health expenditures in the US has come to the fore as a problem that needs to be addressed. This study primarily focused on the activities of regulatory bodies and then emphasized the existence of the causality relation between the increase in high fructose corn syrup production and consumption, and the increase in health costs. The findings of this study supported the negative perceptions and judgments the society has towards high fructose corn syrup. In addition, the study was conducted within the framework of the 3rd best policy, which has been rarely used in the literature, and presents how public efficiency can be achieved

    Development of optimal location and design capacity of wastewater treatment plants for urban areas: a case study in Samawah city

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    Water, and related wastewater structures, are critical factors in the existence and the improvement of civilizations. Wastewater gathering and management has a considerable effect on the climate and economy at both regional and global level, and, accordingly, it is appropriate to advance actions that guarantee effective management for wastewater, particularly in urban areas. This research thus examined the environmental and economic aspects of proposed locations for wastewater treatment plants. Samawah city, located in the southern part of Iraq, was selected as a case study for the research methodology, and for research purposes, the studied city was divided into three main zones (1, 2, and 3) of sixteen areas. The Google Earth tool was used to calculate the lowest elevations in the studied zones in order to assess the suggested positions of treatment plants. Additionally, the WinQSB program was utilised to select the most appropriate positions for treatment plants based on data obtained from local government departments. These data include population, water consumption, and required lengths and subsequent cost of pipes. This research thus developed a new strategy for assigning the locations of wastewater treatment plants

    Nutritional Requirements of Different Classes of Meat Goats

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    Abstract Feeds provide nutrients to animals. Feeds can be grains, crop by-products or forages. Forages can form the basis of feeds for goats in the southeastern US because year-round forage production is possible. Since goats are classified as browsers, the forage program should consist of browse and pasture. Managing browse species as feed resources is challenging, and there is limited information relative to managing browse species. Hay is the main forage feed for goats in the region and average quality hay can meet nutrient requirements for maintenance. However, nutrient requirements for late-pregnancy, lactation, and growing goats cannot be met with the average quality hay alone. There is a need for supplemental feeds when hay quality and quantity are inadequate. This situation arises during winter months and in late summer. Many supplemental feeds can be fed to goats such as grains, crop byproducts, commercial feed supplements or concentrates including salts and minerals. Keywords: Nutritional Requirements, Nutrition, Forages, Classes of Meat Goats, Meat Goat

    The role of carbon taxes in reducing greenhouse gas emissions

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    An abnormal rise in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has triggered a range of environmental problems the foremost of which is global warming. CO2 is among the gases most responsible for the greenhouse effect. That is why, after the 1990s, new tax regimes, also known as energy-carbon taxes, were put in place in an attempt to lower emissions. There is still an ongoing discussion as to whether tax regimes are working in practice. Certain studies have indicated that carbon taxes are effective or partially effective in preventing CO2 emissions. However, others assert that there is no causal relationship between carbon taxes and the lowering of greenhouse gas emissions. In this study, the annual data of 36 OECD countries in the period of 1990-2018 were used. To detect whether a carbon tax is effective in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the panel data analysis method was employed. The results of the analysis revealed that carbon taxes have no effect on greenhouse gas emissions. © 2021, Econjournals. All rights reserved

    Mahmut Esat Bozkurt ve "Atatürk İhtilali"

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 249-250-Mahmut Esat Bozkurt. Not: Gazetenin "Görüş" köşesinde yayımlanmıştır.İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    The relationship between credit default swaps and net portfolio investments: The case of Turkey

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between credit default swaps and net portfolio investments. Since the series remained stationary at varied levels in the study, the ARDL limit test approach was employed. In the analysis, 10 years of periodical data from 2010 to 2020 were compared. During the implementation of the ARDL limit test, it agreed to add a dummy variable to the model for months 2018M4 and 2020M3 upon the analysis of the CUSUM and CUSUM2 graphics; hence, in the final model, a dummy variable was also included. By means of diagnostic tests administered to the ARDL model that was repeated after the inclusion of the dummy variable, it became evident that the final model met the required hypotheses for the ARDL limit test, and it was thus feasible to interpret the long- and short-term coefficients. As the coefficients of final model attained, it was detected that an increase by 1% in short term risk premiums reduced current period net portfolio investments by 2.87%. However, it was evident that in the long term credit risk premiums have a small but positive and significant (p<0,05) effect on net portfolio investments.