16 research outputs found

    SerumTrace Elements in Febrile Seizure: A Case-Control Study

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     How to Cite This Article: Namakin K, Zardast M, Sharifzadeh Gh, Bidar T, Zargarian S. Serum Trace Elements in Febrile Seizure: A Case-Control Study. Iran J Child Neurol. Summer 2016; 10(3):57-60.  AbstractObjectiveFebrile seizure (FS) is one of the most common neurological problems during childhood.Pathogenesis of febrile convulsion is unknown. This study investigated some trace elements among children admitted with FS compared with thoseof febrile without seizure attacks.Materials & MethodsThis case-control study was conducted on48 children (6 months to 5 yr old) diagnosed with febrile seizure as the cases and 48 age-matched febrile children as the control group. Serum levels of magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, and serum zinc were measured. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS (version 15) using Student t-test.ResultsThere were no significant differences between the cases and controls in terms of gender or age. The means of serum level of zinc, sodium, calcium and magnesium in the case group was lower than those of the control group. There was no significant difference onserum potassium mean level between the case and control groups.ConclusionDeficiency of trace elements was correlated significantly with febrile convulsion, while further investigations on trace elements are required.ReferencesReferencesMartindale JL, Goldstein JN, Pallin DJ. Emergency department seizureepidemiology. Emerg Med Clin North Am 2011;29:15-27.Lee J-H, Hyun Kim J.Comparison of Serum Zinc Levels Measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry in Preschool Children with Febrile and Afebrile Seizures. Ann Lab Med 2012;32:190-193 http://dx.doi.org/10.3343/alm.2012.32.3.190.Akbayram S, Cemek M, Büyükben A, Aymelek F, Karaman S, Yilmaz F, Dogan M,Caksen H. Major and minor bio-element status in children with febrile seizure. Bratisl Lek Listy 2012; 113 (7)421 – 423.Johnston MV. Seizures in children. In: Behrman RE, JensonHB, Stanton BF, editors. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics.18thed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2008:2457-73.Salehiomran MR, Mahzari M. Zinc status in febrile seizure: a case-control study. Iran J Child Neurol 2013; 7(4):20-23.Nadkarni J, Binaykiya I, Sharma U, Dwivedi R. Role of serum sodium levels in prediction of seizure recurrence within the same febrile illness.Neurology Asia 2011; 16(3): 195–197.Ganesh R, Janakiraman L. Serum zinc levels in children with simple febrile seizure. Clin Pediatr (Phila) 2008;47:164–166.Waqar Rabbani M, Ali I, Zahid Latif H, Basit A, Rabbani MA. Serum zinc level in children presenting with febrile seizures. Pak J Med Sci 2013;29(4):1008-11.Ehsanipour F, Talebi-Taher M, Harandi N, Kani K. Serumzinc level in children with febrile convulsion and itscomparison with that of control group. Iran J Pediatr2009;65-8.Amiri M, Farzin L, Moassesi ME, Sajadi F. Serum trace element levels in febrile convulsion. Biol Trace Elem Res 2010;135(1-3):38-44.Mohamed Aly IAR, Mohamed Kmal H, Soliman DR, Hassan Mohamed M. Iron profile parameters and serum zinc & copper levels in children with febrile convulsions in Banha. J Am Sci 2014;10(7): 1-4.Gattoo I, Harish R, Quyoom Hussain S. Correlation of serum zinc level with simple febrile seizures: a hospital based prospective case control study. Int J Pediatr 2015;3(2):16-.19.Sadeghzadeh M, Nabi S, Khoshnevisasl P, Mousavinasab N. The correlation between cerebrospinal fluid and levels of serum zinc and Ca in children with febrile seizure. J Comprehens Pediatr 2013; 3(5): 179-83.Osama N. Salah, Ehab R. Abdelraou, Marwa H. Abdelhameed Ahmed A, Dawood, Adel F,Kilany HA, Suzette I. Assessment of the Level of GABA and some trace elements in blood in children who suffer from familial febrile convulsions. Macedonian JMed Sci 2014; 7(1):68-73.Heydarian F, Ashrafzadeh F, Cam S. Simple febrile seizure: the role of serum sodium levels in prediction of seizure recurrence during thefirst 24 hours. Iran J Child Neurol2009; 3(2):31-4

    Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Asymptomatic Children in Birjand, Eastern Iran

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    Background: Helicobacter pylori is the cause of serious diseases including gastric cancer and gastric mucosa–associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma.50% of world population is infected by this microorganism and it -based on epidemiologic studies - is mainly acquired during childhood . there is not enough evidence about prevalence of this infection in children and its risk factors so encourage us to study on it.Method : we tested 282 apparently healthy 9-12 year old students in a population based cross sectional study for Helicobacter pylori colonization using H pylori Antigen EIA Test Kit (ACON company).a short socio demographic questionnaire was used to assess risk factors.Findings: the overall prevalence of H pylori colonization in 282 students is 13.1%. we found statistically significant relationship between H pylori colonization and sex, duration of breast feeding, and family crowding but there is not significant relationship with age , family history of dyspepsia , number of days in week consuming yogurt and economically stratified living region in present study.Conclusion: Helicobacter Pylori is a big concern even in young asymptomatic children and it needs to be further studied about its potential risk factors and how to manage them for the goal of prevention

    Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori infection and its related factors in asymptomatic children aged 9-15 in Birjand

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    Background and Aim: Gastrointestinal disease is one of the most common infectious diseases in the world. One of the most important causes is Helicobacter pylori infection. Considering the importance of this bacterium and its different prevalence in different parts of the country, this study was conducted to determine the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection and its related factors in 9-15 year old asymptomatic children in Birjand city. Materials and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 332 children aged 9 to 15 years old in Birjand, in 2017. Individuals who had inclusion criteria were selected by multi-stage sampling. The demographic profile including age, sex, duration of breastfeeding, number of households, and number of yoghurt consumption per week, were completed for children. Helicobacter pylori stool antigen test was used in feces to evaluate Helicobacter pylori infection. Data were analyzed using Chi-square and Fisher's exact test at a significant level of 0.05. Results: Of the 332 children studied, 59 (17.8%) children had Helicobacter pylori infection. Our results showed no significant relationship between sex and duration of lactation with Helicobacter pylori infection (p> 0.05). However, with increasing age and number of family members, Helicobacter pylori infection was significantly increased (p <0.05). By increasing the consumption of yogurt per week, Helicobacter pylori infection was significantly reduced (p = 0.02). Conclusion: Due to the  prevalence of  Helicobacter pylori infection and less frequently in dairy consumers should be given the necessary training for families

    Effect of Vitamin D supplementation on Lipid Profile in Children Aged 10-14 Years Old

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    Introduction Considering the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in our country and the importance of blood lipid profile as a protective factor, aim of this study was to investigate the effect of vitamin D supplementation on lipid profile in children 10 to 14 years.Materials and Methods In this controlled clinical trial study, 40 children who were studying on 2014 in Birjand elementary schools were selected and randomly divided into two groups containing 20 participants. Children in both group examined for level of lipid profile and serum vitamin D after and before consumption of drugs (vitamin D supplement and placebo). Questionnaire was used in order to record demographic information. Data was analyzed using SPSS-16 statistical software and statistical tests of Chi-square, Fisher exact test, t-paired, independent-t, and Pearson correlation at significance level of P< 0.05.Results The results showed that in children of intervention group the average of High-density lipoprotein (HDL) serum level and vitamin D was significantly higher after intervention before it (

    An Epidemiological Study on Infant Mortality and Factors Affecting it in Rural Areas of Birjand, Iran

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    Objective: Infant mortality rate is one of the most expressive indicators of development in all countries. The aim of this study was to determine the cause of infant mortality and risk factors in rural areas of Birjand in Iran. Methods: This population based case-control study covered 156 infants who died when aged less than one-year in health houses of Birjand between January 2004 and December 2005. For each case, two controls were selected matching one-to-one to the case considering variables of residency and their date of birth. The data was collected through interview with mothers and reviewing infants’ files in health houses. Findings: 57.7 percent of deaths in under one year old infants happened during the first month of their lives. The most important causes of death in neonates were prematurity and low birth weight (44.4%) later gastroenteritis (30.3%). In addition, the study showed that 9.6 percent of infants had died because of narcotic toxicosis. Moreover, the study showed a significant relationship between infant mortality and parents’ level of education, mother’s addiction, age of mother in the first pregnancy, prematurity, low birth weight, type of delivery and exclusive breast feeding. Conclusion: Special attention to infantile period and special care for infants born to at-risk mothers, as well as providing special health education can cause a dramatic reduction in infants’ mortality rate

    A comparison of healthy children and children of patients with congenital hypothyroidism treated under treatment with Some evolutionary indicators

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    Background and Aim: Congenital hypothyroidism is one of the most important preventatives and curative causes of the growth and developmental disorder, which results in the implementation of a screening program for prevention of retardation. The purpose of this study was to compare the developmental indices of children with congenital hypothyroidism treated with healthy children in South Khorasan. Materials and Methods: In this case-control study, 30 children aged 18-24 months with hypothyroidism were diagnosed with screening Selected as a&nbsp; case group. Also, 30 healthy children were matched with the case group, From health centers that children with hypothyroidism were covered by those centers, They were randomly selected as control group. These children were examined for evolutionary indicators. The data collection tool was a questionnaire for ages and stages of Ages & Stages Questionnaire(ASQ). Data were analyzed by SPSS software (version 15) and analyzed by means of Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical tests and t-test. Independent samples were analyzed at the significant level of P=0.05. Results: It was found that mean somatic developmental indicators in congenital hypothyroid children, compared with those in the healthy group were significantly lower. However, the score for all children was above a standard deviation one unit. Conclusion: Although the mean developmental indices in hypothyroid children under treatment, based on Ages & Stages Questionnaires were lower than those in the control group, it was acceptabl

    Prevalence of congenital hypothyroidism In South Khorasan province (2006-2010)

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    Background and Aim: Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is among the most common endocrine disorders in children and a preventable cause of mental retardation. The present study was performed to determine the prevalence and related risk factors of hypothyroidism in neonates in South Khorasan.   Materials and Methods: This descriptive-retrospective study was conducted on the data collected through the Neonatal CH Screening Project in South Khorasan during four years (March 2006 - March 2010). Neonates whose TSH of the heel blood was ≥5 mU/L were recalled and if the serum TSH was ≥10 mU/L they were accounted as hypothyroid cases. Finally, SPSS software was used to analyze the obtained data.   Results: From 38987 neonates, 1248 cases (3.21%) were recalled and serum TSH of 71 neonates was ≥10 mU/L which was a symptom of hypothyroidism. In the initial screening of hypothyroidism in neonates TSH of the heel blood in 45% was found to be 5-10 mU/L, in 20% it was 10-19.9, and in 35% it was ≥ 20. Prevalence of the disease was 1 in 549 living births. Hypothyroidism in boys was 6% more than girls.98.6% of the sick neonates' mothers did not have hypothyroidism 50.7 % of the cases lived in city.   Conclusion: Regarding the significance of the disease in developing mental retardation, it is necessary to persuade parents to have their neonates take part in neonatal hypothyroidism screening plan

    The Relationship between Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D Levels and Metabolic Syndrome in Birjand Children, East of Iran

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    Background: Metabolic syndrome (MS) is an important risk factor that is associated with vitamin D deficiency, according to recent studies. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level and risk of metabolic syndrome in children in Birjand. Materials and Methods: A case-control study on 6 to 18 years old metabolic syndrome patients, this investigation was performed in Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Cardiovascular Research Center. Thirty six children were enrolled in a non-random sampling manner, and the data were analyzed using SPSS-13 using independent t-test and chi square. Results: A total of 36 children entered the study (n=18 per group). The mean serum levels of vitamin D in metabolic and non-metabolic groups was 11.61±3.79 and 14.09±6.41 ng/ml (P>0.05), respectively. The mean serum levels of vitamin D in the group with normal and abnormal triglyceride levels were 11.05±3.80 and 14.65±6.12 ng/ml, respectively (

    Assessment of antibacterial effect of garlic in patients infected with Helicobacter pylori using urease breath test

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    Objective: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is the most common pathogenic bacteria in the stomach. The aim of the current study was to explore the effect of oral garlic administration on bacterial urease activity inside the stomach and its contribution to the treatment of H. pylori infection.   Materials and Methods: In this clinical trial, 15 patients were studied quantitatively with Urease Breath Test (UBT). The patients with gastrointestinal symptoms and a positive serum H. pylori IgG were enrolled. UBT was performed for each patient in three sessions as follows: at the beginning of the study, an initial UBT was performed based on which, the positive cases entered the study and the negative ones were excluded. Second UBT was done three days later in patients who were not receiving any treatment and were considered as the control, whereas the third UBT was performed three days after  prescribing two medium-sized cloves of garlic (3 g) with their meal, twice a day (at noon and in the evening).  The collected data were analyzed using ANOVA and Bonferroni tests and the significance level was set at pResults: the mean UBT significantly differed before and after treatment with garlic cloves, being significantly lower after garlic consumption. No meaningful difference was observed in the mean UBT without garlic consumption between the first and second steps. Conclusion: Raw garlic has anti-bacterial effects against H. pylori residing in the stomach and may be prescribed along with routine drugs for the treatment of gastric H. pylori infection