67 research outputs found

    実験的に口腔StreptococcusおよびVeillonella種のバイオフィルムを産生させるワイヤー法(The wire method for generating experimental biofilms formed by oral Streptococcus and Veillonella species)

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    口腔細菌のバイオフィルムを効果的に形成させる方法の確立を目的として、歯列矯正に汎用されるワイヤーを足場とする培養装置を調製し、これを用いて口腔細菌を培養し、バイオフィルムの形成を調べた。ワイヤーは直径0.9mm、長さ15cmのものを用い、両端にゴム栓および軟質プラスチック菅で固定化し装置を調製し滅菌した。これをStreptococcusおよびVeillonella種の口腔細菌を培養した培地中に挿入し、37℃、4日間の嫌気培養をすると、ワイヤー上にバイオフィルムが形成されることが認められた。定量的実時間PCRを用いて、これらのバイオフィルムにおけるそれぞれの細菌を同定し、その細菌数を定量した。このワイヤー法はin vitro実験によるバイオフィルム産生に有用な方法であり、虫歯、歯周病および全身感染症のような口腔感染とバイオフィルム形成の関連性を調べるための有力な実験材料を提供するものである。口腔細菌のバイオフィルムを効果的に形成させる方法の確立を目的として、歯列矯正に汎用されるワイヤーを足場とする培養装置を調製し、これを用いて口腔細菌を培養し、バイオフィルムの形成を調べた。ワイヤーは直径0.9mm、長さ15cmのものを用い、両端にゴム栓および軟質プラスチック菅で固定化し装置を調製し滅菌した。これをStreptococcusおよびVeillonella種の口腔細菌を培養した培地中に挿入し、37℃、4日間の嫌気培養をすると、ワイヤー上にバイオフィルムが形成されることが認められた。定量的実時間PCRを用いて、これらのバイオフィルムにおけるそれぞれの細菌を同定し、その細菌数を定量した。このワイヤー法はin vitro実験によるバイオフィルム産生に有用な方法であり、虫歯、歯周病および全身感染症のような口腔感染とバイオフィルム形成の関連性を調べるための有力な実験材料を提供するものである

    Coaggregation between Prevotella oris and Porphyromonas gingivalis

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    Background/PurposeThe coaggregation of bacteria has been defined as one of the most important processes in the oral infection such as periodontitis. Prevotella oris and Porphyromonas gingivalis, which are two of the periodontopathogens, are frequently detected in severe forms of periodontal diseases. However, the interaction between P. oris and P. gingivalis is still unknown. In this study, the coaggregation of P. oris with nine oral bacterial species including P. gingivalis was examined.MethodsAll bacteria used in this study were cultured anaerobically and suspended in coaggregation buffer. Each cell suspension was mixed in a test tube and subjected to shaking at room temperature for 1 hour. Subsequently, the coaggregation values were scored. Furthermore, the effects of various chemical reagents, and heat, proteinase K, and serum treatment were examined.ResultsIn this study, P. oris coaggregated only with P. gingivalis. A heat-stable, nonproteinous component of P. oris and a heat-labile, proteinous component of P. gingivalis play important roles in this coaggregation. In addition, this coaggregation was inhibited by l-arginine, l-lysine, and Nα-p-tosyl-l-lysine. Therefore, it was considered that a cell surface protein on P. gingivalis, such as gingipain, may be involved in the coaggregation. Furthermore, the coaggregation was not inhibited by serum treatment.ConclusionThis is the first report to describe the coaggregation of P. oris and P. gingivalis. Our study proposes the possibility that P. oris may promote the colonization of P. gingivalis in an early stage of biofilm formation. Furthermore, this coaggregation may contribute to the initiation and progression of periodontitis

    Purification and characterization of hemolysin from Prevotella oris

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    AbstractWe observed hemolytic activity in culture supernatant of Prevotella oris. Results from growth-phase experiments show that hemolysin production increased during the logarithmic growth phase and decreased during the stationary phase. The hemolysin produced by P. oris was purified from the culture supernatant by ultrafiltration, diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) and carboxymethyl (CM) ion-exchange chromatography, and gel filtration chromatography; further, we investigated the purified hemolysin characteristics, including its ability to lyse human, horse, sheep, and rabbit erythrocytes. The purified hemolysin was observed as a single, 16-kDa band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) gel. The specific activity was obtained by concentrating the purified hemolysin by 9200 fold. Although hemolysin was inactivated by heat treatment, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), l-cysteine, dithiothreitol (DTT), and 2-mercaptoethanol enhanced its activity. Further, treatments using trypsin, MgCl2, CaCl2, and cholesterol did not affect its hemolytic activity. A pH of 6.0 was optimal for inducing the hemolysin activity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report describing the purification and characterization of hemolysin produced by P. oris

    Prevotella oris溶血素の特徴とその赤血球膜との相互作用(The characteristics of Prevotella oris hemolysin and its interaction with the erythrocyte membrane)

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    The purpose of this study was to identify five unknown bacterial strains by using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. These strains isolated from endodontic lesions and periodontal pocket are culture-difficult and inert in most biochemical tests, and could not be classified to any established bacterial species by conventional bacteriological method. In the present study, genomic DNA was extracted from the cultured bacterial cells with InstaGene (BIO-RAD), and the 16S rRNA gene was amplified by PCR with universal primers (27F and 1492R) and Premix Taq (Ex Taq version, Takara), then was sequenced by using a Thermo Sequence Fluorescent Labelled Primer Cycle Sequencing Kit (Amersham) and an ALFexpress DNA sequencer (Pharmacin LKB). The segmented nucleotide sequences of 16S rDNA were integrated by using SEQMAN in LASERGENE computer program (DNASTAR). The 16S rDNA sequences of the unknown bacterial strain were applied to GenBank by using BLAST program to search the suspected bacterial species . The MEGALIGN search program showed that the sequence similarities were 89.5% - 91.3% to a type strain of Dialister pneumosintes among the established bacterial species. Based on the phylogenetic data, it is considered that the five unknown strains have to be presented a new bacterial species as Dialister-like bacterium