2,689 research outputs found
Zariski density of crystalline representations for any p-adic field
The aim of this article is to prove Zariski density of crystalline
representations in the rigid analytic space associated to the universal
deformation ring of a d-dimensional mod p representation of Gal(\bar{K}/K) for
any d and for any p-adic field K. This is a generalization of the results of
Colmez, Kisin (d=2, K=Q_p), of the author (d=2, any K), of Chenevier (any d,
K=Q_p). A key ingredient for the proof is to construct a p-adic family of
trianguline representations. In this article, we construct (an approximation
of) this family by generalizing Kisin's theory of finite slope subspace X_{fs}
for any d and for any K
Deformations of trianguline B-pairs
The aim of this article is to study deformation theory of trianguline B-pairs
for any p-adic field. For benign B-pairs, a special good class of trianguline
B-pairs, we prove a main theorem concerning tangent spaces of these deformation
spaces. These are generalizations of Bellaiche-Chenevier's and Chenevier's
works in the case of K=Q_p, where they used (phi,Gamma)-modules over Robba ring
instead of using B-pairs. The main theorem, the author hopes, will play crucial
roles in some problems of Zariski density of modular points or of crystalline
points in deformation spaces of global or local p-adic Galois representations.Comment: 30page
Deformations of trianguline B-pairs and Zariski density of two dimensional crystalline representations
The aim of this article is to study deformation theory of trianguline B-pairs
for any p-adic field. For benign B-pairs, a special good class of trianguline
B-pairs, we prove a main theorem concerning tangent spaces of these deformation
spaces. These are generalizations of Bellaiche-Chenevier's and Chenevier's
works in the Q_p case, where they used (\phi,\Gamma)-modules over the Robba
ring instead of using B-pairs. As an application of this theory, in the final
chapter, we prove a theorem concerning Zariski density of two dimensional
crystalline representations for any p-adic field, which is a generalization of
Colmez and Kisin's results in the Q_p case.Comment: The half of this article is almost same as the article which the
author submitted in February 2010, the author adds the proof of Zariski
density of crystalline representation
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