133 research outputs found

    Electric Dipole Moments in Natural Supersymmetry

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    We discuss electric dipole moments (EDMs) in the framework of CP-violating natural supersymmetry (SUSY). Recent experimental results have significantly tightened constraints on the EDMs of electrons and of mercury, and substantial further progress is expected in the near future. We assess how these results constrain the parameter space of natural SUSY. In addition to our discussion of SUSY, we provide a set of general formulas for two-loop fermion EDMs, which can be applied to a wide range of models of new physics. In the SUSY context, the two-loop effects of stops and charginos respectively constrain the phases of AtμA_t \mu and M2μM_2 \mu to be small in the natural part of parameter space. If the Higgs mass is lifted to 125 GeV by a new tree-level superpotential interaction and soft term with CP-violating phases, significant EDMs can arise from the two-loop effects of WW bosons and tops. We compare the bounds arising from EDMs to those from other probes of new physics including colliders, b→sγb \to s \gamma, and dark matter searches. Importantly, improvements in reach not only constrain higher masses, but require the phases to be significantly smaller in the natural parameter space at low mass. The required smallness of phases sharpens the CP problem of natural SUSY model building.Comment: 37 pages plus appendices, 16 figures; v2: journal versio

    Inflation and Gauge Mediation in Supersymmetric Gauge Theory

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    We propose a simple high-scale inflationary scenario based on a phenomenologically viable model with direct gauge mediation of low-scale supersymmetry breaking. Hybrid inflation is occurred in a hidden supersymmetry breaking sector. Two hierarchical mass scales to reconcile both high-scale inflation and gauge mediation are necessary for the stability of the metastable supersymmetry breaking vacuum. Our scenario is also natural in light of the Landau pole problem of direct gauge mediation.Comment: 10 pages; v2: presentation changed, qualitative results unchanged, references added; v3: minor correction, published in PT

    Natural Supersymmetry in Warped Space

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    We explore the possibility of solving the hierarchy problem by combining the paradigms of supersymmetry and compositeness. Both paradigms are under pressure from the results of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and combining them allows both a higher confinement scale -- due to effective supersymmetry in the low energy theory -- and heavier superpartners -- due to the composite nature of the Higgs boson -- without sacrificing naturalness. The supersymmetric Randall-Sundrum model provides a concrete example where calculations are possible, and we pursue a realistic model in this context. With a few assumptions, we are led to a model with bulk fermions, a left-right gauge symmetry in the bulk, and supersymmetry breaking on the UV brane. The first two generations of squarks are decoupled, reducing LHC signatures but also leading to quadratic divergences at two loops. The model predicts light W′W' and Z′Z' gauge bosons, and present LHC constraints on exotic gauge bosons imply a high confinement scale and mild tuning from the quadratic divergences, but the model is otherwise viable. We also point out that R-parity violation can arise naturally in this context.Comment: 60 pages, 7 figures; v2: minor changes, references added, published versio
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