4,749 research outputs found

    Particle Propagator of Spin Calogero-Sutherland Model

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    Explicit-exact expressions for the particle propagator of the spin 1/2 Calogero-Sutherland model are derived for the system of a finite number of particles and for that in the thermodynamic limit. Derivation of the expression in the thermodynamic limit is also presented in detail. Combining this result with the hole propagator obtained in earlier studies, we calculate the spectral function of the single particle Green's function in the full range of the energy and momentum space. The resultant spectral function exhibits power-law singularity characteristic to correlated particle systems in one dimension.Comment: 43 pages, 6 figure

    Time-reversal symmetric Kitaev model and topological superconductor in two dimensions

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    A time-reversal invariant Kitaev-type model is introduced in which spins (Dirac matrices) on the square lattice interact via anisotropic nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor exchange interactions. The model is exactly solved by mapping it onto a tight-binding model of free Majorana fermions coupled with static Z_2 gauge fields. The Majorana fermion model can be viewed as a model of time-reversal invariant superconductor and is classified as a member of symmetry class DIII in the Altland-Zirnbauer classification. The ground-state phase diagram has two topologically distinct gapped phases which are distinguished by a Z_2 topological invariant. The topologically nontrivial phase supports both a Kramers' pair of gapless Majorana edge modes at the boundary and a Kramers' pair of zero-energy Majorana states bound to a 0-flux vortex in the \pi-flux background. Power-law decaying correlation functions of spins along the edge are obtained by taking the gapless Majorana edge modes into account. The model is also defined on the one-dimension ladder, in which case again the ground-state phase diagram has Z_2 trivial and non-trivial phases.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    The Discovery of Water Maser Emission from Eight Nearby Galaxies

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    Using the Green Bank Telescope, we conducted a ``snapshot'' survey for water maser emission toward the nuclei of 611 galaxies and detected eight new sources. The sample consisted of nearby (v < 5000 km/s) and luminous (M_B < -19.5) galaxies, some with known nuclear activity but most not previously known to host AGNs. Our detections include both megamasers associated with AGNs and relatively low luminosity masers probably associated with star formation. The detection in UGC 3789 is particularly intriguing because the spectrum shows both systemic and high-velocity lines indicative of emission from an AGN accretion disk seen edge-on. Based on six months of monitoring, we detected accelerations among the systemic features ranging from 2 to 8 km/s/yr, the larger values belonging to the most redshifted systemic components. High-velocity maser lines in UGC 3789 show no detectable drift over the same period. Although UGC 3789 was not known to be an AGN prior to this survey, the presence of a disk maser is strong evidence for nuclear activity, and an optical spectrum obtained later has confirmed it. With follow up observations, it may be possible to measure a geometric distance to UGC 3789.Comment: to appear in Astrophysical Journal, 1 May 200

    Position-Velocity Diagrams for the Maser Emission coming from a Keplerian Ring

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    We have studied the maser emission from a thin, planar, gaseous ring in Keplerian rotation around a central mass observed edge-on. The absorption coefficient within the ring is assumed to follow a power law dependence with the distance from the central mass as, k=k0r^{-q}. We have calculated position-velocity diagrams for the most intense maser features, for different values of the exponent q. We have found that, depending on the value of q, these diagrams can be qualitatively different. The most intense maser emission at a given velocity can either come mainly from regions close to the inner or outer edges of the amplifying ring or from the line perpendicular to the line of sight and passing through the central mass (as is commonly assumed). Particularly, when q>1 the position-velocity diagram is qualitatively similar to the one observed for the water maser emission in the nucleus of the galaxy NGC 4258. In the context of this simple model, we conclude that in this object the absorption coefficient depends on the radius of the amplifying ring as a decreasing function, in order to have significant emission coming from the inner edge of the ring.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, to appear in the 2007 July 20 issue of The Astrophysical Journa

    A Frictional Cooling Demonstration Experiment with Protons

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    Muon cooling is the main technological obstacle in the building of a muon collider. A muon cooling scheme based on Frictional Cooling holds promise in overcoming this obstacle. An experiment designed to demonstrate the Frictional Cooling concept using protons was undertaken. Although the results were inconclusive in the observation of cooling, the data allowed for the qualification of detailed simulations which are used to simulate the performance of a muon collider.Comment: 24 Pages 16 figures 2 table

    Recoverable One-dimensional Encoding of Three-dimensional Protein Structures

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    Protein one-dimensional (1D) structures such as secondary structure and contact number provide intuitive pictures to understand how the native three-dimensional (3D) structure of a protein is encoded in the amino acid sequence. However, it has not been clear whether a given set of 1D structures contains sufficient information for recovering the underlying 3D structure. Here we show that the 3D structure of a protein can be recovered from a set of three types of 1D structures, namely, secondary structure, contact number and residue-wise contact order which is introduced here for the first time. Using simulated annealing molecular dynamics simulations, the structures satisfying the given native 1D structural restraints were sought for 16 proteins of various structural classes and of sizes ranging from 56 to 146 residues. By selecting the structures best satisfying the restraints, all the proteins showed a coordinate RMS deviation of less than 4\AA{} from the native structure, and for most of them, the deviation was even less than 2\AA{}. The present result opens a new possibility to protein structure prediction and our understanding of the sequence-structure relationship.Comment: Corrected title. No Change In Content

    VLBI Imaging of Water Maser Emission from the Nuclear Torus of NGC 1068

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    We have made the first VLBI synthesis images of the H2O maser emission associated with the central engine of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 1068. Emission extends about +/-300 km/s from the systemic velocity. Images with submilliarcsecond angular resolution show that the red-shifted emission lies along an arc to the northwest of the systemic emission. (The blue-shifted emission has not yet been imaged with VLBI.) Based on the maser velocities and the relative orientation of the known radio jet, we propose that the maser emission arises on the surface of a nearly edge-on torus, where physical conditions are conducive to maser action. The visible part of the torus is axially thick, with comparable height and radius. The velocity field indicates sub-Keplerian differential rotation around a central mass of about 1e7 Msun that lies within a cylindrical radius of about 0.65 pc. The estimated luminosity of the central engine is about 0.5 of the Eddington limit. There is no detectable compact radio continuum emission near the proposed center of the torus (T_B< 5e6 K on size scales of about 0.1 pc), so that the observed flat-spectrum core cannot be direct self-absorbed synchrotron radiation.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. To appear in ApJ Part 2. Also available at http://www.physics.ucsb.edu/~vlbiweb

    The Distribution of H2O Maser Emission in the Nucleus of NGC 4945

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    We present the first interferometer map of the water maser emission in the active nucleus of NGC 4945. Although the declination of the galaxy is about -49 degrees, we were able to make the observations with the southernmost antennas of the Very Long Baseline Array. Strong maser emission is present in three velocity ranges, one near the systemic velocity and two shifted roughly symmetrically by +/-(100-150) km/s. This is the first detection of highly blue-shifted water emission in NGC 4945. We determined the position of the maser to be RA(B1950)= 13 02 32.28 +/- 0.02 ; Dec(B1950)= -49 12 01.9 +/- 0.1. The uncertainties in earlier estimates are at least several arcseconds. The maser lies within 2'' (36 pc at a distance of 3.7 Mpc) of the peaks in 1.4 GHz continuum and 1.6 micron emission from the nucleus. The mappable maser emission is distributed roughly linearly over about 40 milliarcseconds (0.7 pc) at a position angle of about 45 degrees, which is close to the 43 +/- 2 degree position angle of the galactic disk. The red and blue-shifted emission symmetrically stradle the systemic emission on the sky, which suggests material in edge-on circular motion around a central object. The position-velocity structure indicates a binding mass of about one million Suns, within a volume of radius about 0.3 pc. This implies that the central engine radiates on the order of 10% of its Eddington luminosity.Comment: 18 pages, including 5 Postscript figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Powerful Water Masers in Active Galactic Nuclei

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    Luminous water maser emission in the 6_(16)-5_(23) line at 22 GHz has been detected from two dozen galaxies. In all cases the emission is confined to the nucleus and has been found only in AGN, in particular, in Type 2 Seyferts and LINERs. I argue that most of the observed megamaser sources are powered by X-ray irradiation of dense gas by the central engine. After briefly reviewing the physics of these X-Ray Dissociation Regions, I discuss in detail the observations of the maser disk in NGC 4258, its implications, and compare alternative models for the maser emission. I then discuss the observations of the other sources that have been imaged with VLBI to date, and how they do or do not fit into the framework of a thin, rotating disk, as in NGC 4258. Finally, I briefly discuss future prospects, especially the possibility of detecting other water maser transitions.Comment: 45 pages, 16 figures. Refereed and greatly expanded version of my review talk at the ASA meeting in Lorne, July 2001. To appear in Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of Australi

    Time-resolved measurements of laser-induced shock waves in deuterated polystyrene porous targets by x-ray backlighting

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    Copyright 1991 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Physics of fluids. B, 3(3), 735-744, 1991 and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.85986
