2 research outputs found
Interventions in sports settings to reduce risky alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm: a systematic review
- Author
- A Bedendo
- A Blaszczynski
- A Laslett
- A Maclean
- A O'Farrell
- A Shakeshaft
- AC Wagenaar
- AL Sønderlund
- AM O'Farrell
- B Donohue
- B Kelly
- B McDonald
- B Rowland
- B Rowland
- B Rowland
- B Rowland
- B Rowland
- B Trolldal
- BA Reboussin
- BK Yörük
- C Duff
- C Kolar
- CA Bormann
- CF Finch
- CM Carr
- D Black
- D Foxcroft
- D Foxcroft
- D Nutbeam
- D Thombs
- DJ Nutt
- G Schewe
- GL Stuart
- H Wechsler
- HD Holder
- I Crundall
- I Rossow
- J Connor
- J Durlak
- J Rehm
- JF Rooney
- JP Clarkson
- K Fromme
- K Warpenius
- KM Lenk
- KS O'Brien
- KS O'brien
- KS O’Brien
- L Kelly
- M Battaglia
- M Kingsland
- M Kingsland
- M Lyne
- NAFF Furtwængler
- PM Dietze
- R Caetano
- R Marcello
- R Mentha
- R Oldendick
- R Tricker
- R Watten
- RE Mann
- S Casswell
- SL Mercer
- T Glassman
- T Nelson
- TF Nelson
- V Bagnardi
- W Drygas
- W Sadish
- WA Pridemore
- World Health Organisation
- World Health Organisation
- World Health Organisation
- World Health Organisation
- World Health Organisation
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Pharmacotherapies for the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorders During Pregnancy: Time to Reconsider?
- Author
- A Agrawal
- A Bhat
- A Maeda
- A McKeon
- A Nora
- AC Edwards
- AJ Harding
- AL Pitel
- AR Lingford-Hughes
- B Rolland
- BA Bailey
- C Adde-Michel
- CB Krubiner
- CD Coles
- D Benjamin
- D Nutt
- DL Rhee
- E Kelty
- E Kelty
- E Kelty
- E Tuchman
- EE Krans
- F Kiefer
- F Thibaut
- G Blinick
- G Carson
- G Chang
- GD Helmbrecht
- GK Hulse
- HE Jones
- IS Zagon
- J Besson
- J Chick
- J DeVido
- J Jeanblanc
- J Rehm
- JC Umhau
- JD Grant
- JD Thomas
- JE Helzer
- JM Shyken
- JR Greenmyer
- K Mann
- KC Morley
- KL Coyne
- KO Lindros
- L Burns
- L Degenhardt
- L Gambling
- M al Qatari
- M Bolton
- M Heilig
- MA Campbell
- MD Skinner
- MH Aliyu
- MH Aliyu
- MJ O’Connor
- MN Hesselbrock
- MP Salgo
- N Mota
- NAEPP expert panel report
- NAFF Furtwængler
- NH Azrin
- P Anderson
- P Batel
- P Dehaene
- P Haber
- PA May
- PJ McLaughlin
- PJ Reitnauer
- PR McElhatton
- R Monte
- R Spanagel
- RA Gonzales
- RJ Gardner
- RJ Sokol
- RJ Sokol
- RN Pechnick
- RN Rosenthal
- RS Croop
- S Kattimani
- S Lange
- S Lui
- S Popova
- S Rosner
- S Rosner
- SI Patel
- SJ Ambrogne
- SP Bro
- SS O'Malley
- TJ O'Farrell
- VI Reus
- WO Farid
- World Health Organisation
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study