77 research outputs found
Royal Jelly: Component Efficiency, Analysis, and Standardisation
Funkcionalna hrana postala je važan sektor u promicanju zdravstvenih prednosti hrane preko njenih funkcionalnih sastojaka sadržanih u ovim proizvodima. Posljednjih godina poveÄano je zanimanje potroÅ”aÄa i prehrambene industrije ne samo za funkcionalne sastojke hrane nego i za naÄin na koji mogu pomoÄi u održavanju ljudskoga zdravlja. MiÅ”ljenje da prehrana ima važnu ulogu u spreÄavanju i lijeÄenju bolesti Å”iroko je prihvaÄeno. Brojni literaturni podatci upuÄuju na to da pÄelinji proizvodi, ukljuÄujuÄi matiÄnu mlijeÄ, mogu imati blagotvoran uÄinak na ljudsko zdravlje. MatiÄna je mlijeÄ pÄelinji proizvod s brojnim bioloÅ”ki aktivnim sastojcima zdrave hrane. IzluÄevina je posebnih žlijezda (hipofaringealnih i mandibularnih) koju pÄele radilice (Apis mellifera L.) koriste za hranjenje matice i liÄinki. MatiÄna mlijeÄ sadrži znatnu koliÄinu proteina, slobodnih aminokiselina, lipida, vitamina i Å”eÄera. Njene su karakteristiÄne sastavnice bioaktivne tvari, primjerice trans-10-hidroksi-2-decenska kiselina, antibakterijski proteini, i protein mase 350 kDa protein, nazvan apisin, koji stimulira proliferaciju ljudskih monocita. MatiÄna mlijeÄ pokazuje brojne fizioloÅ”ke i farmakoloÅ”ke uÄinke u sisavaca, ukljuÄujuÄi vazodilataciju i sniženje krvnog tlaka, sniženje vrijednosti kolesterola, usporavanje procesa starenja, antioksidativnu aktivnost, imunomodulacijski te protuupalni, antimikrobni, estrogenski, antiosteoporozni i protutumorski uÄinak. Ublažavanje simptoma menopauze takoÄer je jedan od povoljnih uÄinaka matiÄne mlijeÄi. Ovaj pregledni Älanak upuÄuje na molekularne mehanizme ukljuÄene u razvoj pojedinih poremeÄaja te na odnos izmeÄu matiÄne mlijeÄi i raznovrsnih bolesti na temelju dosadaÅ”njih rezultata razliÄitih in vivo i in vitro istraživanja. Rad takoÄer opisuje tumaÄenja moguÄih mehanizama viÅ”estrukih korisnih uÄinaka matiÄne mlijeÄi u borbi protiv starenja i komplikacija povezanih sa starenjem. Osim toga, navode se i preporuke o definiranju standarda kakvoÄe matiÄne mlijeÄi s obzirom na to da rezultati analize ovoga pÄelinjega proizvoda upuÄuju na znaÄajne razlike u sastavu i djelotvornosti svježih i dehidriranih uzoraka.Royal jelly is a viscous substance secreted by the hypopharyngeal and mandibular glands of worker honeybees (Apis mellifera) that contains a considerable amount of proteins, free amino acids, lipids, vitamins, sugars, and bioactive substances such as 10-hydroxy-trans-2-decenoic acid, antibacterial protein, and 350-kDa protein. These properties make it an attractive ingredient in various types of healthy foods. This article brings a brief review of the molecular mechanisms involved in the development of certain disorders that can be remedied by royal jelly, based on a selection of in vivo and in vitro studies. It also describes current understanding of the mechanisms and beneficial effects by which royal jelly helps to combat aging-related complications. Royal jelly has been reported to exhibit beneficial physiological and pharmacological effects in mammals, including vasodilative and hypotensive activities, antihypercholesterolemic activity, and antitumor activity. As its composition varies significantly (for both fresh and dehydrated samples), the article brings a few recommendations for defining new quality standards
RazliÄiti uÄinci samih hlapljivih anestetika ili u kombinaciji s gama-zraÄenjem od 1 i 2 Gy in vivo na DNA miÅ”je jetre: preliminarno istraživanje
As the number of radiotherapy and radiology diagnostic procedures increases from year to year, so does the use of general volatile anaesthesia (VA). Although considered safe, VA exposure can cause different adverse effects and, in combination with ionising radiation (IR), can also cause synergistic effects. However, little is known about DNA damage incurred by this combination at doses applied in a single radiotherapy treatment. To learn more about it, we assessed DNA damage and repair response in the liver tissue of Swiss albino male mice following exposure to isoflurane (I), sevoflurane (S), or halothane (H) alone or in combination with 1 or 2 Gy irradiation using the comet assay. Samples were taken immediately (0 h) and 2, 6, and 24 h after exposure. Compared to control, the highest DNA damage was found in mice receiving halothane alone or in combination with 1 or 2 Gy IR treatments. Sevoflurane and isoflurane displayed protective effects against 1 Gy IR, while with 2 Gy IR the first adverse effects appeared at 24 h post-exposure. Although VA effects depend on liver metabolism, the detection of unrepaired DNA damage 24 h after combined exposure with 2 Gy IR indicates that we need to look further into the combined effects of VA and IR on genome stability and include a longer time frame than 24 h for single exposure as well as repeated exposure as a more realistic scenario in radiotherapy treatment.Kako se broj radioterapijskih i radioloÅ”kih dijagnostiÄkih postupaka iz godine u godinu poveÄava, tako raste i primjena hlapljivih anestetika za opÄu anesteziju. Iako se smatralo sigurnim, izlaganje hlapljivim anesteticima može izazvati razliÄite Å”tetne uÄinke, a u kombinaciji s ionizirajuÄim zraÄenjem može izazvati i sinergijske uÄinke. MeÄutim, malo se zna o oÅ”teÄenju DNA koje uzrokuje ova kombinacija u dozama primijenjenima u jednom izlaganju u radioterapiji. Kako bismo saznali viÅ”e o tome, alkalnim komet-testom analizirali smo oÅ”teÄenje DNA i odgovor na popravak u jetrenom tkivu muÅ”kih Swiss albino miÅ”eva nakon izlaganja samo izofluranu, sevofluranu ili halotanu, odnosno u kombinaciji sa zraÄenjem od 1 ili 2 Gy. Uzorci su uzeti odmah (0 h) te 2, 6 i 24 sata nakon izlaganja. U usporedbi s kontrolom, najveÄa oÅ”teÄenja DNA utvrÄena su u miÅ”eva koji su primili halotan, sam ili u kombinaciji sa zraÄenjem od 1 ili 2 Gy. Sevofluran i izofluran pokazali su zaÅ”titne uÄinke nakon izlaganja zraÄenju od 1 Gy, a pri 2 Gy prve nuspojave pojavile su se 24 sata nakon izlaganja. Iako uÄinci hlapljivih anestetika ovise o metabolizmu jetre, otkrivanje nepopravljenog oÅ”teÄenja DNA 24 sata nakon kombinirane izloženosti sa zraÄenjem od 2 Gy upuÄuje na to da trebamo nastaviti istraživati kombinirane uÄinke hlapljivih anestetika i ionizirajuÄega zraÄenja na stabilnost genoma i obuhvatiti Å”ire razdoblje nakon jednokratne izloženosti (duže od 24 sata). TakoÄer treba obuhvatiti viÅ”ekratna izlaganja kao realistiÄniji scenarij u lijeÄenju radioterapijom
PI3K/Akt and ERK1/2 Signalling Are Involved in Quercetin-Mediated Neuroprotection against Copper-Induced Injury
Copper, a transition metal with essential cellular functions, exerts neurotoxic effects when present in excess by promoting production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The aim of the present study was to investigate potential benefits of flavonoid quercetin against copper-induced toxicity. Results obtained with MTT assay indicate that the effects of quercetin are determined by the severity of the toxic insult. In moderately injured P19 neuronal cells, concomitant treatment with 150 Ī¼M quercetin improved viability by preventing ROS formation, caspase-3 activation, and chromatin condensation. Western blot analysis revealed that quercetin reduced copper-induced increase in p53 upregulated modulator of apoptosis (PUMA) expression and promoted upregulation of nucleoside diphosphate kinase NME1. Levels of p53 and Bax proteins were not affected by both copper and quercetin. UO126 and wortmannin, inhibitors of ERK1/2 and PI3K/Akt signalling pathways, respectively, prevented neuroprotective effects of quercetin. In severely injured neurons, 30 Ī¼M quercetin exerted strong prooxidative action and exacerbated cytotoxic effects of copper, whereas 150 Ī¼M quercetin failed to affect neuronal survival. These results demonstrate the dual nature of quercetin action in copper-related neurodegeneration. Hence, they are relevant in the context of considering quercetin as a possible therapeutic for neuroprotection and imply that detailed pharmacological and toxicological studies must be carried out for natural compounds capable of acting both as antioxidants and prooxidants
Primjena alkalnog kometnog testa u istraživanju radioprotektivnih uÄinaka alkoholnog ekstrakta propolisa i kvercetina na miÅ”evima ozraÄenim gama-zraÄenjem
The aim of this study was to assess radioprotective effects of quercetin and the ethanolic extract of propolis (EEP) in CBA mice exposed to a single radiation dose 4 Gy (60Co). The mice were treated with 100 mg kg-1 quercetin or EEP a day for three consecutive days either before (pre-treatment) or after gamma-irradiation (therapy). Leukocyte count was determined in blood drawn from the tail vein, and DNA damage in leukocytes was assessed using the alkaline comet assay. Genotoxic effects of the test compunds were also evaluated in non-irradiated mice. The levels of radioprotection provided by both test compounds were compared with those established in mice that were given chemical radioprotector S-(2-Aminoethyl)isothiouronium bromide hydrobromide (AET). Mice that received pre-treatment were less sensitive to irradiation. Mice given the post-irradiation therapy showed a slight but not significant increase in total leukocyte count over irradiated negative control. Quercetin showed better protective properties than EEP in both pre-treatment and therapy, and activated a higher number of leukocytes in non-irradiated mice. The alkaline comet assay suggests that both natural compounds, especially when given as pre-treatment, protect against primary leukocyte DNA damage in mice. At tested concentrations, EEP and quercetin were not genotoxic to non-irradiated mice. AET, however, caused a slight but not significant increase in DNA damage. Although the results of this study show the radioprotective potential of the test compounds, further investigation is needed to clarify the underlying protection mechanisms.Na miÅ”evima soja CBA istraženi su radioprotektivni uÄinci alkoholnog ekstrakta propolisa (AEP) i flavonoida kvercetina primijenjenih u obliku predtretmana i terapije usporedo s izlaganjem gama-zraÄenju iz izvora 60Co, doze 4 Gy. Testirane tvari injicirane su miÅ”evima intraperitonealno u dozi od 100 mg kg-1 tijekom tri uzastopna dana. Nakon zavrÅ”etka pokusa u uzorcima krvi ozraÄenih miÅ”eva utvrÄen je ukupni broj leukocita, a razina primarnih oÅ”teÄenja u DNA izmjerena je primjenom alkalnog kometnog testa. Usporedo su istraženi i moguÄi genotoksiÄni uÄinci testiranih tvari na neozraÄenim miÅ”evima. Razine radioprotekcije koju pružaju propolis i kvercetin usporeÄene su sa sintetskim radioprotektorom AET-om (S-(2-aminoetil)izotiouronij bromid hidrobromid). Predtretman miÅ”eva bilo kojim oblikom radioprotektora pridonosi boljem odgovoru na zraÄenje. U miÅ”eva koji su primili radioprotektore u obliku terapije uoÄen je mali porast ukupnog broja leukocita u odnosu na ozraÄenu negativnu kontrolu. Kvercetin je pružio bolju zaÅ”titu od zraÄenja nego AEP, i u predtretmanu i terapiji, a u neozraÄenih miÅ”eva potaknuo je oslobaÄanje veÄeg broja leukocita u odnosu na negativnu kontrolu. Rezultati istraživanja upuÄuju na to da propolis i njegove fl avonoidne sastavnice, osobito ako su primijenjene prije ozraÄivanja, mogu uÄinkovito zaÅ”tititi miÅ”eve od Å”tetnih uÄinaka ionizirajuÄeg zraÄenja i smanjiti razinu primarnih oÅ”teÄenja DNA u leukocitima. AEP i kvercetin u testiranim dozama nisu bili genotoksiÄni, za razliku od AET-a koji je izazvao mali porast razine oÅ”teÄenja DNA u leukocitima neozraÄenih miÅ”eva. Iako rezultati istraživanja upuÄuju na radioprotektivne uÄinke testiranih prirodnih spojeva, radi pojaÅ”njenja pretpostavljenih mehanizama radioprotekcije potrebna su daljnja istraživanja
Effectivity of flavonoids on animal model psoriasis ā thermographic evaluation
Background and purpose: Psoriasiform lesions are characterized by hyperproliferation and aberrant differentiation of epidermal keratinocytes, accompanied by inflammation, leading to a disrupted skin barrier with an abnormal stratum corneum. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease whose etiopathogenesis has not yet been fully resolved, and therefore there is no standardized therapeutical approach. This study examined the possible positive effects of propolis and its polyphenolic/flavonoid compounds on animal
model psoriasis, induced by the Di-n-Propyl Disulfide iritant (PPD),
and the possibility to assess usefulness of thermography in psoriatic lesion regression.
Material and methods: We monitored the inflammation process by
monitoring the total number of inflammatory cells in peritoneal cavity,
macrophage spreading index and thermographic scanning. Thermographic is scanning an effective and simplemethod which reproducibly records thermographic images of the examined area. The tested animals were divided into sixteen groups and locally processed during five days with PPD, water and ethanolic extract (WSDP or EEP) of propolis preparations and flavonoids
(Epigallocatechin 3-gallate, Quercetin, Chrisin, Curcumin).
Results: The results of thermal imaging showed no statistically significant differences in temperature changes on skin locuses of psoriasis formed lesions among the examined groups. The total number of inflammatory cells in peritoneal cavity and the macrophage spreading index were reduced in psoriatic mice treated with test components.
Conclusions: These results demonstrate that topical application of propolis and the flavonoids present in propolis may improve psoriatic-like skin lesions by suppressing functional activity of macrophages and ROS production. Taken toghether, it is suggested that propolis and flavonoids offer some protection against psoriatic complications through their roles as inhibitors of inflammation and as free radical scavengers. Thermal imaging was realistic, and can be applicable in examining the inflammatory process in psoriasis and in evaluating the effectiveness of tested substances
Effectivity of flavonoids on animal model psoriasis ā thermographic evaluation
Background and purpose: Psoriasiform lesions are characterized by hyperproliferation and aberrant differentiation of epidermal keratinocytes, accompanied by inflammation, leading to a disrupted skin barrier with an abnormal stratum corneum. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease whose etiopathogenesis has not yet been fully resolved, and therefore there is no standardized therapeutical approach. This study examined the possible positive effects of propolis and its polyphenolic/flavonoid compounds on animal
model psoriasis, induced by the Di-n-Propyl Disulfide iritant (PPD),
and the possibility to assess usefulness of thermography in psoriatic lesion regression.
Material and methods: We monitored the inflammation process by
monitoring the total number of inflammatory cells in peritoneal cavity,
macrophage spreading index and thermographic scanning. Thermographic is scanning an effective and simplemethod which reproducibly records thermographic images of the examined area. The tested animals were divided into sixteen groups and locally processed during five days with PPD, water and ethanolic extract (WSDP or EEP) of propolis preparations and flavonoids
(Epigallocatechin 3-gallate, Quercetin, Chrisin, Curcumin).
Results: The results of thermal imaging showed no statistically significant differences in temperature changes on skin locuses of psoriasis formed lesions among the examined groups. The total number of inflammatory cells in peritoneal cavity and the macrophage spreading index were reduced in psoriatic mice treated with test components.
Conclusions: These results demonstrate that topical application of propolis and the flavonoids present in propolis may improve psoriatic-like skin lesions by suppressing functional activity of macrophages and ROS production. Taken toghether, it is suggested that propolis and flavonoids offer some protection against psoriatic complications through their roles as inhibitors of inflammation and as free radical scavengers. Thermal imaging was realistic, and can be applicable in examining the inflammatory process in psoriasis and in evaluating the effectiveness of tested substances
Efficiency of polyphenolic diet on health and functional capacity in professional and recreational athletes
Pravilna prehrana smatra se jednim od bitnih preduvjeta
zdravog života. Prevencija bolesti, poboljŔanje zdravlja i
funkcionalnih sposobnosti u sportaŔa i rekreativaca doveli
su do poveÄanja interesa za spojevima s bioaktivnim
djelovanjem. Polifenoli su jedni od tih spojeva. Njihova
Å”iroka dostupnost i specifiÄni fizioloÅ”ki uÄinci prezentiraju
ih kao jedinstvene prehrambene spojeve. U dosadaŔnjim
istraživanjima povezanosti polifenola i potencijalnog uÄinka
na zdravlje uoÄen je pozitivni uÄinak kod kardiovaskularnih,
metaboliÄkih i neurodegenerativnih bolesti s obzirom
na njihovu protuoksidacijsku, protukancerogenu,
protualergijsku i protuupalnu aktivnost. Posebno se može
promatrati njihova uloga funkcionalne hrane kod sportaŔa
i rekreativaca zbog jedinstvenih zahtjeva u psihofiziÄkom
smislu. UÄinci polifenola pomažu u razliÄitim fizioloÅ”kim
stanjima koja slijede za vrijeme i nakon tjelesne aktivnosti.
Pokazane su znaÄajne uloge u zaÅ”titi i oporavku miÅ”iÄa
i kostiju, prevenciji metaboliÄkih bolesti i održavanju
mentalnog zdravlja sportaŔa i rekreativaca.Proper nutrition is one of the basic prerequisites for
a healthy lifestyle. The need to find compounds with
bioactive agents in order to prevent disease, improve health
and functional capacities in professional and recreational
athletes has resulted in an increase of interest. Polyphenols
are one of these compounds. Their wide accessibility
and specific physiological effects make them unique
nutritional compounds. Current research on the potential
positive effects of polyphenols on health shows benefits
on cardiovascular, metabolic and neurodegenerative
diseases, regarding their antioxidative, anticancerogenic,
hypoalergenic and antiinflammatory activities. Their role as
a functional food in athletes can be observed due to unique
requirements, with reference to their psycho-physiological
demands. The effects of polyphenols are beneficial in cases
of various physiological conditions, which occur during or
after physical activity. Important roles in the protection and
recovery of muscles and bones, prevention of metabolic
diseases and maintenance of mental health have been shown
in professional and recreational athletes
Procjena genotoksiÄnih uÄinaka irinotekana i cisplatina na zdrave miÅ”je stanice primjenom alkalnog komet testa
The purpose of cytostatic agents is to act exclusively upon tumor cells, and to inhibit growth or induce tumor cell death by impairing their cell cycle progression. However, the majority of these agents are not specific in their action, and subsequently produce toxic effects on healthy tissues causing significant adverse events in both patients and health professionals exposed to these drugs. Various cytogenetic and molecular biology assays play an important role in the assessment of genotoxic effects related to antineoplastic drugs. Within a short period after exposure to a potentially genotoxic agent, these assays are able to assess the level of cellular DNA damage and/or to monitor the dynamics of DNA repair. Sensitive techniques, such as alkaline comet assay, are of special importance in the detection of primary DNA damage occurring in individual cells regardless of the cell cycle phase. The aim of the study was to assess and compare DNA damage that irinotecan and cisplatin induce in peripheral leukocytes, and normal kidney, liver and brain cells of Swiss albino mice. The results show that both cytostatics produce statistically significant DNA damage in normal cells compared to the control group. Compared to irinotecan, cisplatin has a significantly more potent genotoxic effect on these cells, which may be attributed to various mechanisms of action of the studied drugs.Po svojoj namjeni citostatici bi trebali djelovati iskljuÄivo na tumorske stanice, te naruÅ”avanjem njihovog staniÄnog ciklusa sprijeÄiti rast ili izazvati smrt tih stanica. MeÄutim, veÄina ovih lijekova je u svom djelovanju nespecifiÄna, zbog Äega se toksiÄne posljedice odražavaju i na stanicama zdravih tkiva, a rezultat toga su znaÄajne nuspojave u bolesnika i osoba koje su profesionalno izložene tim lijekovima. U procjeni genotoksiÄnih uÄinaka antineoplastiÄnih lijekova znaÄajnu ulogu imaju razliÄiti citogenetiÄni i molekularno-bioloÅ”ki testovi. PomoÄu njih u kratkom vremenskom razdoblju nakon izlaganja nekom potencijalno genotoksiÄnom agensu, možemo procijeniti razinu oÅ”teÄenja staniÄne DNA i/ili pratiti dinamiku njenog popravka. Posebnu važnost imaju tehnike poput alkalnog komet testa koje omoguÄavaju osjetljivo otkrivanje primarnih oÅ”teÄenja DNA u pojedinaÄnim stanicama, neovisno o fazi staniÄnog ciklusa. Cilj naÅ”eg istraživanja je bio ustanoviti i usporediti oÅ”teÄenja DNA koja izazivaju irinotekan i cisplatina na leukocitima periferne krvi, na zdravim stanicama bubrega, jetre i mozga Swiss albino miÅ”eva. Sukladno rezultatima istraživanja oba citostatika dovode do statistiÄki znaÄajnih oÅ”teÄenja DNA spomenutih zdravih stanica u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. MeÄusobno usporeÄujuÄi irinotekan i cisplatinu možemo zamijetiti da cisplatina ima statistiÄki znaÄajno jaÄi genotoksiÄni uÄinak od irinotekana na spomenute stanice, Å”to pripisujemo razliÄitim mehanizmima djelovanja promatranih citostatika
Digital thermography in analysis of temperature changes in Pelophylax ridibundus frog
Background and Purpose: Physiological field of metabolism manipulation tries to elucidate how tissues recuperate after ischemic reperfusion changes, how signal molecules coordinate metabolic pathways and what physiological changes are to be expected in induced artificial hypometabolism or suspended animation in biomedicine. Evolutionary developed mechanisms of lowered metabolism (torpor, hibernation and aestivation) followed
by arousals to normal metabolic/thermoregulatory states present
perfect models for such studies. In the light of the vast current interest inmanipulating metabolism, natural behavior and adaptations of frogs, makes them among other organisms, an appropriate standard model animal for such studies. The exact measurements of thermal changes of frogās body temperature correlated with ambient temperature (Ta) changes are essential.
Materials and Methods: Male frogs Pelophylax ridibundus (Eurasian
Marsh Frog) were kept for 30 days at Ta=8Ā°C (artificial hibernation) and then exposed to Ta = 23Ā°C (artificial arousal). The dynamics of body temperature change over 146 minutes was analyzed with IR camera NEC Thermo tracer TH7102WL and ThermoWEB measuring system.
Results and Conclusions: Use of thermography allowed real time thermal measurement of changes in body temperature in frogs in a noninvasive manner. Previous attempts at thermography in hibernating frogs have not been reported, perhaps because of the lack of precision of earlier instruments. New generation cameras have the accuracy and software support to discriminate subtle differences in temperature of different body regions of analyzed frogs and the surrounding environment, as documented in this
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