8 research outputs found

    Transverse Momentum Spectra of Pions in Particle and Nuclear Collisions and Some Ratio-Behaviours: Towards A Combinational Approach

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    The nature of transverse momentum dependence of the inclusive cross-sections for secondary pions produced in high energy hadronic(PPPP), hadronuclear(PAPA) and nuclear(AAAA) collisions has here been exhaustively investigated for a varied range of interactions in a unified way with the help of a master formula. This formula evolved from a new combination of the basic Hagedorn's model for particle(pion) production in PP scattering at ISR range of energies, a phenomenological approach proposed by Peitzmann for converting the results of NN(PP)NN(PP) reactions to those for either PAPA or AAAA collisions, and a specific form of parametrization for mass number-dependence of the nuclear cross sections. This grand combination of models(GCM) is then applied to analyse the assorted extensive data on various high energy collisions. The nature of qualitative agreement between measurements and calculations on both the inclusive cross-sections for production of pions, and some ratios of them as well, is quite satisfactory. The modest successes that we achieve here in dealing with the massive data-sets are somewhat encouraging in view of the diversity of the reactions and the very wide range of interaction energies.Comment: 19 pages, 19 figure

    Interpretations of J/ψJ/\psi suppression

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    We review the two main interpretations of J/ψJ/\psi suppression proposed in the literature. The phase transition (or deconfining) scenario assumes that below some critical value of the local energy density (or of some other geometrical quantity which depends both on the colliding systems and on the centrality of the collision), there is only nuclear absorption. Above this critical value the absorptive cross-section is taken to be infinite, i.e. no J/ψJ/\psi can survive in this hot region. In the hadronic scenario the J/ψJ/\psi dissociates due both to nuclear absorption and to its interactions with co-moving hadrons produced in the collision. No discontinuity exists in physical observables. We show that an equally good description of the present data is possible in either scenario.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, uses epsfig and ioplppt; review talk given by A. Capella at the International Symposium on Strangness in Quark Matter, Santorini (Greece), April 1997; Figs. 1 and 2 not available but can be found in Refs. 13 and 6 respectivel

    High Precision J/ψJ/\psi and Υ\Upsilon-production data and the Nuclear Glue

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    We use the high statistics E-772 data on the nuclear dependence of the production of quarkonia (J/ψ(J/\psi and Υ)\Upsilon) and dimuons at large transverse momentum (pT)(p_T) in pp-AA collisions to get information about the gluonic EMC effect. We find a satisfactory quantitative agreement of the theoretical predictions with the data although none of the models of the EMC effect we consider could account for the entire data. Since all the qualitative features are understood none the less in terms of perturbative QCD with nuclear dependent parton densities, our results suggest that these data can now be used for a better determination of the nuclear parton densities. Our conslusions are shown to be insensitive to the hadronisation mechanism for the quarkonia.Comment: 28 pages, 8 Figures (included as uuencoded figs.uu file at the end), RevTeX, TIFR/TH/93-57, BU-TH-93/

    Medium effects in high energy heavy-ion collisions

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    The change of hadron properties in dense matter based on various theoretical approaches are reviewed. Incorporating these medium effects in the relativistic transport model, which treats consistently the change of hadron masses and energies in dense matter via the scalar and vector fields, heavy-ion collisions at energies available from SIS/GSI, AGS/BNL, and SPS/CERN are studied. This model is seen to provide satisfactory explanations for the observed enhancement of kaon, antikaon, and antiproton yields as well as soft pions in the transverse direction from the SIS experiments. In the AGS heavy-ion experiments, it can account for the enhanced K+/π+K^+/\pi^+ ratio, the difference in the slope parameters of the K+K^+ and KK^- transverse kinetic energy spectra, and the lower apparent temperature of antiprotons than that of protons. This model also provides possible explanations for the observed enhancement of low-mass dileptons, phi mesons, and antilambdas in heavy-ion collisions at SPS energies. Furthermore, the change of hadron properties in hot dense matter leads to new signatures of the quark-gluon plasma to hadronic matter transition in future ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions at RHIC/BNL.Comment: RevTeX, 65 pages, including 25 postscript figures, invited topical review for Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physic

    Ψ′ and J/Ψ production in p-W, p-U and S-U interactions at 200 GeV/nucleon

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    Muon pair and vector meson cross-sections in p-W and S-U collisions at 200 GeV/nucleon

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    Psi' and J/Psi production in p-U and S-U collisions at 200 GeV/Nucleon

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    Colour deconfinement in nuclear collisions

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    Satz H. Colour deconfinement in nuclear collisions. Reports on Progress in Physics. 2000;63(9):1511-1574.QCD predicts that strongly interacting matter will undergo a transition from a state of hadronic constituents to a plasma of unbound quarks and gluons. We first survey the conceptual features of this transition and its description in finite temperature lattice QCD, before we address its experimental investigation through high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions. After surveying the conditions achievable in such collisions, we discuss the possible probes to check if the produced medium in its early stages was indeed deconfined. We then elaborate the method that has emerged and the results which were obtained using the most extensively studied deconfinement probe, the suppression of charmonium production. In closing, we discuss possible corroborative information provided through the study of soft hadronic probes