34 research outputs found
Stress intensity and performance capabilities of law enforcement officers
We discuss the problem of the stress influence on the performance of law enforcement officers. The importance of the stress connection with psychological and psychophysical functioning is caused by the fact that many professional tasks solving is possible only in case of effective adaptation to the difficult conditions of work. The concepts such as stress and performance, as well as the mechanisms of biological adaptation to stress and the effects of stress on the individual police officer, are considered. Attention is paid to the differences between male and female stress and causes of stress in occupations with a large amount of communication activity. We conducted an empirical study in which we investigated the relationship of stress severity and the performance of law enforcement officers, as well as the differences in law enforcement employees performance depending on stress presence, its level, and gender
Article is devoted to investigation of microcilculatory abnormalities in children with diabetes mellitus type 1 and correction with the help of magnetotherapy
The paper presents a case of Crohn’s disease with isolated jejunum involvement, which exemplifies the difficulty in diagnosing this condition. The clinical picture was characterized by iron-deficiency anemia and hypoproteinemia, while other typical symptoms were absent. The late diagnosis, delayed pathogenetic therapy administration led to multiple jejunum stenosis, complicated by partial small bowel obstruction.В статье представлено клиническое наблюдение болезни Крона с изолированным поражением тощей кишки, демонстрирующее трудности диагностики этого состояния. В клинической картине заболевания отсутствовали типичные симптомы, на первый план выступали железодефицитная анемия и гипопротеинемия. Поздняя диагностика и отсроченное назначение патогенетической терапии способствовали развитию у больной множественных стриктур тощей кишки с явлениями частичной кишечной непроходимости
Genesis problem of philosophical thought in spanish historiography
The paper concentrates the reader’s attention to the origin and development of the Spanish historic-philosophical tradition. The paper introduces the names of outstanding researchers and their direct mentors in the suggested scientific area who gave a certain impulse for investigating a philosophical thought in Spain. Special attention is paid to the main academic centers that contributed greatly to the Spanish history theory of philosophy and rational thought as a science, revealing their characteristic features. Finally, the paper centers around a challenging dilemma for the Spanish intellectual elite whether to protect the idea of national philosophical thought or to deny it.La formación de la nación civil es la tarea más importante para cualquier estado relacionado con la identidad totalmente civil. Rusia enfrenta serios problemas etnoculturales relacionados con la formación de la identidad lingüística y la identidad civil. A nivel teórico, este trabajo investiga la cuestión de los factores importantes de una política lingüística equilibrada en los estados multinacionales y la preservación de la identidad lingüística. La dimensión lingüística de la globalización tiene en cuenta la política lingüística constructiva con respecto a las lenguas de las minorías nacionales y las formas destructivas de interacción lingüística causadas por la economía y la polític
The problem of preparing a teacher for the implementation of the continuity of education of students in primary and secondary schools
Russia’s integration into the global innovation sphere, characterized by the emergence of an information society, the transition to an economy based on knowledge, the value of human capital, has determined a new vector for the development of general education. It is faced with the strategic task of updating the content, teaching methods and achieving on this basis a new quality of education in the context of maintaining its fundamental nature and at the same time meeting the modern and innovative needs of society, the state and the individual. The solution to this problem is facilitated by the comprehension and implementation of new approaches to the continuity between primary and secondary schools, which ensure the recognition of their complementary, partner coexistence in the context of strategic lines of interconnection, coordination and complementarity of goals, updated content, organization and technologies of advanced education for the optimal formation of personal, meta-subject and subject results of students in the implementation of Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education and Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education. The article proposes one of the ways to solve this problem - to increase the professional competence of teachers of primary general education and teachers of mathematics of basic school in the field of implementing the continuity of mathematical education. The solution to the stated problem is impossible without special training of teachers of primary and secondary schools, which ensures the formation of readiness to implement the continuity of mathematical education of students in primary and secondary schools in the unity of motivational, technological and reflective components
The article deals with the history of studying ash and slag as objects of technical reclamation. The study of dry and water removal ash allowed us to evaluate them as hydraulic binders, cement additives and fillers. The hardening of ash-cement primers is carried out mainly due to the synthesis of x-ray amorphous formations during the hardening of dry ash removal and transformation of crystal phases in the "water removal ash - cement" system. The regularities of formation, distribution within the ash and slag dump, changes in the composition, structure and properties of ash and slag over time are revealed.Рассматривается история изучения в Московском университете золошлаков как объектов технической мелиорации. Изучение зол сухого и гидроудаления позволило оценивать их как гидравлические вяжущие материалы, добавки к цементу и наполнители. Исследование динамики твердения золоцементогрунтовых смесей выявило характер твердения, механизм структурообразования, определило основные этапы этого процесса. Упрочнение золоцементогрунтов осуществляется преимущественно за счет синтеза рентгеноаморфных образований при твердении зол сухого удаления и трансформации кристаллических фаз в системе зола гидроудаления - цемент. Выявлены закономерности формирования, распределения в пределах золошлакоотвала, изменения во времени состава, строения и свойств зол и шлаков. Вторичное использование отходов энергетической промышленности является возможным с учетом их инженерногеологических показателей и влияния на природную среду
The article is devoted to filled soils of Moscow City. It gives a concise engineering-geological description of some types created and displaced soils.Рассматриваются насыпные техногенные грунты г. Москвы. Приводится краткая инженерно-геологическая характеристика отдельных типов техногенно образованных и техногенно переотложенных разностей