49 research outputs found

    Age and gender identity in a perpetrators of sexual violence against children

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    The paper devoted to the age and gender identity among the perpetrators of sexual violence against children and discussed the factors lead to pathogenesis of abnormal sexual behavior against children. We have identified particularities of gender and age identity in perpetrators of violent sexual acts against children. It was noted that patients with a diagnosis of pedophilia have abnormalities mostly in cognitive structure of sexual identity, that is shown in undifferentiated age peculiarities of perception of self-image and gender and role stereotypes. These data allow assessing more accurately the abnormalities of sexual sphere, explaining the deviant behavior, as well as structure of age and sex self-identity in persons with the disorder of sexual desire in the form of pedophilia and take a step closer to understanding the mechanisms of abnormal choice of sexual object

    The engaging leisure activities of an industrial town in the early 1950s

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    This article considers the main leisure activities of Magnitogorsk residents in the early 1950s based on their personal memories, local materials of the clerical sources, and periodicals. The analysis shows how the residents spent their free time and what emotions they had. On the one hand, the leisure options of that time (for example, going to cinemas, theaters, parks, circuses, libraries, concerts, sports sections, hobby clubs, public lectures, public readings of books, educational meetings arranged by the party, as well as organizing holidays and public events, amateur art shows, mass leisure out of town, resort holidays, etc.) were largely defined by the political regime and ideology. On the other hand, the urban community either tacitly rejected or changed those activities that turned out to be unpopular or boring. At the same time, one of the main trends supported by the Magnitogorsk residents was collectivism and publicity while engaging in a leisure activity. The latter two formed an integral part of the Soviet consciousness. Particular attention is paid to the problems faced by the city in the organization of leisure and recreational activities: the construction of cultural and entertainment venues failed to keep up with the growth of the city population; some residents were not properly educated about the value and importance of certain leisure types. The workers were tired because of their hard working shifts at the metallurgical plant and everyday life, thus many of them showed no interest in outdoor activities. It is concluded that the organization of leisure time in Magnitogorsk, which was a role model for the entire Soviet society, was essential in upholding the morale of its residents

    Perception features of the sexual preference object in persons with pedophilia depending on the attitude to sexual desire

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    The article examines expert and diagnostic aspects of "ego-sintonic / ego-dystonic" types of attitudes to sexual desire and describes importance of studying the basis of desire in the context of sexual offenses against minors. We present results of empirical research which aims to study perception features of the sexual preference object in persons with pedophilia depending on the attitude to sexual desire. The study based on data provided by laboratory of forensic sexology, V.P. Serbsky Federal Medical Research Center of Psychiatry and Addiction, Ministry of Health Care of the Russian Federation. The sample consisted of 30 men with such sexual desire disorder as pedophilia. The results analysis showing differences in the perception of the object of sexual desire according to different attitude to the desire. The results indicate that different types of attitudes to sexual desire correspond to certain characteristics of the perception object. Identified patterns can be used in the creating the criminal prospective portrait, dealing with expert issues, developing correction and preventive programs for patients with a diagnosis of pedophilia

    Features of technological characteristics of cereal and pseudocereal flour

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    Carbohydrate-amylase complex of barley, rice, buckwheat and millet flours was studied. The cereal and pseudocereal flour is stated to be thermostable. Its gelatinization and liquefaction takes a long period. Addition of medium rye flour as an available and cheap source of amylolytic enzymes accelerates and increases the liquefaction of the gelatinized mass. The features of the starch component of the cereal and pseudocereal flour were found to require an increase of the pregelatinized flour preparation time. Mono- and disaccharides of the pregelatinized cereal and pseudocereal flour are mainly represented by glucose. Pregelatinized cereal and pseudocereal flours (except rice flour) contain excessive amount of amino nitrogen in comparison with traditional for-bread-baking pregelatinized rye flour. Pregelatinized cereal and pseudocereal flours can be used in native or dry form. The shelf life of dry pregelatinized cereal and pseudocereal flour is 3 months

    Geology and coal bearing capacity of the Russian Arctic in connection with prospects of development of the region

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    Detailed geologic information can be priceless for oil- and gas- oriented geologic exploration in Arctic aquatic basins. Exploration reports on coal basins and deposits located along the Arctic coast are highly detailed and can be used for reconstruction of facies and thermobaric conditions of the poorly explored offshore areas. The article summarizes information on the Russian Arctic coal basins geology: geological structure, tectonic settings, coalforming environments and coal quality parameters. Coal basins of the region contain not only brown and bituminous coals for energetics, but include valuable coking coal (Pechorskiy, Tungusskiy, Beringovskiy basins), anthracite, thermoanthracite and graphite (Taimyrskiy, Tungusskiy basins, Dolgozhdannoye deposit), related coal methane (Pechorskiy basin, coal deposits of Spitzbergen) and trace elements (Lenskiy basin, coal basins and deposits of Chukotka and Frantz Josef Land). It is also can be used for production of advanced materials (adsorbents, sunthetic graphites, etc)


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    Biodegradable edible films are developed as alternative packaging materials. Due to their unique chemical composition, apples can act as a raw material for the production of edible films. The aim of the work is to create an edible film from apple raw materials using the following plasticizers: agar, carrageenan or xanthan gum. Edible films have a yellowish color, characteristic for apple sauce. The film with the addition of xanthan gum as a plasticizer has the most acceptable flavor properties. Microscopic examination of edible film samples was carried out using a conventional and laser microscope. The structure of the edible film with an increase in the proportion of fiber becomes more homogeneous. IR spectra with a Fourier resolution of the analyzed edible film samples were obtained, which make it possible to isolate the presence of free hydroxyl groups. For edible films based on apple sauce with the addition of agar and xanthan gum as a plasticizer, there is a tendency to increase the tensile strength with increasing the amount of plasticizer (from 1.32 to 1.70 MPa for agar and from 1.68 to 3.50 MPa for xanthan gum). With a longer time of exposure to water and a higher water temperature, the edible film samples are destroye


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    The article describes clinical observation of treatment of a premature infant with chyloperitoneum. Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity was diagnosed prenatally at 31–32 weeks of gestation. Premature surgical delivery was performed at 34– 35 weeks due to the high risk of antenatal fetal death. Paracentesis with fluid analysis was done; chylous exudate was confirmed. Total parenteral nutrition, octreotide and drainage of the abdominal cavity were used during conservative treatment. It was decided to perform a surgery as the therapy was ineffective. At the age of 2 months and 7 days laparotomy was conducted, abdominal organs were revised, lymph ducts were ligated, and abdominal cavity was drained producing a positive effect. The fluid outflow was terminated and the child was discharged in a satisfactory condition.В статье описано клиническое наблюдение лечения недоношенного новорожденного с хилоперитонеумом. Скопление жидкости в брюшной полости было диагностировано внутриутробно на 31–32 неделе гестации. В связи с высоким риском антенатальной гибели плода проведено досрочное родоразрешение оперативным путем на 34–35 неделе. При парацентезе была взята жидкость на анализы и подтвержден хилезный характер экссудата. В консервативном лечении использовали полное парентеральное питание, октреотид, дренирование брюшной полости. В связи с неэффективностью проводимой терапии было принято решение об оперативном лечении. В возрасте 2 мес. 7 дней проведена лапаротомия, ревизия органов брюшной полости, перевязка лимфатических протоков, дренирование брюшной полости с положительным эффектом. Истечение жидкости прекратилось и ребенок в удовлетворительном состоянии был выписан домой.

    Soybean production using growth stimulants

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    The results of scientific research on the use of growth stimulators for the pre-sowing treatment of seeds and soybean crops in the forest-steppe zone of the Middle Volga are described. The results of 2016–2018 studies are presented. Plant safety indicators, photosynthetic activity and soybean yield for different treatment options are assessed. The use of two-component preparations increases soybean seedlings up to 58.5 pcs/m2. The maximum leaf area is formed when Risotorfin and Raikat Start are applied for the pre-sowing seed treatment. Due to the use of Raikat Start, the maximum grain harvest is 1.27 t/ha when treating crops with a microfertilizer mixture Megamix Profi in the 3–5 leaf phase + budding

    The development of an intelligent system for recognizing the volume and weight characteristics of cargo

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    Industrial imaging or “machine vision” is currently a key technology in many industries as it can be used to optimize various processes. The purpose of this work is to create a software and hardware complex for measuring the overall and weight characteristics of cargo based on an intelligent system using neural network identification methods that allow one to overcome the technological limitations of similar complexes implemented on ultrasonic and infrared measuring sensors. The complex to be developed will measure cargo without restrictions on the volume and weight characteristics of cargo to be tariffed and sorted within the framework of the warehouse complexes. The system will include an intelligent computer program that determines the volume and weight characteristics of cargo using the machine vision technology and an experimental sample of the stand for measuring the volume and weight of cargo. We analyzed the solutions to similar problems. We noted that the disadvantages of the studied methods are very high requirements for the location of the camera, as well as the need for manual operations when calculating the dimensions, which cannot be automated without significant modifications. In the course of the work, we investigated various methods of object recognition in images to carry out subject filtering by the presence of cargo and measure its overall dimensions. We obtained satisfactory results when using cameras that combine both an optical method of image capture and infrared sensors. As a result of the work, we developed a computer program allowing one to capture a continuous stream from Intel RealSense video cameras with subsequent extraction of a three-dimensional object from the designated area and to calculate the overall dimensions of the object. At this stage, we analyzed computer vision techniques; developed an algorithm to implement the task of automatic measurement of goods using special cameras and the software allowing one to obtain the overall dimensions of objects in automatic mode. Upon completion of the work, this development can be used as a ready-made solution for transport companies, logistics centers, warehouses of large industrial and commercial enterprises