15 research outputs found

    Osteoporosis: risk factors and diagnostic approach

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    Lips, P.T.A.M. [Promotor]Schoor, N.M. van [Copromotor

    Crambe aspera plants in vitro propagation and its effect on fatty acids and phenolic compounds content and genome stability

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    In vitro culture can be used for endangered species preservation but its effect on biochemical properties and genetic stability of plants requires further research. Aim. The study on fatty acids content, phenolic compounds and phylogenetic relationships of Crambe aspera plants upon aseptic cultivation in vitro. Methods. Morphogenic potential of Crambe aspera leaf, root and petiole explants was studied in the Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with different concentrations of growth factors. Fatty acids (FA) content was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrophotometry of FA ethers, phenolic compounds were determined by spectrophotometry. Polymerase chain reactions were used to study phylogenetic relationships. Results. The efficient protocols of seed surface sterilization as well as methods of fast microclonal multiplication and obtention of C. aspera callus tissue for were developed. Conclusions. Leaves of both in vitro and in vivo cultured plants had a high content of α-linolenic acid whereas erucic acid was absent. At the same time, the difference in biochemical composition between the plants grown in aseptic and non-aseptic conditions was shown. In vivo populations of C. aspera showed a high level of polymorphism but its genome did not undergo changes after the in vitro establishment.Застосування культури іn vitro для збереження рідкісних видів має ряд переваг. Мета. Дослідження вмісту жирних кислот, фенольних сполук та філогенетичних зв’язків рослин Crambe aspera може допомогти оцінити вплив культивування in vitro. Методи. Було досліджено морфогенний потенціал листкових, кореневих та черешкових експлантів Crambe aspera на середовищі MS з різним вмістом регуляторів росту. Вміст жирних кислот визначали за допомогою газової хромато-мас спектрометрії ефірів жирних кислот. Вміст фенольних сполук визначали за допомогою спектрофотометра. Полімеразна ланцюгова реакція була застосована для дослідження філогенетичних зв’язків. Результати. Було встановлено ефективні протоколи поверхневої стерилізації насіння разом з методами швидкого мікроклонального розмноження та отримання калюсної культури для виду C. aspera. Висновки. Отримані результати свідчать про високий вміст α-ліноленової та відсутність еруковї кислоти у листках рослин що культивували як in vitro, так і in vivo. В той же час, було встановлено різницю біохімічного складу між рослинами з асептичних та грунтових умов. Популяції C. aspera що зростали в умовах in vivo показали високий рівень поліморфізму але їх геном після введення культуру in vitro був стабільнимИспользование культуры іn vitro с целью сохранения редких видов имеет ряд преимуществ. Цель. Исследование состава жирных кислот, фенольных соединений и филогенетических связей растений Crambe aspera может помочь в оценке влияния культивирования in vitro. Методы. Было установлено морфогенный потенциал листовых, корешковых и черешковых эксплантов Crambe aspera на среде MS с различным составом регуляторов роста. Содержание жирных кислот определяли с помощью газовой хромато-масс спектрометрии эфиров жирных кислот. Содержание фенольных соединений определяли на спектрофотомере. Полимеразная цепная реакция была использована для исследования филогенетических связей. Результаты. Было установлено эффективные протоколы поверхностной стерилизации семян вместе с методами быстрого микроклонального размножения и получения калюсной культуры для вида C.°aspera. Выводы. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о высоком содержании α-линоленовой и отсутствии эруковой кислоты в листьях растений культивируемых как in vitro, так и in vivo. В то же время была установлена разница биохимического состава между растениями из асептических и грунтовых условий. Популяции C. aspera произрастающие в условиях in vivo показали высокий уровень полиморфизма, но их геном после введения в культуру in vitro был стабильным

    Association Between Self-Reported Spinal Morning Stiffness and Radiographic Evidence of Lumbar Disk Degeneration in Participants of the Cohort Hip and Cohort Knee (CHECK) Study

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    BACKGROUND: Low back pain (LBP) is very common and is a main cause of limited activity and work absence. Patients with LBP may also report spinal morning stiffness; this symptom could be useful for identifying subgroups with signs and symptoms related to spinal osteoarthritis. OBJECTIVE: This study investigated whether an association exists between reported spinal morning stiffness and radiographic evidence of lumbar disk degeneration (LDD) in people with LBP and a history of pain of the hip and/or knee. DESIGN: This cross-sectional study used 8-year follow-up data from the Cohort Hip and Coh

    The Association Between Self-reported Low Back Pain and Radiographic Lumbar Disc Degeneration of the Cohort Hip and Cohort Knee (CHECK) Study

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    Abstract Study design. Cross-sectional study, nested in a prospective cohort (Cohort Hip and Knee, CHECK). Objective.Low back pain (LBP) is very common and the main cause of activity limitations and work absence throughout the world. Although lumbar disc degeneration (LDD) is suggested as a cause of LBP, this association remains debatable. Therefore, this study assessed the association between the radiographic features of LDD and the presence of self-reported LBP, LBP persisting longer than three months, the perceived severity of LBP and presence of neuropathic pain. Summary of Background Data. Previous literature suggest an association between LBP and both the LDD definitions osteophytes and disc space narrowing. There are no studies that have explored the association between LDD and neuropathic pain. Methods. Associations between the radiographic LDD using two definitions (i.e. osteophytes, disc space narrowing) versus the presence of LBP, LBP > 3 months, severe LBP and neuropathic pain,were analyzed with logistic regression models. Results. A total of 699 participantscompleted the questionnaire and had a lumbar radiograph. Radiographs were scored by two independent observers. Osteophytes were present in 98% of the population and disc space narrowing in 67%. Osteophytes were not significantly associated with LBP (OR=1.2, 95% CI 0.9-1.7).Disc space narrowing was significantly associated with the presence of LBP and neuropathic pain.(OR=1.7, 95% CI=1.2-2.4 and OR 1.7, 95% CI 1.1-2.7, respectively). The presence of a LBPseverity score of ≥4, and LBP persisting >3 months were not significantly associated with the two definitions of LDD. Conclusions.This study shows the presence of an association between disc space narrowing, whereas no association was found between osteophytes and LBP. We are the first t

    Vitamin D status, parathyroid function, bone turnover, and BMD in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: global perspective

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    Poor vitamin D status is common in the elderly and is associated with bone loss and fractures. The aim was to assess worldwide vitamin D status in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis according to latitude and economic status, in relation to parathyrold function, bone turnover markers, and BMD. The study was performed in 7441 postmenopausal women from 29 countries participating in a clinical trial on bazedoxifene (selective estrogen receptor modulator), with BMD T-score at the femoral neck or lumbar spine 75 nM was 5.9%, 29.4%, 43.5%, and 21.2%, respectively, in winter and 3.0%, 22.2%, 47.2%, and 27.5% in summer. Worldwide, a negative correlation between 25(OH)D and latitude was observed. With increasing 25(OH)D categories of 75 nM, mean PTH, OC, and CTX were decreasing (p<0.001), whereas BMD of all sites was increasing (p<0.001). A threshold in the positive relationship between 25(OH)D and different BMD parameters was visible at a 25(OH)D level of 50 nM. Our study showed a high prevalence of low 25(OH)D in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis worldwide. Along with latitude, affluence seems to be an important factor for serum 25(OH)D level, especially in Europe, where it is strongly correlated with latitude

    Relationships of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D to bone mineral density and serum parathyroid hormone and markers of bone turnover in older persons

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    Context: Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D[25(OH)D] may influence serum PTH and other parameters of bone health up to a threshold concentration, which may be between 25 and 80 nmol/liter. Objective: The aim of the study was to assess the threshold serum 25(OH)D with regard to PTH, bone turnover markers, and bone mineral density (BMD). Design and Setting: This was part of the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam, an ongoing cohort study. Participants: A total of 1319 subjects (643 men and 676 women) between the ages of 65 and 88 yr participated in the study. Main Outcome Measures: Serum 25(OH)D, PTH, osteocalcin, urinary deoxypyridinoline/creatinine, quantitative ultrasound of the heel, BMD of lumbar spine and hip, total body bone mineral content, and physical performance. The relationship between the variables was explored by analysis of covariance and the locally weighted regression (LOESS) plots. Results: Serum 25(OH)D was below 25 nmol/liter in 11.5%, below 50 nmol/liter in 48.4%, below 75 nmol/liter in 82.4%, and above 75 nmol/liter in 17.6% of the respondents. Mean serum PTH decreased gradually from 5.1 pmol/liter when serum 25(OH)D was below 25 nmol/liter to 3.1 pmol/liter when serum 25(OH)D was above 75 nmol/liter (P < 0.001) without reaching a plateau. All BMD values were higher in the higher serum 25(OH)D groups, although only significantly for total hip (P = 0.01), trochanter (P = 0.001), and total body bone mineral content (P = 0.005). A threshold of about 40 nmol/liter existed for osteocalcin and deoxypyridinoline/creatinine, 50 nmol/liter for BMD, and 60 nmol/liter for physical performance. Conclusions: Low serum 25(OH)D concentrations are common in the elderly. Bone health and physical performance in older persons are likely to improve when serum 25(OH)D is raised above 50-60 nmol/liter. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 94: 1244-1250, 2009

    Vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for osteoporotic fractures

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    The evidence on the association between vitamin D deficiency and fracture incidence is contradictory. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine whether low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) levels are associated with osteoporotic fractures. The study was conducted among 1311 community-dwelling older men and women of the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA), an ongoing multidisciplinary cohort study. Serum 25(OH)D was determined using a competitive protein binding assay. Fractures were assessed during six years of follow-up. The data were analyzed using Cox proportional hazards model. In total, 11.3% of the persons had a serum 25(OH)D below 10 ng/ml, 48.4% had a value below 20 ng/ml, and 82.4% had a value below 30 ng/ml. Furthermore, 115 persons (8.5%) had one or more osteoporotic fractures. Different cut points of serum 25(OH)D were examined with a cut point of 12 ng/ml giving the best discrimination between persons with and without fractures (17.5% of the persons fell below this cut point). The lowest percentage of fractures (5.6%) was found above 30 ng/ml. Because an interaction effect with age was found (p = 0.04), further analyses were conducted separately for persons aged 65-75 years (n = 656) and for persons aged 75-89 years (n = 664) at baseline. After adjustment for age, sex, season of blood collection, body mass index, number of chronic diseases, serum creatinine, cognition, smoking and alcohol use, serum 25(OH)D below or equal to 12 ng/ml was associated with an increased fracture risk in the youngest age group (HR = 3.1; 95% CI: 1.4-6.9), but not in the oldest age group (HR = 1.3; 95% CI: 0.7-2.2). For commonly used cut points of serum 25(OH)D (< 10 ng/ml, 10-19.9 ng/ml, 20-29.9 ng/ml, ≥ 30 ng/ml), no statistically significant associations were found after adjustment for confounding. Serum 25(OH)D levels below or equal to 12 ng/ml were associated with an increased fracture risk in persons aged 65-75 years. The relatively low cut point of serum 25(OH)D in our population is possibly caused by high calcium intake in the Netherlands. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Early evolving joint degeneration by cartilage trauma is primarily mechanically controlled

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    Background Mechanical and inflammatory processes add to osteoarthritis (OA). To what extent both processes contribute during the onset of OA after a cartilage trauma is unknown. This study evaluates whether local cartilage damage leads to focally confined or more generalized cartilage damage with synovial inflammation in the early development of joint tissue degeneration. Methods In nine goats, cartilage damage was surgically induced on the weight bearing area of exclusively the medial femoral condyle of the right knee joint. The other tibio-femoral compartments, lateral femoral condyle and lateral medial tibial plateau, were left untouched. The contralateral left knee joint of each animal served as an intra-animal control. Twenty weeks post-surgery changes in cartilage matrix integrity in each of the four compartments, medial and lateral synovial tissue inflammation, and synovial fluid IL-1β and TNFα were evaluated. Results In the experimental medial femoral plateau, significant macroscopic, histologic, and biochemical cartilage damage was observed versus the contralateral control compartments. Also the articulating cartilage of the experimental medial tibial plateau was significantly more damaged. Whereas, no differences were seen between the lateral compartments of experimental and contralateral control joints. Synovial tissue inflammation was mild and only macroscopically (not histologically) significantly increased in the experimental medial compartments. Synovial fluid IL-1β level was not different between experimental and contralateral control joints, and TNFα was overall beneath the detection limit. Conclusions Local cartilage damage is a trigger for development of OA, which in early onset seems primarily mechanically driven. Early treatment of traumatic cartilage damage should take this mechanical component into consideration