575 research outputs found

    Kinetic energy of Bose systems and variation of statistical averages

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    The problem of defining the average kinetic energy of statistical systems is addressed. The conditions of applicability for the formula, relating the average kinetic energy with the mass derivative of the internal energy, are analysed. It is shown that incorrectly using this formula, outside its region of validity, leads to paradoxes. An equation is found for a parametric derivative of the average for an arbitrary operator. A special attention is paid to the mass derivative of the internal energy, for which a general formula is derived, without invoking the adiabatic approximation and taking into account the mass dependence of the potential-energy operator. The results are illustrated by the case of a low-temperature dilute Bose gas.Comment: Latex, 11 page

    Normal and Anomalous Averages for Systems with Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    The comparative behaviour of normal and anomalous averages as functions of momentum or energy, at different temperatures, is analysed for systems with Bose-Einstein condensate. Three qualitatively distinct temperature regions are revealed: The critical region, where the absolute value of the anomalous average, for the main energy range, is much smaller than the normal average. The region of intermediate temperatures, where the absolute values of the anomalous and normal averages are of the same order. And the region of low temperatures, where the absolute value of the anomalous average, for practically all energies, becomes much larger than the normal average. This shows the importance of the anomalous averages for the intermediate and, especially, for low temperatures, where these anomalous averages cannot be neglected.Comment: Latex file, 17 pages, 6 figure

    The effective equation method

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    In this chapter we present a general method of constructing the effective equation which describes the behaviour of small-amplitude solutions for a nonlinear PDE in finite volume, provided that the linear part of the equation is a hamiltonian system with a pure imaginary discrete spectrum. The effective equation is obtained by retaining only the resonant terms of the nonlinearity (which may be hamiltonian, or may be not); the assertion that it describes the limiting behaviour of small-amplitude solutions is a rigorous mathematical theorem. In particular, the method applies to the three-- and four--wave systems. We demonstrate that different possible types of energy transport are covered by this method, depending on whether the set of resonances splits into finite clusters (this happens, e.g. in case of the Charney-Hasegawa-Mima equation), or is connected (this happens, e.g. in the case of the NLS equation if the space-dimension is at least two). For equations of the first type the energy transition to high frequencies does not hold, while for equations of the second type it may take place. In the case of the NLS equation we use next some heuristic approximation from the arsenal of wave turbulence to show that under the iterated limit "the volume goes to infinity", taken after the limit "the amplitude of oscillations goes to zero", the energy spectrum of solutions for the effective equation is described by a Zakharov-type kinetic equation. Evoking the Zakharov ansatz we show that stationary in time and homogeneous in space solutions for the latter equation have a power law form. Our method applies to various weakly nonlinear wave systems, appearing in plasma, meteorology and oceanology

    Atomic Bose Gas with Negative Scattering Length

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    We derive the equation of state of a dilute atomic Bose gas with an interatomic interaction that has a negative scattering length and argue that two continuous phase transitions, occuring in the gas due to quantum degeneracy effects, are preempted by a first-order gas-liquid or gas-solid transition depending on the details of the interaction potential. We also discuss the consequences of this result for future experiments with magnetically trapped spin-polarized atomic gasses such as lithium and cesium.Comment: 16 PAGES, REVTEX 3.0, ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION IN PHYS. REV.

    The Second Order Upper Bound for the Ground Energy of a Bose Gas

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    Consider NN bosons in a finite box Λ=[0,L]3R3\Lambda= [0,L]^3\subset \mathbf R^3 interacting via a two-body smooth repulsive short range potential. We construct a variational state which gives the following upper bound on the ground state energy per particle limˉρ0limˉL,N/L3ρ(e0(ρ)4πaρ(4πa)5/2(ρ)3/2)1615π2,\bar\lim_{\rho\to0} \bar \lim_{L \to \infty, N/L^3 \to \rho} (\frac{e_0(\rho)- 4 \pi a \rho}{(4 \pi a)^{5/2}(\rho)^{3/2}})\leq \frac{16}{15\pi^2}, where aa is the scattering length of the potential. Previously, an upper bound of the form C16/15π2C 16/15\pi^2 for some constant C>1C > 1 was obtained in \cite{ESY}. Our result proves the upper bound of the the prediction by Lee-Yang \cite{LYang} and Lee-Huang-Yang \cite{LHY}.Comment: 62 pages, no figure

    Time-averaging for weakly nonlinear CGL equations with arbitrary potentials

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    Consider weakly nonlinear complex Ginzburg--Landau (CGL) equation of the form: ut+i(Δu+V(x)u)=ϵμΔu+ϵP(u),xRd,() u_t+i(-\Delta u+V(x)u)=\epsilon\mu\Delta u+\epsilon \mathcal{P}( u),\quad x\in {R^d}\,, \quad(*) under the periodic boundary conditions, where μ0\mu\geqslant0 and P\mathcal{P} is a smooth function. Let {ζ1(x),ζ2(x),}\{\zeta_1(x),\zeta_2(x),\dots\} be the L2L_2-basis formed by eigenfunctions of the operator Δ+V(x)-\Delta +V(x). For a complex function u(x)u(x), write it as u(x)=k1vkζk(x)u(x)=\sum_{k\geqslant1}v_k\zeta_k(x) and set Ik(u)=12vk2I_k(u)=\frac{1}{2}|v_k|^2. Then for any solution u(t,x)u(t,x) of the linear equation ()ϵ=0(*)_{\epsilon=0} we have I(u(t,))=constI(u(t,\cdot))=const. In this work it is proved that if equation ()(*) with a sufficiently smooth real potential V(x)V(x) is well posed on time-intervals tϵ1t\lesssim \epsilon^{-1}, then for any its solution uϵ(t,x)u^{\epsilon}(t,x), the limiting behavior of the curve I(uϵ(t,))I(u^{\epsilon}(t,\cdot)) on time intervals of order ϵ1\epsilon^{-1}, as ϵ0\epsilon\to0, can be uniquely characterized by a solution of a certain well-posed effective equation: ut=ϵμu+ϵF(u), u_t=\epsilon\mu\triangle u+\epsilon F(u), where F(u)F(u) is a resonant averaging of the nonlinearity P(u)\mathcal{P}(u). We also prove a similar results for the stochastically perturbed equation, when a white in time and smooth in xx random force of order ϵ\sqrt\epsilon is added to the right-hand side of the equation. The approach of this work is rather general. In particular, it applies to equations in bounded domains in RdR^d under Dirichlet boundary conditions

    Exact soliton solution and inelastic two-soliton collision in spin chain driven by a time-dependent magnetic field

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    We investigate dynamics of exact N-soliton trains in spin chain driven by a time-dependent magnetic field by means of an inverse scattering transformation. The one-soliton solution indicates obviously the spin precession around the magnetic field and periodic shape-variation induced by the time varying field as well. In terms of the general soliton solutions N-soliton interaction and particularly various two-soliton collisions are analyzed. The inelastic collision by which we mean the soliton shape change before and after collision appears generally due to the time varying field. We, moreover, show that complete inelastic collisions can be achieved by adjusting spectrum and field parameters. This may lead a potential technique of shape control of soliton.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Disordered Bosons: Condensate and Excitations

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    The disordered Bose Hubbard model is studied numerically within the Bogoliubov approximation. First, the spatially varying condensate wavefunction in the presence of disorder is found by solving a nonlinear Schrodinger equation. Using the Bogoliubov approximation to find the excitations above this condensate, we calculate the condensate fraction, superfluid density, and density of states for a two-dimensional disordered system. These results are compared with experiments done with 4He{}^4{\rm He} adsorbed in porous media.Comment: RevTeX, 26 pages and 10 postscript figures appended (Figure 9 has three separate plots, so 12 postcript files altogether

    A spatial-state-based omni-directional collision warning system for intelligent vehicles

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    Collision warning systems (CWSs) have been recognized as effective tools in preventing vehicle collisions. Existing systems mainly provide safety warnings based on single-directional approaches, such as rear-end, lateral, and forward collision warnings. Such systems cannot provide omni-directorial enhancements on driver’s perception. Meanwhile, due to the unclear and overlapped activation areas of above single-directional CWSs, multiple kinds of warnings may be triggered mistakenly for a collision. The multi-triggering may confuse drivers about the position of dangerous targets. To this end, this paper develops a spatial-state-based omni-directional collision warning system (S-OCWS), aiming to help drivers identify the specific danger by providing the unique warning. First, the operational domains of rear-end, lateral, and forward collisions are theoretically distinguished. This distinction is attained by a geometric approach with a rigorous mathematical derivation, based on the spatial states and the relative motion states of itself and the target vehicle in real time. Then, a theoretical omni-directional collision warning model is established using time-to-collision (TTC) to clarify activation conditions for different collision warnings. Finally, the effectiveness of the S-OCWS is validated in field tests. Results indicate that the S-OCWS can help drivers quickly and properly respond to the warnings without compromising their control over lateral offsets. In particular, the probability of drivers giving proper responses to FCW doubles when the S-OCWS is on, compared to when the system is off. In addition, the S-OCWS shortens the responses time of nonprofessional drivers, and therefore enhances their safety in driving

    Spinor condensates and light scattering from Bose-Einstein condensates

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    These notes discuss two aspects of the physics of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates: optical properties and spinor condensates. The first topic includes light scattering experiments which probe the excitations of a condensate in both the free-particle and phonon regime. At higher light intensity, a new form of superradiance and phase-coherent matter wave amplification were observed. We also discuss properties of spinor condensates and describe studies of ground--state spin domain structures and dynamical studies which revealed metastable excited states and quantum tunneling.Comment: 58 pages, 33 figures, to appear in Proceedings of Les Houches 1999 Summer School, Session LXXI