13 research outputs found

    Superstrings in type IIB R-R plane-wave in semi-light-cone gauge and conformal invariance

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    We reconsider the analysis done by Kazama and Yokoi in arXiv:0801.1561 (hep-th). We find that although the right vacuum of the theory is the one associated to massless normal ordering (MNO), phase space normal ordering (PNO) plays crucial role in the analysis in the following way. While defining the quantum energy-momentum (EM) tensor one needs to take into account the field redefinition relating the space-time field and the corresponding world-sheet coupling. We argue that for a simple off-shell ansatz for the background this field redefinition can be taken to be identity if the interaction term is ordered according to PNO. This definition reproduces the correct physical spectrum when the background is on-shell. We further show that the right way to extract the effective equation of motion from the Virasoro anomaly is to first order the anomaly terms according to PNO at a finite regularization parameter \eps and then take the \eps \to 0 limit. This prescription fixes an ambiguity in taking the limit for certain bosonic and fermionic contributions to the Virasoro anomaly and is the natural one to consider given the above definition of the EM tensor.Comment: 22 page

    Higher-Dimensional Twistor Transforms using Pure Spinors

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    Hughston has shown that projective pure spinors can be used to construct massless solutions in higher dimensions, generalizing the four-dimensional twistor transform of Penrose. In any even (Euclidean) dimension d=2n, projective pure spinors parameterize the coset space SO(2n)/U(n), which is the space of all complex structures on R^{2n}. For d=4 and d=6, these spaces are CP^1 and CP^3, and the appropriate twistor transforms can easily be constructed. In this paper, we show how to construct the twistor transform for d>6 when the pure spinor satisfies nonlinear constraints, and present explicit formulas for solutions of the massless field equations.Comment: 17 pages harvmac tex. Modified title, abstract, introduction and references to acknowledge earlier papers by Hughston and other

    Superstring in the plane-wave background with RR flux as a conformal field theory

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    We study the type IIB superstring in the plane-wave background with Ramond-Ramond flux and formulate it as an exact conformal field theory in operator formalism. One of the characteristic features of the superstring in a consistent background with RR flux, such as the AdS5xS5 and its plane-wave limit, is that the left- and the right-moving degrees of freedom on the worldsheet are inherently coupled. In the plane-wave case, it is manifested in the well-known fact that the Green-Schwarz formulation of the theory reduces to that of free massive bosons and fermions in the light-cone gauge. This raises the obvious question as to how this feature is reconciled with the underlying conformal symmetry of the string theory. By adopting the semi-light-cone conformal gauge, we will show that, despite the existence of such non-linear left-right couplings, one can construct two independent sets of quantum Virasoro operators in terms of fields obeying the free-field commutation relations. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the BRST cohomology analysis reproduces the physical spectrum obtained in the light-cone gauge.Comment: 37 pages, Latex, no figure; published versio

    Constrained Supermanifolds for AdS M-Theory Backgrounds

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    A long standing problem is the supergauge completion of AdS_4 x (G/H)_7 or AdS_5 x (G/H)_5 backgrounds which preserve less then maximal supersymmetry. In parallel with the supersolvable realization of the AdS_4 x S^7 background based on Kappa-symmetry, we develop a technique which amounts to solving the above-mentioned problem in a way useful for pure spinor quantization for supermembranes and superstrings. Instead of gauge fixing some of the superspace coordinates to zero, we impose an additional constraint on them reproducing the simplifications of the supersolvable representations. The constraints are quadratic, homogeneous, Sp(4,R)-covariant, and consistent from the quantum point of view in the pure spinor approach. Here we provide the geometrical solution which, in a subsequent work, will be applied to the membrane and the superstring sigma models.Comment: LaTex, 47 pages, no figure

    D-branes in N=2 Strings

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    We study various aspects of D-branes in the two families of closed N=2 strings denoted by \alpha and \beta in hep-th/0211147. We consider two types of N=2 boundary conditions, A-type and B-type. We analyse the D-branes geometry. We compute open and closed string scattering amplitudes in the presence of the D-branes and discuss the results. We find that, except the space filling D-branes, the B-type D-branes decouple from the bulk. The A-type D-branes exhibit inconsistency. We construct the D-branes effective worldvolume theories. They are given by a dimensional reduction of self-dual Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions. We construct the D-branes gravity backgrounds. Finally, we discuss possible N=2 open/closed string dualities.Comment: 25 pages, Latex2

    Type II compactifications on manifolds with SU(2) x SU(2) structure

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    We study compactifications of type II theories on SU(2) x SU(2) structure manifolds to six, five and four spacetime dimensions. We use the framework of generalized geometry to describe the NS-NS sector of such compactifications and derive the structure of their moduli spaces. We show that in contrast to SU(3) x SU(3) structure compactifications, there is no dynamical SU(2) x SU(2) structure interpolating between an SU(2) structure and an identity structure. Furthermore, we formulate type II compactifications on SU(2) x SU(2) structures in the context of exceptional generalized geometry which makes the U-duality group manifest and naturally incorporates the scalar degrees of freedom arising in the Ramond-Ramond sector. Via this formalism we derive the structure of the moduli spaces as it is expected from N=4 supergravity.Comment: 69 pages, v2 published versio

    Non-local charges on AdS_5 x S^5 and PP-waves

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    We show the existence of an infinite set of non-local classically conserved charges on the Green-Schwarz closed superstring in a pp-wave background. We find that these charges agree with the Penrose limit of non-local classically conserved charges recently found for the AdS5×S5AdS_5 \times S^5 Green-Schwarz superstring. The charges constructed in this paper could help to understand the role played by these on the full AdS5×S5AdS_5 \times S^5 background.Comment: 20 pages. JHEP. v2:references adde

    A Connection between Twistors and Superstring Sigma Models on Coset Superspaces

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    We consider superstring sigma models that are based on coset superspaces G/H in which H arises as the fixed point set of an order-4 automorphism of G. We show by means of twistor theory that the corresponding first-order system, consisting of the Maurer-Cartan equations and the equations of motion, arises from a dimensional reduction of some generalised self-dual Yang-Mills equations in eight dimensions. Such a relationship might help shed light on the explicit construction of solutions to the superstring equations including their hidden symmetry structures and thus on the properties of their gauge theory duals.Comment: v3: 16 pages, typos fixed and minor clarifications adde

    A Relation Between Approaches to Integrability in Superconformal Yang-Mills Theory

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    We make contact between the infinite-dimensional non-local symmetry of the typeIIB superstring on AdS5xS5 worldsheet theory and a non-abelian infinite-dimensional symmetry algebra for the weakly coupled superconformal gauge theory. We explain why the planar limit of the one-loop dilatation operator is the Hamiltonian of a spin chain, and show that it commutes with the g*2 N = 0 limit of the non-abelian charges.Comment: 19 pages, harvma

    Broadcast Steganography

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    We initiate the study of broadcast steganography (BS), an extension of steganography to the multi-recipient setting. BS enables a sender to communicate covertly with a dynamically designated set of receivers, so that the recipients recover the original content, while unauthorized users and outsiders remain \emph{unaware} of the covert communication. One of our main technical contributions is the introduction of a new variant of anonymous broadcast encryption that we term \emph{outsider-anonymous broadcast encryption with pseudorandom ciphertexts} (oABE).OuroABE). Our oABE construction achieves sublinear ciphertext size and is secure in the standard model. Besides being of interest in its own right, oABE$ enables an efficient construction of BS secure in the standard model against adaptive adversaries with sublinear communication complexity