33 research outputs found

    Влияние специфических поверхностных структур клеток Escherichia coli на процесс образования полицеллюлярных форм в жидкой питательной среде

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    Capacity of Escherichia coli strain bacteria containing F-like plasmids to create polycellular forms was studied. The influence of conjugative pili produced under genetic control of such plasmids on the efficiency and character of creating cell associates was shown.Изучена способность бактерий штамма Escherichia coli, содержащих F-подобные плазмиды, образовывать полицеллюлярные формы. Показано влияние конъюгативных пилей, синтезируемых под генетическим контролем таких плазмид, на эффективность и характер образующихся клеточных ассоциатов

    Volumes of polytopes in spaces of constant curvature

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    We overview the volume calculations for polyhedra in Euclidean, spherical and hyperbolic spaces. We prove the Sforza formula for the volume of an arbitrary tetrahedron in H3H^3 and S3S^3. We also present some results, which provide a solution for Seidel problem on the volume of non-Euclidean tetrahedron. Finally, we consider a convex hyperbolic quadrilateral inscribed in a circle, horocycle or one branch of equidistant curve. This is a natural hyperbolic analog of the cyclic quadrilateral in the Euclidean plane. We find a few versions of the Brahmagupta formula for the area of such quadrilateral. We also present a formula for the area of a hyperbolic trapezoid.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, 58 reference

    From the System of Work of a School Principal to Creation of a Pedagogical System

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    The paper deals with certain aspects of the system of work of a school principal of the worldwide known Pavlysh school that became the basis of a wholesome pedagogical system created by a prominent educator V.O. Sukhomlynsky. The key terms of the efficiency of this pedagogical system were the conditions that ensured high productivity of the educational process, the developed methods of various analyses of the school life, positive practice of long-term planning of the educational institution functioning, the trouble-shooting and functional approach in school management, clear signs of a united teaching staff and the model of formation of such staff, common values and standards adopted by all the subjects of school life etc

    Role of plasmids in the formation of E. Coli polycellular forms

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    The formation of polycellular forms by E. coli strain K-12 cells containing F-like plasmids pAP22-2 and pAP42 was studied by the method of small-angle laser scattering. The effi ciency and patterns of the resultant cell associations depend on genetic characteristics of the studied plasmids. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Peculiarities of developing high school students’ lexical skills by means of the programmed learning technology

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    The purpose of this study is to substantiate theoretically and to test experimentally the effectiveness of the programmed learning technology at the lessons of a foreign language to develop lexical skills of high school students. The article presents the authors’ fragments of lessons and sets of exercises with the use of programmed instruction at English classes in Grade 10 to develop students’ lexical skills. It is proved that on the stage of forming lexical skills it is viable to develop sets of exercises aimed at memorizing the word, its semantics in the unity with the pronunciation and grammatical form; forming meaningful word combinations with the use of multimedia tools. The authors also found that at the stage of mastering lexical skills it is necessary to do various creative tasks using the Internet. The study proved the effectiveness of the programmed learning technology for the development of students’ lexical skills. © 2018, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved

    The mystical philosophy Florensky and Solovyov: A critical appraisal

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    The article offers new insights into the mystical philosophy of Pavel Alexandrovich Florensky (1882-1943) and Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov (1853-1900). Our critical analysis consists of examining the main topics of intellectual disputes in the 20th century many of which pertained the place of Sophiology in Russian philosophical thinking. Florensky’s and Solovyov’s philosophical legacies are considered against the background of their existential experience with ‘Sophia’, God’s personified Wisdom. The mystical dimension of their philosophies stems from specific theological underpinnings of their ideas, relevant above all to topis of the Trinitarian and Mariological discourses in present in the Russian intellectual/religious milieu. © 2021, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved

    Magic in healing practice: A case study in Vietnam and its philosophical assessment

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    The use of magic and religion in healing practices in Vietnam is relatively popular. In the folklore and folk religion of Vietnam, it is often said that “In case of sickness, follow any feasible cures [co benh thi vai tu phuong]” in the sense that all means, including using religious beliefs and rituals, will be used to get healing for oneself or one’s relatives. When people or their relatives get sick, besides going to medical facilities, they will look for a shaman, necromancer, monks, even priests, bishops, and pastors to cure the illness they or their relatives are suffering from. Based on Mircea Eliade’s theory published in The Sacred and the Profane (Eliade, 2016), the article has the ambition to offer a different perspective on the use of magic (sometimes considered as a religious ritual by the subject) to cure disease. We employ both the comparative and analytical methods of study as we explore concrete cases of treatment of patients with different religious beliefs (Ms. T’s case of treatment, following Buddhist practices in comparison with the healing cases of the Mother Goddess Worship and the Catholic Church). The authors propose that a uniquely Vietnamese philosophy of life (Life-philosophy) serves as a constitutive basis for the adaptation of magic in healing practices, being itself formed and influenced by these practices. © 2021, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved

    Role of plasmids in the formation of E. Coli polycellular forms

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    The formation of polycellular forms by E. coli strain K-12 cells containing F-like plasmids pAP22-2 and pAP42 was studied by the method of small-angle laser scattering. The effi ciency and patterns of the resultant cell associations depend on genetic characteristics of the studied plasmids. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Peculiarities of developing high school students’ lexical skills by means of the programmed learning technology

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    The purpose of this study is to substantiate theoretically and to test experimentally the effectiveness of the programmed learning technology at the lessons of a foreign language to develop lexical skills of high school students. The article presents the authors’ fragments of lessons and sets of exercises with the use of programmed instruction at English classes in Grade 10 to develop students’ lexical skills. It is proved that on the stage of forming lexical skills it is viable to develop sets of exercises aimed at memorizing the word, its semantics in the unity with the pronunciation and grammatical form; forming meaningful word combinations with the use of multimedia tools. The authors also found that at the stage of mastering lexical skills it is necessary to do various creative tasks using the Internet. The study proved the effectiveness of the programmed learning technology for the development of students’ lexical skills. © 2018, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved

    The Qualifications and Views of Instructors in the Distance Education System

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    A new process has been brought about due to the COVID-19 pandemic that has affected the world. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, since the spring semester of the 2019–2020 academic year, all education and courses are provided through distance education. Therefore, since distance education is a new process for many, faculty members may encounter various problems. For this reason, determining the views of lecturers about the distance education process is important for the improvement and development of the distance education system. The aim of this study is to examine the views of the lecturers who teach through the distance education system and to make suggestions for the improvement of the system. The situation was determined using the qualitative research method. The research questions were prepared by the researchers. Their validity was ensured by taking experts’ opinions. For this purpose, interviews with semistructured questions were conducted with 28 instructors at Cyprus and Russian universities and the data obtained were evaluated by content analysis. The findings obtained as a result of the research are given in detail in the findings and results section