16 research outputs found

    Data linking for the Semantic Web

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    By specifying that published datasets must link to other existing datasets, the 4th linked data principle ensures a Web of data and not just a set of unconnected data islands. The authors propose in this paper the term data linking to name the problem of finding equivalent resources on the Web of linked data. In order to perform data linking, many techniques were developed, finding their roots in statistics, database, natural language processing and graph theory. The authors begin this paper by providing background information and terminological clarifications related to data linking. Then a comprehensive survey over the various techniques available for data linking is provided. These techniques are classified along the three criteria of granularity, type of evidence, and source of the evidence. Finally, the authors survey eleven recent tools performing data linking and we classify them according to the surveyed techniques

    Ontology Construction

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    A Semantic Web pragmatic approach to develop Clinical ontologies, and thus Semantic Interoperability, based in HL7 v2.xml messaging

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    The ISO/HL7 27931:2009 standard intends to establish a global interoperability framework for Healthcare applications. However, being a messaging related protocol, it lacks a semantic foundation for interoperability at a machine treatable level has intended through the Semantic Web. There is no alignment between the HL7 V2.xml message payloads and a meaning service like a suitable ontology. Careful application of Semantic Web tools and concepts can ease extremely the path to the fundamental concept of Shared Semantics. In this paper the Semantic Web and Artificial Intelligence tools and techniques that allow aligned ontology population are presented and their applicability discussed. We present the coverage of HL7 RIM inadequacy for ontology mapping and how to circumvent it, NLP techniques for semi-automated ontology population and discuss the current trends about knowledge representation and reasoning that concur to the proposed achievement