3 research outputs found
Improved tree height estimation of secondary forests in the Brazilian Amazon
This paper presents a novel approach for estimating the height of individual trees in secondary forests at two study sites: Manaus (central Amazon) and Santarém (eastern Amazon) in the Brazilian Amazon region. The approach consists of adjusting tree height-diameter at breast height (H:DBH) models in each study site by ecological species groups: pioneers, early secondary, and late secondary. Overall, the DBH and corresponding height (H) of 1,178 individual trees were measured during two field campaigns: August 2014 in Manaus and September 2015 in Santarém. We tested the five most commonly used log-linear and nonlinear H:DBH models, as determined by the available literature. The hyperbolic model: H = a.DBH/(b+DBH) was found to present the best fit when evaluated using validation data. Significant differences in the fitted parameters were found between pioneer and secondary species from Manaus and Santarém by F-test, meaning that site-specific and also ecological-group H:DBH models should be used to more accurately predict H as a function of DBH. This novel approach provides specific equations to estimate height of secondary forest trees for particular sites and ecological species groups. The presented set of equations will allow better biomass and carbon stock estimates in secondary forests of the Brazilian Amazon
Origem e distribuição dos nervos isquiáticos em caprinos da raça Saanen Origin and distribution of the ischiatic nerves in goats of the Saanen breed
Estudaram-se a origem e distribuição dos nervos isquiáticos, de ambos os antÃmeros, em 30 caprinos (Capra hircus) da raça Saanen, sendo 16 machos e 14 fêmeas. Estes animais foram coletados após morte natural e submetidos à fixação em solução aquosa, a 10%, de formaldeÃdo. Os nervos isquiáticos originaram-se 28 vezes (93,3%) do ramo ventral do sexto nervo espinhal lombar e dos ramos ventrais do primeiro e segundo nervos espinhais sacrais; além disso, esses nervos tabém receberam duas vezes (6,7%), contribuição do ramo ventral do terceiro nervo espinhal sacral. Os nervos isquiáticos cederam, em todos os animais, ramos para os músculos glúteos médios, glúteos profundos, gluteobÃceps, gêmeos, semitendÃneos e semimembranáceos. Sobretudo, notaram-se arranjos peculiares desses ramos musculares para cada espécime. Através da aplicação da prova de Wilcoxon, com nÃvel de significância de 0,05, não se observaram diferenças significativas entre as freqüências de ramos musculares dos nervos isquiáticos, que foram cedidos para os antÃmeros direito e esquerdo, e ainda em relação ao sexo dos caprinos da presente investigação.<br>The origin and distribution of the ischiatic nerves at both sides were studied in 30 goats (Capra hircus) of the Saanen breed, being 16 males and 14 females. These specimens were collected after natural death of the animals and submitted to fixation in a 10% formaldehyde solution. The ischiatic nerves arose from the ventral branch of the sixth lumbar and the first and second sacral spinal nerves in 28 cases (93.3%). In addition, these nerves also received contributions from the ventral branch of the third sacral spinal nerve in two cases (6.7%) at both sides. In all animals, the right and left ischiatic nerves gave off branches to the muscles gluteus medius, gluteus profundus, gluteobiceps, gemelli, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus muscles. In particular, peculiar arrangements of these muscular branches were noticed for each specimen. By using the Wilcoxon test with significance level at 0.05, there were no significant differences among the frequencies of muscular branches of the ischiatic nerves emitted to the right and left sides, and also in relation to the sex of the goats in the present investigation