21 research outputs found

    Quasi-local Update Algorithms for Numerical Simulations of d=3 SU(2) LGT in the Dual Formulation

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    In the dual formulation of d=3 SU(2) LGT, the link variables are group representations and valid configurations are those satisfying a number of triangle inequalities. In \cite{lat99} algorithms for local updates that automatically respect these constraints were described. It was also pointed out there that these local updates were not ergodic. In this presentation, we describe two different quasi-local updating algorithms which, in conjunction with the local updates, appear to be ergodic.Comment: LATTICE2000(Topics in Gauge Theories),5 pages,5 figures,LaTe

    Analytic Variational Investigation of Euclidean SU(3) Gauge Theory

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    Analytic variational techniques for lattice gauge theories based on the Rayleigh-Ritz(RR) method were previously developed for euclidean SU(2) gauge theories in 3 and 4 dimensions. Their extensions to SU(3) gauge theory including applications to correlation functions and mass gaps are presented here.Comment: 4-pages in 2-column format, typsetted for LaTeX with document style espcrc2.sty (available on request), IMSc/93-2

    Current Status of the Numerical Simulations of d=3 SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory in the Dual Formulation

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    We have continued our systematic investigations of the numerical simulations of lattice gauge theories in the dual formulation. These include: i) a more practical implementation of the quasi-local updating technique, ii) a thorough investigation of the sign problem, iii) issues related to the ergodicity of the various update algorithms, iv) a novel way of measuring conventional observables like plaquette in the dual formalism and v) investigations of thermalisation. While the dual formulation holds out a lot of promises in principle, there are still some ways to go before it can be made into an attractive alternative lattice formulation.Comment: LATTICE2000(Topics in Gauge Theories),5 pages,3 figures,LaTex(espcrc2.sty

    Continuum limit of string formation in 3-d SU(2) LGT

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    We study the continuum limit of the string-like behaviour of flux tubes formed between static quarks and anti-quarks in three dimensional SU(2) lattice gauge theory. We compare our simulation data with the predictions of both effective string models as well as perturbation theory. On the string side we obtain clear evidence for convergence of data to predictions of Nambu-Goto theory. We comment on the scales at which the static potential starts departing from one loop perturbation theory and then again being well described by effective string theories. We also estimate the leading corrections to the one-loop perturbative potential as well as the Nambu-Goto effective string. In the intermediate regions we find that a modified Lennard-Jones type potential gives surprisingly good fits.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures and 6 table

    String-like behaviour of 4d SU(3) Yang-Mills flux tubes

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    We present here results on the fine structure of the static q\bar q potential in d=4 SU(3) Yang-Mills theory. The potential is obtained from Polyakov loop correlators having separations between 0.3 and 1.2 fermi. Measurements were carried out on lattices of spatial extents of about 4 and 5.4 fermi. The temporal extent was 5.4 fermi in both cases. The results are analyzed in terms of the force between a q\bar q pair as well as in terms of a scaled second derivative of the potential. The data is accurate enough to distinguish between different effective string models and it seems to favour the expression for ground state energy of a Nambu-Goto string.Comment: 9 pages in LaTeX with 2 figures and 2 tables in JHEP style. Replaced to match with shortened published versio

    The confining string beyond the free-string approximation in the gauge dual of percolation

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    We simulate five different systems belonging to the universality class of the gauge dual of three-dimensional random percolation to study the underlying effective string theory at finite temperature. All the data for the finite temperature string tension, when expressed by means of adimensional variables, are nicely described by a unique scaling function. We calculate the first few terms of the string tension up to order T6T^6 and compare to different theoretical predictions. We obtain unambiguous evidence that the coefficients of T2T^2 and T4T^4 terms coincide with those of the Nambu-Goto string, as expected, while the T6T^6 term strongly differs and is characteristic of the universality class of this specific gauge theory.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Finite Size Effects for the Ising Model Coupled to 2-D Random Surfaces

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    Finite size effects for the Ising Model coupled to two dimensional random surfaces are studied by exploiting the exact results from the 2-matrix models. The fixed area partition function is numerically calculated with arbitrary precision by developing an efficient algorithm for recursively solving the quintic equations so encountered. An analytic method for studying finite size effects is developed based on the behaviour of the free energy near its singular points. The generic form of finite size corrections so obtained are seen to be quite different from the phenomenological parameterisations used in the literature. The method of singularities is also applied to study the magnetic susceptibility. A brief discussion is presented on the implications of these results to the problem of a reliable determination of string susceptibility from numerical simulations.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Parity and Time Reversal in the Spin-Rotation Interaction

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    A recently reported discrepancy between experimental and theoretical values of the muon's g-2 factor is interpreted as due to small violations of the conservation of P and T in the spin-rotation coupling. The experiments place an upper limit on these violations and on the weight change of spinning gyroscopes.Comment: 3 page

    On the spectrum of closed k=2 flux tubes in D=2+1 SU(N) gauge theories

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    We calculate the energy spectrum of a k=2 flux tube that is closed around a spatial torus, as a function of its length l. We do so for SU(4) and SU(5) gauge theories in 2 space dimensions. We find that to a very good approximation the eigenstates belong to the irreducible representations of the SU(N) group rather than just to its center, Z_N. We obtain convincing evidence that the low-lying states are, for l not too small, very close to those of the Nambu-Goto free string theory (in flat space-time). The correction terms appear to be typically of O(1) in appropriate units, much as one would expect if the bosonic string model were an effective string theory for the dynamics of these flux tubes. This is in marked contrast to the case of fundamental flux tubes where such corrections have been found to be unnaturally small. Moreover we find that these corrections appear to be particularly small when the `phonons' along the string have the same momentum, and large when their momentum is opposite. This provides information about the detailed nature of the interactions in the effective string theory. We have searched for, but not found, extra states that would arise from the excitation of the massive modes presumably associated with the non-trivial structure of the flux tube.Comment: 37 pages, 16 figures, minor changes to text and figure

    Asymptotically Free Non-Abelian Gauge Theories With Fermions and Scalars As Alternatives to QCD

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    In this paper we construct non-Abelian gauge theories with fermions and scalars that nevertheless possess asymptotic freedom.The scalars are taken to be in a chiral multiplet transforming as (2,2)(2,2) under SU(2)L⊗SU(2)RSU(2)_L\otimes SU(2)_R and transforming as singlets under the colour SU(3) group. We consider two distinct scenarios, one in which the additional scalars are light and another in which they are heavier than half the Z-boson mass. It is shown that asymptotic freedom is obtained without requiring that all additional couplings keep fixed ratios with each other. It is also shown that both scenarios can not be ruled out by what are considered standard tests of QCD like R- parameter, g-2 for muons or deep inelastic phenomena. The light mass scenario is however ruled out by high precision Z-width data (and only by that one data).The heavy mass scenario is still viable and is shown to naturally pass the test of flavour changing neutral currents. It also is not ruled out by precision electroweak oblique parameters. Many distinctive experimental signatures of these models are also discussed.Comment: 37 pages in LATEX with 10 fig