2 research outputs found

    Making Education Support Media About Flood Hazard in Samarinda in the Form of Digital Comic

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    Samarinda is the capital of East Kalimantan that is currently growing rapidly. However, the city of Samarinda still has a complex flood problem. This flood phenomenon occurs not only when it is the rainy season but also when it rains for 1-2 hours. This condition interferes with the activities of the community and the government in Samarinda in carrying out daily activities because it can immerse settlements and housing, damage public facilities, and cause casualties. Despite the frequent occurrence and inconvenience of the community, Samarinda's level of public awareness in preventing floods is still minimal. This can be seen from the large number of communities that still often throw garbage carelessly into rivers, especially residents living near rivers. The garbage thrown into the river hinders the flow of water to the point where it can create a high puddle. It is seen that there are many communities, especially young people who are open-minded about environmental issues. Therefore, it is necessary to design a flood prevention educational medium in Samarinda city that can start from oneself or a simple thing with the main target is Samarinda people itself, especially the youth with qualitative methods

    Perancangan Video Promosi PT. Scuto Indonesia

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    Pada zaman modern ini, periklanan dipandang sebagai media yang paling lazim digunakan suatu Perusahaan untuk mengarahkan komunikasi yang persuasif pada konsumen. Iklan ditujukan untuk mempengaruhi perasaan, pengetahuan, makna, kepercayaan, sikap, dan citra konsumen yang berkaitan dengan suatu produk atau merek. Selain itu iklan menjadi sarana untuk membantu pemasaran yang efektif dalam menjalin komunikasi antara Perusahaan dan konsumen, dan sebagai upaya Perusahaan dalam menghadapi pesaing. Perancangan tugas akhir ini memiliki tujuan untuk merancang suatu media iklan berupa Video promosi sebagai upaya mempertahankan image Perusahaan PT.Scuto Indonesia terhadap konsumen. Perancangan ini menggunakan metode penelitian SWOT. Perancangan video promosi ini akan difokuskan di media online agar lebih efisien dan mudah diakses. Dengan dibuatnya video promosi ini maka keeksistensian Perusahaan PT.Scuto Indonesia dapat dipertahankan