50 research outputs found

    The ethical aspects of modern logistics in the ural region: major problems’ discussion

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    Проблемы современной логистики, как правило, сводятся к экономическим и технологическим аспектам. Данная статья обозначает широчайшее поле для исследования этических проблем логистической сферы. Авторами также описана специфика логистики в Уральском регионе. Статья носит прогностический характер и является частью исследовательской программы логистических узлов Урало-Сибирского транспортного узла.The problemsof modern logistics are traditionally focused around economic aand technological aspects. The article describes a wide research field for further ethical investigations of logistics. The authors also specify logistics in the Urals region. The article is of prognostic type and it presents an a part of a wider research of Ural-Siberian hub

    Pharmacokinetic Interactions of Phenosanic Acid with Valproic Acid and Carbamazepine in Dogs

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    Phenosanic acid prevents convulsions, reduces the frequency of epileptic seizures, and improves cognitive, intellectual and mnestic functions in patients with epilepsy. Therefore, phenosanic acid-based medicinal products are promising candidates for inclusion in combination antiepileptic therapy. In order to combine medicinal products rationally and ensure that the therapy is safe, it is useful to study the pharmacokinetic interaction of medicinal products planned for clinical co-administration.The aim of the study was to examine single-dose pharmacokinetic interactions between Dibufelon® 200 mg capsules (PIQ-PHARMA LLC, Russia) and two medicinal products planned for clinical co-application with it, namely, valproic acid and carbamazepine, in sexually mature dogs.Materials and methods: the study included medicinal products of phenosanic acid (Dibufelon® 200 mg capsules by PIQ-PHARMA LLC, Russia), valproic acid (300 mg prolonged-release film-coated tablets), and carbamazepine (200 mg tablets). The medicinal products were administered to beagle dogs (2 groups of 9 males each) as a single oral dose separately and in the following combinations: phenosanic acid with valproic acid and phenosanic acid with carbamazepine. Dose selection involved adjusting maximum human therapeutic doses using interspecies conversion factors. Phenosanic acid was administered at a dose of 24 mg/kg; valproic acid and carbamazepine were administered at a dose of 60 mg/kg. Blood sampling took place at baseline and in 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 24 h after dosing. Plasma concentrations of active substances were determined by HPLC-UV. Pharmacokinetic interactions were evaluated by changes in the main pharmacokinetic parameters (Сmax, Тmax, AUC0-24, MRT, Т1/2).Results: the study demonstrated rapid gastrointestinal absorption and prolonged systemic circulation of phenosanic acid administered separately (Tmax 2–4 h, T1/2 13–28 h) and combined with valproic acid (Tmax 2 h, T1/2 22 h). When administered with carbamazepine, phenosanic acid was eliminated from the systemic blood flow faster (T1/2 7.4 h).Conclusions: co-administration of phenosanic acid and valproic acid medicinal products had no significant effect on their respective pharmacokinetics. Whereas, the combination of phenosanic acid and carbamazepine demonstrated a significant decrease in the Tmax values of phenosanic acid and the MRT values of carbamazepine. The pharmacokinetic changes suggestive of a possible interaction between phenosanic acid and carbamazepine need further clinical investigation


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    In this article questions about accessibility of urban environment for disabled people with limitation of movement are considered, moreover the project providing conditions for comfortable movement in city space for specified groups of the population is represented.Выражаем благодарность команде разработчиков приложения, команде «Атмосфера» и волонтерам проекта «Город без границ»


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    There is absence of data in international publications, on the measurement of coronary flow in 2nd type diabetes patients (DM) during stress-echocardiography (SEchoCG) with physical exertion (PE).Aim. To study the changes of coronary flow in left anterior descending artery (LAD) during SEchoCG with PE in DM patients with and without signs of coronary heart disease (CHD).Material and methods. Totally, 125 patients included, with good visualization of coronary arteries in transthoracic approach. Main group consisted of 68 DM patients, controls were 57 persons comparable by age and gender, without diabetes and CHD signs. All patients underwent SEchoCG on horizontal veloergometer, with Doppler test of blood flow in LAD. Positive stress test patients underwent then coronary angiography.Results. Between the subgroups with DM and CHD and non-CHD, there was highly significant difference in absolute values of velocities on the peak of PE, of velocity increase during PE, and in coronary reserve (CR) in LAD. DM patients without CHD did not significantly differ by the parameters mentioned, from the controls. Threshold value that determine relation of patients to CHD or non-CHD group, was 1,7 for CR. Test precision for subgroup relevance for this level was 86,2%.Conclusion. DM non-CHD patients during PE do not differ from non-DM by the values of coronary flow. CR parameter can be used for CHD diagnostics during SEchoCG with PE in this category of patients

    Technologie zorientowane na Toyotę jako narzędzia zarządzania ekologicznego dla przedsiębiorstw transportowych

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    The authors studied the managing principles for running a modern transport enterprise. In research process the experience and results of foreign scientists were analyzed and different company management tools were compared. Special focus is given to ecological approach due to crucial relevance of environmental problem. In this connection, the importance of Toyota technologies and BOST method, created by a Polish scientist Borkowski S., is emphasized. The research has been carried out for transport enterprises, which are high-demand in any country of the world. The case study is the largest Russian railway company - JSC Russian Railways. As the result, the guidelines to the improvement of management principles for JSC Russian Railways have been developed.Autorzy badali zasady zarządzania związane z prowadzeniem nowoczesnego przedsiębiorstwa transportowego. W procesie badawczym przeanalizowano doświadczenie i wyniki zagranicznych naukowców i porównano różne narzędzia do zarządzania firmą. Szczególną uwagę poświęca się podejściu biologicznemu ze względu na kluczowe znaczenie dla problemu ochrony środowiska. W tym względzie podkreślone jest znaczenie technologii Toyota i metody BOST, stworzonej przez polskiego naukowca S. Borkowskiego. Badania przeprowadzone zostały dla przedsiębiorstw transportowych, które są dużym zapotrzebowaniem w każdym kraju na świecie. Studium przypadku to największa rosyjska firma kolejowa - JSC Rosyjskie Koleje. W efekcie, opracowane zostały wytyczne do poprawy zasad gospodarowania dla Rosyjskich Koleji JSC

    Ocena możliwości wzbogacenia rudy sylwinitowej ze starobińskiego złoża soli potasowej

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    Determination of basic quality parameters of sylvinite ores qualifies them as economic mineral material only, but does not account for the properties necessary to be considered to classify their dressability. A saturation exploration of the Nezhin mining site involved for the first time a forecast and technological assessment of sylvinite ores in three minable potash horizons, which was made along with estimates of geological fields and was based on a comprehensive study of the mineralogical and technological features of ores in the rock massif and crushed samples.Określenie podstawowych parametrów jakościowych złóż sylwinitu umożliwia ustalenie ich użyteczności ekonomicznej, lecz nie pozwala ocenić własności niezbędnych do oceny możliwości wzbogacenia rudy. Badania geologiczne prowadzone w kopalni Nezhin umożliwiły po raz pierwszy prognozowanie i techniczne oszacowanie mineralizacji sylwinitowej w trzech eksploatowanych horyzontach potasonośnych dzięki zastosowaniu kompleksowej analizy cech mineralogicznych i technologicznych mineralizacji w litych i pokruszonych próbkach ze złoża. Przemysłowe złoża potasowe kopalni Nezhin zawierają kopalinę o wysokiej zawartości sylwinu, ich główne ciało rudne zakwalifikowano jako obiekt o średniej możliwości wzbogacenia. Jako sylwinitowe serie eksploatacyjne wyodrębnia się warstwy kopaliny reprezentujące jeden typ technologiczny kopaliny. Mineralizacja potasowa wykazuje nieznaczne różnice w eksploatowanych warstwach II poziomu, jest obfita w warstwach sylwinitowych nr 2, 3 i 4 III poziomu oraz w warstwach I poziomu potasonośnego. Udział we frakcji rudy powyżej 0.5 mm sięga ponad 70%. Właściwości technologiczne sylwinitowej rudy z głównych poziomów eksploatacyjnych kopalni Nezhin wskazują, że instalacja wzbogacająca rudę do wymaganego poziomu przemysłowego może być użyteczna dla rudy pokruszonej do frakcji 3.15 mm


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    Ultrasound non-invasive coronary artery imaging contributes to the diagnosis of ischemic heart disease (IHD) in clinical practice. However, data of the prognostic value obtained from a complex analysis of contractility disorders and coronary blood flow parameters during exercise tests in the world literature are still not available. Aim. To develop risk models for adverse outcomes in patients with probable or definite IHD based on the results of a stress test with a noninvasive coronary blood flow study. Material and methods. Medical data of 689 patients with probable or definite IHD who underwent stress echocardiography with satisfactory visualization of the anterior interventricular artery (AIVA) were included in the analysis. All patients had stress echocardiography on a horizontal bicycle ergometer. Registration of coronary blood flow in the middle third of the AIVA was performed at rest and at the peak of the load with calculation of the coronary reserve value. Further patient follow-up lasted 3 years. Models of further negative outcomes were developed on the basis of the stress echocardiography results and of coronary blood flow parameters. Results. Three models that take into account the factors associated with further mortality, mortality/myocardial infarction and sum of negative outcomes were developed in the study. These models divide a cohort of patients with probable or definite IHD into groups of low, medium and very high risks. Factors associated with the risk of death include: age >56 years, load power <100 W, breach of contractility in the blood supply zone of the circumflex artery initially and during exercise, the difference in blood flow velocities in the AIVA<10 cm/s, coronary reserve of AIVA<2. The risk model of death, taking into account these factors, suggests dividing patients into low-risk group if there are ≤2 factors (mortality 0.6% for 3 years), medium risk – from 2 to 4 factors (mortality 1.8%), high risk – ≥5 factors (mortality 10.3% for 3 years). Conclusion. The study of coronary blood flow during stress echocardiography in addition to the analysis of left ventricular contractility in patients with probable or definite IHD contributes to determine the prognosis of further negative outcomes