3,187 research outputs found

    Neuropatia compressiva do nervo supraescapular

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    Introdução: a neuropatia compressiva do nervo supraescapular foi descrita pela primeira vez em 1952 mas só recentemente tem sido mais compreendida e diagnosticada. A sua etiologia nem sempre é clara e o seu diagnóstico ainda não está bem estabelecido. O tratamento é controverso, especialmente a opção pela libertação artroscópica. Esta técnica tem sido cada vez mais utilizada mas, apesar dos bons resultados relatados, não encontramos na literatura qualquer análise sistematizada dos resultados clínicos desta técnica. Pretendeu-se com este trabalho efetuar uma revisão teórica do tema e uma análise detalhada dos resultados do tratamento artroscópico, procurando as indicações mais apropriadas para esta técnica. Material e Métodos: pesquisa efetuada em 6 bases de dados disponíveis na Internet utilizando as expressões: “suprascapular nerve”, “arthroscopic”, “release” e “decompression”. Efetuada revisão sistemática da literatura encontrada e uma síntese narrativa. Síntese de dados e conclusão. A neuropatia compressiva do nervo supraescapular é atualmente uma entidade nosológica bem estabelecida e cada vez melhor compreendida. Integra o diagnóstico diferencial da patologia da cintura escapular, sobretudo em doentes jovens, atletas ou no contexto de roturas da coifa. O tratamento cirúrgico está indicado na falência do tratamento conservador sendo a libertação artroscópica do nervo uma técnica em expansão. Está indicada em doentes com omalgia posterior, diminuição da força do supraespinhoso e infraespinhoso ou apenas do infraespinhoso, com ou sem alterações electromiográficas. O resultado das pequenas series publicadas até ao momento é encorajador pois parece proporcionar resultados clínicos positivos consistentes, constituindo um tratamento válido para a neuropatia compressiva do nervo supraescapula

    Acoustic full-waveform inversion in an elastic world

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    Full-waveform inversion (FWI) is a technique used to obtain high-quality velocity models of the subsurface. Despite the elastic nature of the earth, the anisotropic acoustic wave equation is typically used to model wave propagation in FWI. In part, this simplification is essential for being efficient when inverting large 3D data sets, but it has the adverse effect of reducing the accuracy and resolution of the recovered P-wave velocity models, as well as a loss in potential to constrain other physical properties, such as the S-wave velocity given that amplitude information in the observed data set is not fully used. Here, we first apply conventional acoustic FWI to acoustic and elastic data generated using the same velocity model to investigate the effect of neglecting the elastic component in field data and we find that it leads to a loss in resolution and accuracy in the recovered velocity model. Then, we develop a method to mitigate elastic effects in acoustic FWI using matching filters that transform elastic data into acoustic data and find that it is applicable to marine and land data sets. Tests show that our approach is successful: The imprint of elastic effects on the recovered P-wave models is mitigated, leading to better-resolved models than those obtained after conventional acoustic FWI. Our method requires a guess of VP/VS and is marginally more computationally demanding than acoustic FWI, but much less so than elastic FWI. Read More: https://library.seg.org/doi/10.1190/geo2017-0063.

    Addressing viscous effects in acoustic full-waveform inversion

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    In conventional full-waveform inversion (FWI), viscous effects are typically neglected, and this is likely to adversely affect the recovery of P-wave velocity. We have developed a strategy to mitigate viscous effects based on the use of matching filters with the aim of improving the performance of acoustic FWI. The approach requires an approximate estimate of the intrinsic attenuation model, and it is one to three times more expensive than conventional acoustic FWI. First, we perform 2D synthetic tests to study the impact of viscoacoustic effects on the recorded wavefield and analyze how that affects the recovered velocity models after acoustic FWI. Then, we apply the current method on the generated data and determine that it mitigates viscous effects successfully even in the presence of noise. We find that having an approximate estimate for intrinsic attenuation, even when these effects are strong, leads to improvements in resolution and a more accurate recovery of the P-wave velocity. Then, we implement and develop our method on a 2D field data set using Gabor transforms to obtain an approximate intrinsic attenuation model and inversion frequencies of up to 24 Hz. The analysis of the results indicates that there is an improvement in terms of resolution and continuity of the layers on the recovered P-wave velocity model, leading to an improved flattening of gathers and a closer match of the inverted velocity model with the migrated seismic data

    “Bone-shot fracture” – An unusual iliac wing fracture caused by a projectile of autologous bone fragment. A case report

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    Case: A young adult male sustained a high-energy crash suffering multiple injuries including a comminuted right femoral shaft fracture and an ipsilateral iliac wing fracture. The iliac fracture was caused by a femoral fragment which was projected and pierced the iliac wing. The patient underwent surgery with retrieval of the femoral fragment and fixation of the iliac and femoral fractures. The lesions healed uneventfully. Conclusion: This is the first reported case of an iliac fracture caused by a projectile of autologous bone. High-energy trauma may present unusual or never seen injury patterns to the trauma surgeon

    Avaliação da coleção de germoplasma de melancia da Embrapa Hortaliças para tolerância a virose.

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    Protocolos de Micropropagação de Plantas. I-Batata.

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    Micropropagação de batata 'BRS Ana': produção de material básico com alta sanidade.

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