384 research outputs found

    Landsat imagery evidences great recent land cover changes induced by wild fires in central Siberia

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    The article discusses the methods of satellite image classification to determine general types of forest ecosystems, as well as the long-term monitoring of ecosystems changes using satellite imagery of medium spatial resolution and the daily data of space monitoring of active fires. The area of interest of this work is 100 km footprint of the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO), located near the Zotino settlement, Krasnoyarsk region. The study area is located in the middle taiga subzone of Western Siberia, are presented by the left and right banks of the Yenisei river. For Landsat satellite imagery supervised classification by the maximum likelihood method was made using ground-based studies over the last fifteen years. The results are the identification of the 10 aggregated classes of land surface and composition of the study area thematic map. Operational satellite monitoring and analysis of spatial information about ecosystem in the 100-kilometer footprint of the ZOTTO tall tower allows to monitor the dynamics of forest disturbance by fire and logging over a long time period and to estimate changes in forest ecosystems of the study area. Data on the number and area of fires detected in the study region for the 2000-2014 received in the work. Calculations show that active fires have burned more than a quarter of the footprint area over the study period. Fires have a significant impact on the redistribution of classes of land surface. Area of all types of vegetation ecosystems declined dramatically under the influence of fires, whereas industrial logging does not impact seriously on it. The results obtained in our work indicate the highest occurrence of fires for lichen forest types within study region, probably due to their high natural fire danger, which is consistent with other studies. The least damage the fire caused to the wetland ecosystem due to high content of moisture and the presence of a large number of fire breaks in the form of open water

    Some aspects of treatment for cognitive impairments. Cyticolin: pharmacological characteristics, possible benefits, aspects of use

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    The paper reviews the data available in the literature on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of cyticolin and its use in cognitive impairments (CIs).It assesses trials investigating the effect of cyticolin on cognitive functions, including its possible role in increasing Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) expression. The results of the latest multicenter trials of the drug used to treat dementia syndrome are analyzed in elderly patients with clinical presentations of mental confusion (the VITA trial) and mild vascular CIs (the IDEALE trial).Cyticolin is able to potentiate neuroplasticity and is a natural precursor of phospholipids, mainly phosphotidylcholine that serves as a source of choline in the metabolic pathways of acetylcholine biosynthesis. The VITA and IDEALE have shown that the parenteral and oral administrations of cyticolin are effective and safe in the treatment of moderate vascular CIs and dementia with clinical presentations of mental confusion. Cyticolin therapy is used to reduce the risk of side effects and to delay of loss of the therapeutic effects of levodopa preparations. Cyticolin has been noted to have a positive effect on cognitive functions in patients with Alzheimer’s disease if it is used as an additional therapy

    Systems Analysis of the Functional Condition Children with Neurosensory Bradyacuasia

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    Purpose: The psycho-physiological features and anthrop-somatic-viceroy parameters in children with neurosensory bradyacuasia (NSB) were investigated.Materials and Methods: It is spent comparative research of boys with НСТ, divided into age subgroups: 7-10 years, 11-13 and 14-16 years. Were executed audio-logic, anthropometrical, physical analyses, psychological testing for revealing of verbal and nonverbal characteristics of intellectual development, it is registered electroencephalogram (EEG) and the evoked potentials.Results: In each group prominent features of the inter-central mutual relations in a brain cortex are revealed. It is established that the condition intra- and inter-hemispheres’ integration and character of spectral density of ranges EEG capacity can represent itself as functional criterion of development NSB. At acquired NSB age-related characteristics of the alpha - rhythm power is not boosted, at inherent - the level of left-side coherent links increases. The decrease of amplitude of visual evoked potential positive components can be connected to failure the hard of hearing children notice function.Summary: The data of the factorial analysis of set anthropometrical, physical and viceroy indicators, parameters of bioelectric activity of a brain, can be diagnostic criteria of anthrop-somatic-viceroy continuum components of a studied pathology

    The functional status of forestry industry workers in the Far North during the shift period

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    All over the world, the timber industry is one of the most physically hazardous industries. Working in such conditions is accompanied by an increase in the risk of unfavorable functional states and a critical decrease in professional reliability. Monitoring the workers’ state during the shift period will allow to determine the adaptation degree of personnel to work, as well as to identify the days of the shift arrival with a high risk of injury caused by the unfavorable state of workers.The aim. To identify and describe the functional states dynamics of loggers during the entire shift period in the Far North as their adaptation degree to work.Methods. Objective: collection of saliva for the determination of cortisol, psychophysiological instrumental methods; projective: M. Luscher’s color test; subjective – questionnaire “Well-being. Activity. Mood” by V.А. Doskin et al.; statistical methods: descriptive statistics. The study involved 24 shift workers of a logging enterprise, with whom we conducted daily monitoring of objective, projective and subjective characteristics of their functional state in the morning and evening during a fourteenday shift visit.Results. According to the objective, projective and subjective indicators of functional states, their consistently favorable level is observed with multidirectional peaks during the shift change period and a slight decrease at the end of the shift, which demonstrates the staff’ adaptability to work. The operator performance is somewhat higher in the second half of the shift period, but in general it is below average due to the reduced quality of task performance. An increased free cortisol level was revealed in employees during the entire shift period with a high functional reserves level of the body. During the shift change period, the risks associated with the efficiency and safety of labor increase, which undoubtedly requires consideration by the management of enterprises

    Statistical methods for analyzing financial statements of Russian organizations in the context of IFRS implementation

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    In the context of the transition to international financial reporting standards (hereinafter - IFRS), issues of bringing Russian financial statements closer to an international format are of relevance. In order to develop Russian reporting adapted to the new requirements of the format, the authors have conducted polls of the accounting services of large, medium and small business organizations about the desirability of including the indicators from the minimum list of international reporting articles in their reports. Based on the methods used by the Institute of Statistics in the study of Russian financial statements methods of selective observation, questioning, methods of processing the data obtained, namely, calculating the proportion of reporting indicators using the A. Salai and V. Ryabtsev index, the authors justify the inclusion in the Russian financial reporting a series of indicators proposed by IFRS. The results of the study can be used in the transformation of statements, as well as in the construction of consolidated financial statements generated in Russia in accordance with the requirements of IFRS.peer-reviewe

    Прогнозирование степени перегрузки правых камер сердца у пациентов с острой массивной тромбоэмболией легочной артерии на основании результатов КТ-диагностики

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    The study group included 147 patients at the stage of preparation for emergency surgical treatment of acute massive PE in the period from March 2012 to December 2019 inclusive. As CT indicators of overload of the right chambers of the heart, the usual CT indicators that do not require the use of expert – class computed tomographs were taken – they were the superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, unpaired vein; reflux of the contrast drug into the inferior vena cava; reflux of the contrast drug into the hepatic veins. In the course of the study, a comparative analysis of the average pressure in the pulmonary artery with the above CT indicators was performed. The most stable statistical relationship with the indicators of mean pressure in the pulmonary artery was demonstrated by CT parameters – the diameter of the unpaired vein and the reflux of the contrast agent into the hepatic veins. Based on the results of the work, a method for calculating the actual values of the average pressure in the pulmonary artery based on the CT parameter of the diameter of the unpaired vein is proposed.В группу исследования вошло 147 пациентов на этапе подготовки к экстренному хирургическому лечению острой массивной тромбоэмболии легочной артерии (ТЭЛА) в период с марта 2012 г. по декабрь 2019 г. включительно. В качестве КТ-показателей перегрузки правых камер сердца взяты обычные КТ-показатели, не требующие использования компьютерных томографов экспертного класса, ими стали верхняя полая вена, нижняя полая вена, непарная вена; рефлюкс контрастного препарата в нижнюю полую вену; рефлюкс контрастного препарата в печеночные вены. В ходе исследования проведен сравнительный анализ среднего давления в легочной артерии с вышеуказанными КТ-показателями. Наиболее устойчивую статистическую взаимосвязь с показателями среднего давления в легочной артерии продемонстрировали КТ-параметры – диаметр непарной вены и рефлюкс контрастного препарата в печеночные вены. По результатам работы предложена методика расчета фактических значений среднего давления в легочной артерии на основании КТ-параметра “диаметр непарной вены”