431 research outputs found

    Health of Russian children: status and trends

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    An analysis of the modern State of health of Russian children and demands of society to its proper level as a condition of prospective socio-economic development of the StateПредставлен анализ современного состояния здоровья российских детей и требования общества к его должному уровню как условию перспективного социально-экономического развития государств

    The needs of actors of the educational process in quality management education

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    Представлены интерпретации теорий А. Маслоу и Ф. Герцберга применительно к проблеме удовлетворения требований потребителей – субъектов образовательного процесса, описывающие виды и взаимоотношения потребностей, на основании которых можно повысить эффективность деятельности образовательных организацийPresents interpretations of the theories of A. Maslow and F. Herzberg in relation to meet consumers’ requirements – actors of the educational process, describe the types and relationship needs, on the basis of which it is possible to achieve good results of the activities of educational institution

    Needs actors of the educational process as an element in quality management of health students

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    The application of the theory of Maslow and Herzberg, f. in identifying the needs of the actors of the educational process in order to meet the requirements and wishes of consumers of educational activities in General and the protection of the health of students, in particularПредставлены возможности применение теории А. Маслоу и Ф. Герцберга в выявлении потребности субъектов образовательного процесса с целью удовлетворения требований и пожеланий потребителей образовательной деятельности в целом и здоровьесберегающей, в частност

    The development of vocational pedagogical education in Russia (organizational and pedagogical aspect)

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    The relevance of the problem under study is based on the necessity to determine the directions of studying and improving the vocational pedagogical education (the system of training vocational pedagogical teachers) in Russia. The purpose of the article is to identify the periodization of establishment and development of the vocational pedagogical education in Russia depending upon the changes of its organizational and pedagogical foundations that occur under the influence of socio-economic and socio-pedagogical factors. The leading approach to studying this problem is historic-logical one which allows us to identify stages of establishment and development of the vocational pedagogical education based on the qualitative changes of its organization and content that are perceived as a reaction to socio-economic and socio-pedagogical conditions at certain periods of time. Based on the qualitative changes of the organizational and pedagogical foundations of the vocational pedagogical education occurred under the influence of the changes in the society during more than a hundred years’ time, the stages of establishment and development of the vocational education are detailed in this article. It is stated that the main directions of the Russian vocational teachers’ training system development were determined by the requirements imposed upon the system by vocational education and industries. It is shown that the idea of industry-specific vocational and psychological training and training for a worker’s profession is the leading one in elaborating the vocation education development strategy. The article can be useful for academic specialists and practitioners in the sphere of vocational and vocational pedagogical education, candidates for a master’s degree and students of vocational pedagogical universities and faculties. © 2016 Fedorov and Tretyakova

    Migration safety in education: Adaptation of migrant students to conditions at higher educational establishments

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    The topicality of the problem under study stems from the changed geopolitical and socioeconomic conditions in Russia, which resulted in uncontrollable international and migration processes, changes in the ethnic composition of territories, worsening of ethnic and social relations of migrants and members of the society receiving them, search for educational paradigms complying with new conditions of the country's development. The aim of the research is to determine specific features relating to adaptation of migrant students to conditions at higher educational establishments and to draw up a programme of social, psychological and pedagogical activities to adapt migrant students to conditions at higher educational establishments. The leading research method is an experimental one, which enables us to fully consider the problem of adapting migrant students to conditions at higher educational establishments. The article outlines a system of social, psychological and pedagogical help to migrant students needed to optimise a process of their adaptation to an educational environment. The programme is aimed at creating social, psychological and pedagogical conditions for the efficient interaction of all members of an educational process, as well as full fulfillment of a person in conditions of a poly-cultural educational process. Teachers, curators, heads of subdivision and administrations of higher educational establishments may find the materials of the article useful. © Authors


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    Introduction. Rapid social and economic changes demand new methods and forms of vocational training, reorganization of content of professional education, i.e. its modernizations which cannot be carried out without existence of the qualified pedagogical staff. Therefore, high-quality professional and pedagogical preparation becomes today not just one of education components, and, without exaggeration, a guarantee of social and economic wellbeing of the country. To provide due functioning of the system of vocational pedagogical education (VPE), it is necessary to understand its specifics and regularities of development; thus, it is necessary to track formation and evolution of the system.The aim of the study is to provide retrospective analysis at the organizational and substantial level of development of VPE in Russia as the social and pedagogical system.Methodology and research methods. The historical and logical approach has become the leading approach while researching the problems of VPE. It allows us to build the accurate sequence of formation of the system of training of teachers of specific disciplines and masters of vocational training; on this basis to reveal its shortcomings and possibilities.Results and scientific novelty. A brief background into history of the Russian and foreign vocational pedagogical education existing prior to the beginning of the 20th century is given. The chronology of development of VPE in Russia since 1920-s till modern period is presented. According to the key changes happening in a target and organizational-content part of VPE, six stages are distinguished and described. It is shown that development of this type of education as a social and pedagogical system is caused by socio-economic factors and administrative decisions; at the same time the VPE system has own regularities, principles of functioning and internal potential for further improvement.The relevance of the appeal to VPE history is emphasized. The reflection concerning the accumulated positive and negative experience: promotes more exact diagnostics of tendencies in this area; helps to avoid former mistakes and to level the existing contradictions; enables to choose the most effective strategy of development of VPE.Practical significance. The materials of the publication can be useful for scientific and practical workers who are taking part in training of teachers of vocational education and engaged in forecasting and design of development of the system of vocational pedagogical education

    The main problems of vocational education in terms of its major health subjects

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    Provides a general description of the main activities to maintain and improve the health of students in vocational education: organization of the educational environment of preserving health and the formation of students readiness for the preservation of health. Proposed solutions improve the efficiency and quality of the activity viewed through the prism of the management theory of quality educationПредставлена общая характеристика основных направлений деятельности по сохранению и укреплению здоровья студентов в системе профессионального образования: организация здоровьесберегающей образовательной среды и формирование готовности студентов к здоровьесберегающей деятельности. Предложено решение вопросов повышения результативности и обеспечения качества данной деятельности рассматривать через призму теории управления качеством образовани

    Academic mobility of students: effects and statistics

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    Academic mobility of students as a modern process of internationalization of education is considered. The effects of educational migration are revealedРассматривается академическая мобильность студентов как современный процесс интернационализации образования. Раскрываются эффекты образовательной миграции. Приводятся статистические данные о распространении иностранного контингента по странам мира и их преимущественной специализаци


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    Introduction. Rapid social and economic changes demand new methods and forms of vocational training, reorganization of content of professional education, i.e. its modernizations which cannot be carried out without existence of the qualified pedagogical staff. Therefore, high-quality professional and pedagogical preparation becomes today not just one of education components, and, without exaggeration, a guarantee of social and economic wellbeing of the country. To provide due functioning of the system of vocational pedagogical education (VPE), it is necessary to understand its specifics and regularities of development; thus, it is necessary to track formation and evolution of the system. The aim of the study is to provide retrospective analysis at the organizational and substantial level of development of VPE in Russia as the social and pedagogical system. Methodology and research methods. The historical and logical approach has become the leading approach while researching the problems of VPE. It allows us to build the accurate sequence of formation of the system of training of teachers of specific disciplines and masters of vocational training; on this basis to reveal its shortcomings and possibilities. Results and scientific novelty. A brief background into history of the Russian and foreign vocational pedagogical education existing prior to the beginning of the 20th century is given. The chronology of development of VPE in Russia since 1920-s till modern period is presented. According to the key changes happening in a target and organizational-content part of VPE, six stages are distinguished and described. It is shown that development of this type of education as a social and pedagogical system is caused by socio-economic factors and administrative decisions; at the same time the VPE system has own regularities, principles of functioning and internal potential for further improvement. The relevance of the appeal to VPE history is emphasized. The reflection concerning the accumulated positive and negative experience: promotes more exact diagnostics of tendencies in this area; helps to avoid former mistakes and to level the existing contradictions; enables to choose the most effective strategy of development of VPE.Practical significance. The materials of the publication can be useful for scientific and practical workers who are taking part in training of teachers of vocational education and engaged in forecasting and design of development of the system of vocational pedagogical education. Введение. Стремительные социально-экономические изменения требуют новых методов и форм профессиональной подготовки, перестройки содержания профессионального образования – т. е. его модернизации, которая не может осуществляться без наличия квалифицированных педагогических кадров. Поэтому качественная профессионально-педагогическая подготовка становится сегодня не просто одной из составляющих сферы образования, а, без преувеличения, гарантией социально-экономического благополучия страны. Чтобы обеспечить должное функционирование системы профессионально-педагогического образования (ППО), необходимо понять его специфику и закономерности развития, для чего следует проследить становление и эволюцию системы. Цель статьи – ретроспективный анализ на организационно-содержательном уровне процесса развития ППО в России как социально-педагогической системы. Методология и методики исследования. Ведущим в исследовании проблем ППО стал историко-логический подход, позволяющий выстроить четкую последовательность формирования сложившейся к настоящему времени системы подготовки преподавателей специальных дисциплин и мастеров производственного обучения и на этой основе выявить ее недостатки и возможности. Результаты и научная новизна. Дан краткий экскурс в историю отечественного и зарубежного профессионально-педагогического образования, существовавшего до начала ХХ в. Представлена хронология развития ППО в России начиная с 20-х гг. прошлого столетия до современного периода. Согласно ключевым изменениям, происходящим в целевой и организационно-содержательной части ППО, выделены и описаны шесть его этапов. Показано, что развитие данного вида образования как социально-педагогической системы обусловлено социально-экономическими факторами и административными решениями; в то же время система ППО имеет собственные закономерности, принципы функционирования и внутренний потенциал для дальнейшего совершенствования.Подчеркивается актуальность обращения к истории ППО. Рефлексия по поводу накопленного положительного и отрицательного опыта способствует более точной диагностике тенденций в этой области, помогает избежать прежних ошибок, нивелировать существующие противоречия и выбрать наиболее эффективную стратегию развития ППО. Практическая значимость. Материалы публикации могут быть востребованы научными и практическими работниками, принимающими участие в подготовке педагогов профессионального обучения и занимающимися прогнозированием и проектированием развития системы профессионально-педагогического образования.

    On the Issue of Ensuring the Efficiency and Productivity of University Employees as a Factor of Competitiveness of the Educational Organizations

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    Представлены сведения о необходимости активации поиска решений по обеспечению эффективности и производительности труда работников вуза, как фактора конкурентоспособности организации. Одним из решений является развитие компетентности работников вуза в области обеспечения качества деятельности.Information is provided about the need to activate the search for solutions to ensure the efficiency and productivity of university employees, as a factor of competitiveness of the organization. One solution is to develop the competence of university employees in the field of quality assurance