6 research outputs found

    The effect of recombinant interleukin-2 on the variation of the cytokine balance in the patients with uterine myomas

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    Purpose: To develop an option for the anesthetic support of such surgical interventions with the use of human recombinant interleukin-2, which makes it possible to normalize the cytokine balance of the patients with uterine myomas during the surgical stress and in the early post-operative period.Materials and Methods: The cytokine balance was measured during the surgery and in the early post-operative period in patients with uterine myomas operated on with total intravenous anesthesia and artificial ventilation of the lungs.Results: Based on a solid-phase immunoenzymatic test, it was found that at all stages of examination of that group of patients there was an imbalance between the pro-inflammatory and the anti-inflammatory links of the cytokine regulation of the course of the adaptation processes

    Study of the dosing tissue distraction clinical efficacy in the soft tissue defects treatment of various etiologies in the lower extremities

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    Justification. The most methods of extensive skin and soft tissue defects are aimed at accelerating wound healing  and preventing infectious complications. To improve the effectiveness of such defects treatment, a method of dosed tissue distraction (MDTD) is used, consisting in the application of a continuously acting load to the area of healthy soft tissue in close proximity to the wound defect.Purpose. It performed the evaluation of the medico-social  effectiveness of the introduction into clinical practice of developed methods and devices for implementing MDTD in  the treatment of skin and soft tissue defects of the extremities.Methods. 407 patients were treated with wound defects of  the extremities, which were divided into two groups: the main group – 198 patients in whose treatment MDTD was applied using original methods and devices; comparison group – 209 patients, in whose treatment standard treatment methods were applied. Comparison of the long-term results of treatment according to the frequency of repeated operations, complications, indicators of quality of life, frequency of disability.Results. The use of MDTD is characterized by better performance compared with the use of standard approaches. There is a decrease in the frequency of performing reconstructive plastic surgery after inpatient treatment (9–10 times), remote complications by 2.6 times, a reduced value of the Vancouver scale (by 28.8%), quality of life indicators higher levels. The use of the proposed approach is characterized by a shorter duration of treatment (by 26.0%), duration of disability (1.4 times), cases of disability (2.2 times).Conclusion. The use of MDTD is characterized by high medical and social efficiency, allows to reduce the cost of treating extensive skin and soft tissue defects by reducing the length of hospitalization, the frequency of repeated rehabilitation and reconstructive operations, accelerated recovery of patients, improving the quality of life and reducing the incidence of disability


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    The features of deposition of highly dispersed particles of smoke on nanoscale biological airway surface on the example of tobacco smoke are considering. A model of particle deposition of the nicotine gum along the way through the smoke inhaled. Obtain a solution of the equation for the diffusion flux changes deposited nano- and submicron particles through hydrodynamic boundary layer.The particle deposition of nicotine gum on the airways by scanning the distribution of nanoparticles deposited using an atomic force microscope SobverPRO was experimentally studied. Patterns of distribution of nanoparticles dispersed smoke 4 species of tobacco in different parts of the respiratory tract were obtained. That allowed to talk about the absence of the effect of coagulation of the airway. It was established that the child as a passive smoker particle deposition diffusive flux of nicotine is proportionally higher than adult because the channel width is less than the airways than in adults.Рассматриваются особенности осаждения высокодисперсных наноразмерных частиц дымов на биологические поверхности дыхательных путей на примере табачного дыма. Построена модель осаждения частиц никотиновых смол по пути следования дымов через дыхательные пути. Получено решение уравнения для изменения осаждаемого диффузионного потока нано- и субмикронных частиц через гидродинамический пограничный слой. Экспериментально исследовано осаждение частиц никотиновых смол на дыхательные пути методом сканирования распределения осевших наночастиц с помощью атомно-силового микроскопа SobverPRO. Получены картины дисперсного распределения наночастиц дыма 4 видов табака на различных участках дыхательных путей, что позволило говорить об отсутствии эффекта коагуляции частиц в дыхательных путях. Установлено, что у ребенка как пассивного курильщика осаждение диффузионного потока частиц никотина пропорционально выше, чем у взрослого человека, так как ширина канала дыхательных путей меньше, чем у взрослых людей

    Modern Trends of Organic Chemistry in Russian Universities

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