4 research outputs found

    Legal defense of foreign citizens and non-citizens’ economic rights and interests from criminal offense and other incidents

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    The paper analyzes issues of defense of foreign citizens’ and apatrides’ economic rights and interests from criminal offense and wrongful acts within the Russian Federation. Due to situation of political strain, fueled by refugee crisis, obviously national legal system faces new challenges in maintaining human values within its borders. The key idea of the paper is a legal capacity to renege from providing the non-citizens of national equality, addressing the lex personalis i.e., the law of the alien’s home country for meaningful rights and interests’ defense. The certainty is based on the fact that the legislation of alien’s home country could not always correspond with the Russian one and it could not be read as a decline in alien’s legal status. Even a superficial view reveals lots of theoretical and enforcement issues ranging from providing equal defense from criminal or administrative offence to defense from maladministration. Despite the distinctions in national legal systems, common European trend is aimed at highest possible defense of non-citizens’ and apatrides’ economic interests. Thus, Russian legal system admits feasible aliens’ adjective law limitations as a retaliatory measure for Russian citizens’ rights limitation abroad. Authors push for balancing both personal and public interests when determining the legal defense of economic interests of non-citizens in accordance with European practice.peer-reviewe

    SARS-CoV-2 Recombination and Coinfection Events Identified in Clinical Samples in Russia

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    Recombination is one of the mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 evolution along with the occurrence of point mutations, insertions, and deletions. Recently, recombinant variants of SARS-CoV-2 have been registered in different countries, and some of them have become circulating forms. In this work, we performed screening of SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequences to identify recombination events and co-infections with various strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus detected in Russia from February 2020 to March 2022. The study included 9336 genomes of the COVID-19 pathogen obtained as a result of high-throughput sequencing on the Illumina platform. For data analysis, we used an algorithm developed by our group that can identify viral recombination variants and cases of co-infections by estimating the frequencies of characteristic substitutions in raw read alignment files and VCF files. The detected cases of recombination were confirmed by alternative sequencing methods, principal component analysis, and phylogenetic analysis. The suggested approach allowed for the identification of recombinant variants of strains BA.1 and BA.2, among which a new recombinant variant was identified, as well as a previously discovered one. The results obtained are the first evidence of the spread of recombinant variants of SARS-CoV-2 in Russia. In addition to cases of recombination we identified cases of coinfection: eight of them contained the genome of the Omicron line as one of the variants, six of them the genome of the Delta line, and two with the genome of the Alpha line