53 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Immunochemical Methods Applied for Studies of Pathogenic Burkholderia Antigens

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    Studied are immunochemical properties of antigen preparations, the spectrum and molar masses of the components contained. Demonstrated is the significance of vertical SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, immunodiffusion test, immunoelectrophoresis assay, rocket immunoelectrophoresis with specific sera for identification and differentiation of Burkholderia. Rocket immunoelectrophoresis should be viewed as the most informative method which allows for differentiation between pathogenic and non-pathogenic for humans Burkholderia under usual terms

    Special traits of secretory immunity of oral cavity at opisthorchiasis

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    Results of numerous researches allow to consider opisthorchiasis as the general disease of an organism. The oral cavity, as well as other bodies of a digestive path, is involved in pathological process. An objective of this research was studying of features local (secretory) immunity of an oral cavity at patients with opisthorchiasis. The data of laboratory research on concentration studying lactoferrin and secretory immunoglobulin A in saliva of patients with opisthorchiasis, and as is presented reaction of adsorption of microorganisms by cages buccal epithelium. Oppression of local immune mechanisms of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity is revealed at chronic opisthorchiasis.Результаты многочисленных исследований позволяют рассматривать описторхоз как общее заболевание организма. Полость рта, как и другие органы пищеварительного тракта, вовлечена в патологический процесс. Целью данного исследования явилось изучение особенностей местного (секреторного) иммунитета полости рта у пациентов с описторхозом. Представлены данные лабораторного исследования по изучению концентрации лактоферрина и секреторного иммуноглобулина А в ротовой жидкости пациентов с описторхозом, а так же реакции адсорбции микроорганизмов клетками буккального эпителия. Выявлено угнетение локальных иммунных механизмов слизистой оболочки полости рта при хроническом описторхозе


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    The article demonstrates results of agricultural applying of alkaline soils in the Western Siberia during 45 years (from 1969). On founding Siberian Department of VASKHNIL (Russian Agricultural Academy) the researchers pay specific attention to alkaline soil exploring and alkaline soil fertility increasing. The alkaline soil takes more than 8.8mln ha in the region. The leading institutions, research institutes of SD RAS and SD VASKHNIL participated in the research and were supervised by Coordination Board on Alcaline Melioration. They investigated genesis and properties of alkaline complexes, developed agricultural melioration groups, ways of melioration appropriate for different croplands, systems of arable farming at tillable solonetzic complexes and machinery for carrying out these measures. The researchers developed technology of layer alkaline tillage and equipment applied at haylands and pastures; it is SibIME stilt, alkaline rooter RS-1,5, RSN-2,9 and RSN-2,9 U. The paper suggests the ways of phytoreclamation and technology of grass old sowings “regeneration” in order to prolong their applying; it points out applying and development of phytoreclamation hay-pasture crop rotation, development of non-perennial crops selection, perennial grass and grass mixtures at solonetzic complexes. The research suggests the way of self-reclamation by means of reclamative tillage (layer plowing and deep-plowing) and recommends apply chemical reclamation of solonetzic complexes by means of phosphogypsum. Thus, alkaline farm field stays efficient more than 30 years. The authors develop and recommend area farming systems for solonetzic complexes and adaptive landscape systems for solonetzic complexes.Изложены результаты изучения и сельскохозяйственного использования солонцовых почв Западной Сибири за 45-летний период, начиная с 1969 г. После организации Сибирского отделения ВАСХНИЛ (Россельхозакадемии) особое внимание было уделено освоению и повышению плодородия солонцовых комплексов, площадь которых в регионе составляет более 8,8 млн га. В работе принимали участие ведущие вузы, научные учреждения СО РАН и СО ВАСХНИЛ под руководством координационного совета по мелиорации солонцов. Совместными усилиями ученых были изучены свойства и генезис солонцовых комплексов, на их основе разработаны агромелиоративная группировка, виды мелиораций для различных сельскохозяйственных угодий, системы земледелия на пахотных солонцовых комплексах и система машин для проведения данных мероприятий. Для сенокосов и пастбищ разработана технология послойной обработки солонцов и орудия для ее проведения – стойка СибИМЭ, рыхлители солонцов РС-1,5, РСН-2,9 и РСН-2,9У. На фоне послойной обработки предложены приемы фитомелиорации, технология «омоложения» старовозрастных посевов трав для продления сроков их использования. Освоены и продолжают совершенствоваться фитомелиоративные луговые севообороты и усовершенствован подбор однолетних культур, многолетних трав и травосмесей на солонцовых комплексах. Для степных районов Северной Кулунды предложен способ самомелиорации мелиоративными обработками (ярусной или плантажной). На солонцовых комплексах в пашне рекомендовано проводить химическую мелиорацию солонцов гипсом и фосфогипсом, эффективность которых сохраняется более 30 лет. Разработаны и предложены производству зональные, а затем – адаптивно-ландшафтные системы земледелия для солонцовых комплексов


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    Summary. The article contains results of a randomized clinical trial involved 120 patients with cavitating pulmonary tuberculosis. The patients were administered anti-tuberculosis drugs by different routes with the focus on parenteral (lymphotropic and intravenous) administration. The benefit of parenteral administration has been validated as sputum conversion was achieved and lung cavities disappeared much more often including patients with primary drug resistance in comparison to those treated with oral single or combined anti-tuberculosis drugs. The rates of adverse events did not differ significantly in parenteral and oral route of the drug administration. Recommendations have been made on parenteral (lymphotropic and intravenous) administration of anti-tuberculosis drugs in first-diagnosed cavitating pulmonary tuberculosis with high risk of drug resistance of the pathogen.Резюме. В статье приводятся данные рандомизированого клинического исследования 120 больных деструктивным туберкулезом легких при различных методах введения противотуберкулезных препаратов. Особое внимание уделено парентеральному (лимфотропному и внутривенному) введению лекарственных средств. Отмечено и обосновано преимущество парентерального введения противотуберкулезных препаратов, что позволяет в абсолютно большем проценте случаев добиться прекращения выделения микобактерий туберкулеза, в т. ч. у больных с первичной лекарственной устойчивостью, и закрытия каверн в легких, по сравнению с больными, получающими перорально раздельные или комбинированные противотуберкулезные препараты. При этом установлено, что частота побочных реакций при парентеральном методе не имеет существенной разницы по сравнению с пероральным. Приведены рекомендации по парентеральному (лимфотропному и внутривенному) введению противотуберкулезных препаратов у впервые выявленных больных деструктивным туберкулезом легких с высоким уровнем развития лекарственной устойчивости возбудителя

    Strategies of coping with situations of difficult pedagogical communication among teachers working in residential institutions

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    Professional activity of teachers working in residential institutions is a special type of activity associated with the strengthening of the action of emotionogenic factors in connection with the specifics of the contingent of students and learning conditions, which often causes the syndrome of emotional burnout. The study conducted a comparative analysis of preferences in the choice of coping strategies, manifested in the success of overcoming situations of difficult pedagogical communication of teachers working in residential institutions and teachers of secondary schools. It is established that coping strategies chosen by respondents of experimental and control groups in situations of problematic communication in accordance with the stage of emotional burnout have qualitative differences: teachers working in residential institutions, at each stage often use coping avoidance and aggressiveness, teachers of secondary schools – coping assertiveness with a tendency to impulsiveness on the background of emotional response. The obtained results are relevant for the programs of prevention of professional burnout of teachers with the help of health-saving technologies and teaching them constructive strategies of coping with stressful professional situations

    The use of folates for the prevention of fetal growth restriction during pregnancy

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    Purpose of the study: Rational for the use of folates for the prevention of fetal growth restriction on the basis of the identification of a MTHFR polymorphism.Material and methods: 200 patients (case-control) were enrolled in the study. The (main) group I included 100 patients with fetal growth restriction (FGR), the (control) group II included 100 conditionally healthy patients. The features of the anamnesis, the initial clinical characteristics, the course of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period in patients with placental insufficiency were studied in detail, and the features of the early neonatal period were analysed comprehensively. At the second stage, the polymorphism of the MMP2, MMP3, MMP9, and MTHFR genes was studied and their dependence with the development of the FGR was established. Statistical processing of the results was carried out on a personal computer using the SPSS Statistics 17.0 for Windows software package.Results: The clinical risk factors for the development of FGR include: chronic pyelonephritis, medium degree myopia, varicose veins, threat of abortion, ultrasound-detected subchorionic hemorrhage in the I trimester of gestation, anemia. Along with clinical risk factors for ZRP, the carriage of MTGFR (677 C> T) polymorphism is also considered, which justifies its identification in patients at risk.Conclusion: The data obtained make it possible to use the identification of MTHFR polymorphism as a predictor of placental abnormalities during pregnancy and to start taking folic acid supplements at the preconception stage in good time. Femibion 1 vitaminmineral complex has proved to be an effective product that is suitable for women in the period of preparation for pregnancy and in the first trimester of gestation, reducing the risk of fetal malformations and endothelial dysfunction caused by a violation of folic acid metabolism