17 research outputs found

    Mongolian Part of the Trans-Boundary Sailugem Natural Plague Focus in 2017. Communication 2. Modern Epidemiological Risks

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    Objective – to study the current epidemiological risks at plague enzootic frontier territory of the Bayan-Ulgy aimag of Mongolia. Materials and methods. Epidemiological analysis was performed according to the reporting documentation of the National Centre of Zoonotic Infections in Mongolia, results of anonymous questioning of 179 residents of the Bayan-Ulgy aimag of Mongolia, materials of the Department of Health of the Bayan-Ulgy aimag, the Aimag Centre of Zoonotic Infections and the Administration of the Aimag Governor. Results and discussion. Plague was first registered in the Bayan-Ulgy aimag in 1989. The total of 9 patients with plague and 4 lethal outcomes were revealed. In all cases marmots were an infection source, the infection occurred in the process of cutting the carcasses. The majority of the plague patients had bubonic form of plague. All patients were men aged 13 to 34 years. Public inquiry showed that 21,8 % of population considered meat of marmots as a delicacy, 54 % – hunted for the animals, 25,7 % – consumed uncooked organs of marmots as a folk remedy, 19,5 % – participated in cutting of marmot carcasses. Results of the inquiry indicated that a marmot was an object of active hunting for local population. Analysis of epizootic activity of the transboundary Sailugem natural plague focus, modern social and economic conditions in the Bayan-Ulgy aimag has showed that in this territory epidemic risks have shaped and act at present. They can be divided into two groups: epidemic risks capable to cause human sporadic plague cases and epidemic risks leading to anthropozoonotic plague dissemination among the population and exportation of Yersinia pestis beyond the limits of enzootic territories. Effective interaction of anti-epidemic Institutions of Mongolia and Russia and also the Agencies and Institutions of the executive power of all levels permits to counteract these risks

    Mongolian Part of the Transboundary Sailugem Natural Plague Focus in 2017. Communication 1. Epizootic condition

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    Objective – estimation of current epizootic condition of Mongolian part of transboundary Sailugem natural plague focus. Materials and methods. Epizootiological survey was performed for the area of 2335 km2, 277 mammals and 516 ectoparasites were investigated for plague. Results and conclusions. Eight Yersinia pestis subsp. pestis strains were isolated, including 7 strains – from grey marmots (6 – from the remains of meals of predatory birds, 1 from a corpse) and 1 – from long-tailed souslik (corpse). Y. pestis DNA was detected in 52 objects. Serological samples showed 40 positive results. Epizootic manifestations, confirmed by isolation of Y. pestis cultures, detection of plague microbe DNA, and positive serological results, were observed across the area of 1611 km2 covering 69 % of the inspected territory. Epizootic results indicated high infection rate of mass mammal species and first of all grey marmots. The data demonstrated that the extended plague epizooty caused by Y. pestis of the main subspecies occurred in the inspected territory in the carrier settlements. For the first time the circulation of Y. pestis subsp. pestis was registered in the Mongolian part of the transboundary Sailugem focus

    Advanced pulse EPR study of natural Mongolian coals

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    EPR spectra of the studied coals were registered as the first derivative of the microwave absorption versus applied magnetic field. The parameters of the EPR spectra: g-factor, linewidth and integral intensity were evaluated. As mentioned above lower group coals and high rank coals from upper group are declined to the asymmetry and the appearance of dip in the field swept. Consequently, the phenomenon could be assigned to the coal different maceral types that have different spin-spin relaxation times. The relaxation times for the coals have been measured in a few cases. It is well known that relaxation times determine both saturation and linewidth. Coal spin-lattice time, T1, relates with the coal spin concentration and molecular motion and the coal spin-spin relaxation time, T2, relates to the linewidth. The results of T1 and T2 relaxation times of some coals are shown as dependences of linewidth and the elements contents. For the characterization of the paramagnetic species in coal, we have also applied hyperfine sublevel correlation spectroscopy (HYSCORE) method. This method enhances the frequency resolution of the spectrum that makes possible to observe hyperfine structure under the symmetrical, singlet, broad EPR signals.Белорусский Республиканский Фонд Фундаментальных Исследовани

    CW EPR study of natural Mongolian coals

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    Various EPR spectra of the studied coals were registered, e.g. symmetric or asymmetric, narrow and broad singlet. The EPR parameters of the spectra obtained in a flow of nitrogen gas are compared to the parameters in an air presence. The differences were observed in the EPR parameters such as line shape, peak-to-peak amplitude, line width and g-factor. As mentioned above the most of the cw EPR spectra of the studied coals are declined to asymmetry that can be from the complexity of the spin system. Therefore, complex character of the coal EPR spectrum is often visible at higher microwave powers, when some components partly saturated and the intensities of the others relatively increased. For this purposes, EPR microwave power saturation for each coal sample was measured. The dependence provides a measure of the interaction strength of the radical with the environment. In both cases EPR spectra of the studied coals are saturated differently. The saturation curve shows the one of components saturation character or broad (in the presence of air mostly) or narrow (in the flow of nitrogen gas mostly). The saturation curve shows the one of components saturation character or broad (in the presence of air mostly) or narrow (in the flow of nitrogen gas mostly). The EPR spectra with two components in the coal has discussed in many of works that mainly attributed to two types of macerals (fusain and vitrain, respectively) in the coal. This is also proved by the dependences of atomic hydrogen-carbon ratio of the studied coals that particularly the lower group coals show the complexity in their EPR spectra. The narrow component is alleged to the presence of fusain (or inertinite) that is composed mainly of fusinite or carbonized woody plant tissue. One can also assign it to the coal spontaneous combustion since the same EPR property has observed on particular samples taken from the place where the coal self-inflammation center is. It is clear from the measurement results that the broad line is much more easily saturated, exposing a relatively weaker narrow line at high microwave power. The appearance of the narrow line is coal rank independent.Белорусский Республиканский Фонд Фундаментальных Исследовани

    Advanced pulse EPR study of natural Mongolian coals

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    EPR spectra of the studied coals were registered as the first derivative of the microwave absorption versus applied magnetic field. The parameters of the EPR spectra: g-factor, linewidth and integral intensity were evaluated. As mentioned above lower group coals and high rank coals from upper group are declined to the asymmetry and the appearance of dip in the field swept. Consequently, the phenomenon could be assigned to the coal different maceral types that have different spin-spin relaxation times. The relaxation times for the coals have been measured in a few cases. It is well known that relaxation times determine both saturation and linewidth. Coal spin-lattice time, T1, relates with the coal spin concentration and molecular motion and the coal spin-spin relaxation time, T2, relates to the linewidth. The results of T1 and T2 relaxation times of some coals are shown as dependences of linewidth and the elements contents. For the characterization of the paramagnetic species in coal, we have also applied hyperfine sublevel correlation spectroscopy (HYSCORE) method. This method enhances the frequency resolution of the spectrum that makes possible to observe hyperfine structure under the symmetrical, singlet, broad EPR signals.Белорусский Республиканский Фонд Фундаментальных Исследовани