35 research outputs found

    Indicators of breast cancer severity and appropriateness of surgery based on hospital administrative data in the Lazio Region, Italy

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    BACKGROUND: Administrative data can serve as an easily available source for epidemiological and evaluation studies. The aim of this study is to evaluate the use of hospital administrative data to determine breast cancer severity and the appropriateness of surgical treatment. METHODS: the study population consisted of 398 patients randomly selected from a cohort of women hospitalized for first-time breast cancer surgery in the Lazio Region, Italy. Tumor severity was defined in three different ways: 1) tumor size; 2) clinical stage (TNM); 3) severity indicator based on HIS data (SI). Sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value (PPV) of the severity indicator in evaluating appropriateness of surgery were calculated. The accuracy of HIS data was measured using Kappa statistic. RESULTS: Most of 387 cases were classified as T1 and T2 (tumor size), more than 70% were in stage I or II and the SI classified 60% of cases in medium-low category. Variation from guidelines indications identified under and over treatments. The accuracy of the SI to predict under-treatment was relatively good (58% of all procedures classified as under-treatment using pT where also classified as such using SI), and even greater predicting over-treatment (88.2% of all procedures classified as over treatment using pT where also classified as such using SI). Agreement between clinical chart and hospital discharge reports was K = 0.35. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that administrative data need to be used with caution when evaluating surgical appropriateness, mainly because of the limited ability of SI to predict tumor size and the questionable quality of HIS data as observed in other studies

    The population-based oncological health care study OVIS – recruitment of the patients and analysis of the non-participants

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The ageing of the population is expected to bring an enormous growth in demand for oncological health care. In order to anticipate and respond to future trends, cancer care needs to be critically evaluated. The present study explores the possibility of conducting representative and population-based research on cancer care on the basis of data drawn from the Cancer Registry.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A population-based state-wide cohort study (OVIS) has been carried out in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. All patients with malignant melanoma, breast, or prostate cancer were identified in the Cancer Registry. Epidemiological data were obtained for all the patients and screened for study eligibility. A postal questionnaire requesting information on diagnosis, therapy, QoL and aftercare was sent to eligible patients.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 11,489 persons diagnosed with the cancer types of interest in the period from January 2002 to July 2004 were registered in the Cancer Registry. Of the 5,354 (47%) patients who gave consent for research, 4,285 (80% of consenters) completed the questionnaire. In terms of relevant epidemiological variables, participants with melanoma were not found to be different from non-participants with the same diagnosis. However, participants with breast or prostate cancer were slightly younger and had smaller tumours than patients who did not participate in our study.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Population-based cancer registry data proved to be an invaluable resource for both patient recruitment and non-participant analysis. It can help improve our understanding of the strength and nature of differences between participants and non-respondents. Despite minor differences observed in breast and prostate cancer, the OVIS-sample seems to represent the source population adequately.</p

    Guideline adherence for early breast cancer before and after introduction of the sentinel node biopsy

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    This population-based study aimed to analyse variations in surgical treatment and guideline compliance with respect to the application of radiotherapy and axillary lymph node dissection (ALND), for early breast cancer, before and after the sentinel node biopsy (SNB) introduction. The study included 13 532 consecutive surgically treated stage I–IIIA breast cancer patients diagnosed in 1989–2002. Hospitals showed large variation in breast-conserving surgery (BCS) rates, ranging between 27 and 72% for T1 and 14 and 42% for T2 tumours. In multivariate analysis marked inter-hospital and time-dependent variation in the BCS rate remained after correction for case-mix. The guideline adherence was markedly lower for elderly patients. In 25.2% of the patients aged ⩾75 years either ALND or radiotherapy were omitted. The proportion of patients with no ALND after an SNB increased from 1.8% in 1999 to 37.8% in 2002. However, in 2002 also 12.2% of the patients with a positive SNB did not have an ALND. Guideline compliance for BCS, with respect to radiotherapy and ALND, fell since the SNB introduction, from 96.1% before 2000 to 91.4% in 2002 (P<0.001). Noncompliance may however reflect patient-tailored medicine, as for elderly patients with small, radically resected primary tumours. The considerable variation in BCS-rates is more consistent with variations in surgeon preferences than patient's choice

    Is proper methodology associated with the use of a clinically relevant outcome measure? The case of randomized clinical trials on medical treatment of open-angle glaucoma

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess critically the published literature concerning medical treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), and to see whether trial methodologic quality was related to a clinically relevant outcome measure. METHODS: We identified and reviewed the methodologic quality of 102 published randomized clinical trials (RCTs) on treatment of POAG using an explicit protocol and explored the association between selected aspects of design and conduct and the studies' clinical relevance. RESULTS: Our analysis revealed serious methodologic problems with the trials reviewed. Areas of major concern were: use of unsatisfactory or unspecified methods of randomization (89% of the trials reported no information), exclusion of some patients from the analysis (53% of the studies), failure to provide evidence of having estimated the number of patients needed to detect a prespecified treatment difference (96% failed to provide such an estimate), and incomplete description of patient characteristics (in 39% of the RCTs information on this item was insufficient). Within this generally unsatisfactory picture we found, however, that those studies adopting a double-masked design and those not excluding patients after randomization followed patients for longer periods of time and assessed treatment effectiveness using a clinically relevant outcome (that is, visual field changes) compared to other studies. CONCLUSIONS: For clinicians to make use of the results of clinical trials, future studies must be adequately designed and conducted. In particular, proper method of randomization, masking of the observers, and inclusion of all randomized patients in the analysis must be used. Of perhaps even greater importance is the need for trials to measure clinically relevant outcomes

    Randomized clinical trials on medical treatment of glaucoma : are they appropriate to guide clinical practice?

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    A systematic quantitative and qualitative overview of published randomized clinical trials was undertaken to assess the yield of medical treatment on the outcome of patients with primary open angle glaucoma. Reports of 102 randomized clinical trials were published between 1975 and 1991, totalling about 5000 patients. Only 16% (16/102) of the trials were, however, properly designed (ie, comparing an active treatment with a placebo-treated or untreated control group) to answer the question of whether any medical treatment can effectively cure patients with primary open angle glaucoma. Pooled analysis showed a moderate yet statistically significant reduction in mean intraocular pressure (-4.9 mm Hg; 95% confidence interval [CI], -7.3 to -2.5 mm Hg); however, data on long-term visual field changes were available in only three randomized clinical trials, and their statistical combination failed to show a significant protective effect of active treatment (odds ratio, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.42 to 1.35). All of the remaining 86 randomized clinical trials looked at the effectiveness of one drug vs another in lowering intraocular pressure and were thus of no use in the overview. Practicing ophthalmologists should be aware that the effectiveness of pressure-lowering agents in the treatment of primary open angle glaucoma is still to be determined and that the vast majority of published trials are not appropriate to guide clinical practice. It is urgent to plan trials with end-point and follow-up duration that is fully relevant for the health of patients

    VariabilitĂ  geografica nell'appropriatezza della terapia chirurgica del carcinoma della mamella

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    To assess appropriateness of surgical care delivered to breast cancer patients in Italy and quantify the use of unnecessary radical procedures, a retrospective charts review of patients treated in 1988-1989 was conducted. Information about hospital characteristics was collected directly from administrative departments as a part of a national survey. A series of 1724 consecutive patients (median age 61 years; range 17-89) treated in 63 hospitals selected from within 8 regions, with newly diagnosed operable breast carcinoma was evaluated. Overall, 541 (38%) patients had inappropriate surgery with more than two thirds of it being accounted for by the use of unnecessary mutilating Halsted mastectomy. About one-fourth of patients with stage I-II disease undergone mastectomy according Halsted technique and conservative surgery in patients with small tumors (i.e. tumor size < = 2 cm) was under utilized. Substantial geographic variations emerged in the overall rates of inappropriateness (range 12-48%) which were not substantially affected by allowance for imbalances in patient- and hospital-related variables. Despite the important contribution given by Italian clinical researchers to the demonstration that less radical surgery can be as good as more radical procedures, still a substantial proportion of breast cancer patients are treated too aggressively. Besides pointing to the urgent need of interventions aimed at promoting more appropriate surgical care these results suggest that efforts to increase patients' participation into treatment decision and awareness about alternative treatment options are warranted