3 research outputs found

    Изменения гемоциркуляторных и респираторных функций при бронхиальной астме у детей

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    One hundred and fifty bronchial asthma patients aged 6 to 14 yrs were complexly examined for haemodynamic parameters in correlation with the lung function and the diaphragm activity in different stages of the disease. The respiratory dysfunction based on the bronchial obstruction, irregular lung ventilation and reduction in the diaphragm functional activity was shown to be accompanied by changes in the regional and central blood circulation. A consistency of these disorders depended on the basic therapyУ 150 больных бронхиальной астмой в возрасте от 6 до 14 лет проведено комплексное исследование параметров гемодинамики во взаимосвязи с оценкой функции внешнего дыхания и активности диафрагмы в различные периоды заболевания. Показано, что респираторная дисфункция, в основе которой лежат бронхиальная обструкция, неравномерная вентиляция легких и снижение функциональной активности диафрагмы, сочетается с изменениями регионарной и центральной гемоциркуляции. Причем стойкость отмеченных отклонений зависит от применения базисной терапии


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    The authors present the two-year follow-up of a female patient with severe pulmonary hypertension and a rare pathology – pulmonary veno-occlusive disease. Due to the treatment with low-dose prednisolone, in combination with warfarin, coraxan, and oxygen, the clinical status of the patient remains stable


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    Objective: the assessment of a condition of health of women with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) and hereditary thrombophilia (HT) and a condition of health their newborn children.Materials and Methods. We examine clinically and by laboratorial and special exams (coagulogram, polymerase chain reaction diagnostics of genetics of hemostasis, ultrasonography of fetus at I, II, III trimester of pregnancy, doppler ultrasonography of blood flow in umbilical arteries, cardiotocography) 92 women with thrombophilia and their 92 newborn children (neurosonography, fundoscopy, abdominal ultrasound, nephrosonography, ultrasonography of hip joint).Results. The somatic anamnesis was more often burdened by vegetative dystonia syndrome (82.61%) at women with APS and by prolapse of the mitral valve (30.43%) and myopia (28.26%) at women with HT. In high percentage of cases fetoplacental insufficiency (60.78% at women with APS and 67.39% at women with HT), threatened miscarriage (50,00% at women with APS and 65.22% at women with HT) and cervical erosion (23.91% at women with APS and 45,65% at women with HT) was peculiarity of obstetric and gynecology anamnesis at all women with thrombophilia. Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (78.26%), conjugation jaundice (56.52%) and morphofunctional dismaturity (45.65%) was diagnosed more often at children who was born to the women with APS and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (65.96%) and intrauterine growth restriction (34.04%) was diagnosed at children who was born to the women with HT.Conclusion. Rather high percentage of diseases at women with thrombophilia and at their newborn children claim further development the therapy algorithm in the system “woman – fetus – newborn” with the case of decrease of the morbidity and improvement of social adaptation of newborn children in the future