483 research outputs found

    Vector meson couplings to vector and tensor currents in extended NJL quark model

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    A simple explanation of the dynamic properties of vector mesons is given in the framework of extended Nambu - Jona-Lasinio quark model. New mass relations among the hadron vector resonances are derived. The results of this approach are in good accordance with the QCD sum rules, the lattice calculations and the experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Formalism for dilepton production via virtual photon bremsstrahlung in hadronic reactions

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    We derive a set of new formulas for various distributions in dilepton production via virtual photon bremsstrahlung from pseudoscalar mesons and unpolarized spin-one-half fermions. These formulas correspond to the leading and sub-leading terms in the Low-Burnett-Kroll expansion for real photon bremsstrahlung. The relation of our leading-term formulas to previous works is also shown. Existing formulas are examined in the light of Lorentz covariance and gauge invariance. Numerical comparison is made in a simple example, where an "exact" formula and real photon data exist. The results reveal large discrepancies among different bremsstrahlung formulas. Of all the leading-term bremsstrahlung formulas, the one derived in this work agrees best with the exact formula. The issues of M_T-scaling and event generators are also addressed.Comment: 37 pages, RevTeX, epsf.sty, 10 embedded figure

    A Dependence of Hadron Production in Inelastic Muon Scattering and Dimuon Production by Protons

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    The A dependence of the production of hadrons in inelastic muon scattering and of the production of dimuons in high Q2Q^2 proton interactions are simply related. Feynman x distributions and z scaling distributions in nuclei are compared with energy loss models. Suggestions for new data analyses are presented.Comment: 14pp +13 figures, UPR report 607T (available from ftp://dept.physics.upenn.edu/muhad

    Pion and Rho Structure Functions from Lattice QCD

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    We calculate the lower moments of the deep-inelastic structure functions of the pion and the rho meson on the lattice. Of particular interest to us are the spin-dependent structure functions of the rho. The calculations are done with Wilson fermions and for three values of the quark mass, so that we can perform an extrapolation to the chiral limit.Comment: 30pp, LaTeX2e with 15 eps figures using epsfig. Postscript file also available from ftp://ftp.th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/pub/cbest/pionrho.ps or http://www.th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/~cbest/pionrho.p

    Weak gauge principle and electric charge quantization

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    Starting from a weak gauge principle we give a new and critical revision of the argument leading to charge quantization on arbitrary spacetimes. The main differences of our approach with respect to previous works appear on spacetimes with non trivial torsion elements on its second integral cohomology group. We show that in these spacetimes there can be topologically non-trivial configurations of charged fields which do not imply charge quantization. However, the existence of a non-exact electromagnetic field always implies the quantization of charges. Another consequence of the theory for spacetimes with torsion is the fact that it gives rise to two natural quantization units that could be identified with the electric quantization unit (realized inside the quarks) and with the electron charge. In this framework the color charge can have a topological origin, with the number of colors being related to the order of the torsion subgroup. Finally, we discuss the possibility that the quantization of charge may be due to a weak non-exact component of the electromagnetic field extended over cosmological scales.Comment: Latex2e, 24 pages, no figure

    Quaternion Gravi-Electromagnetism

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    Defining the generalized charge, potential, current and generalized fields as complex quantities where real and imaginary parts represent gravitation and electromagnetism respectively, corresponding field equation, equation of motion and other quantum equations are derived in manifestly covariant manner. It has been shown that the field equations are invariant under Lorentz as well as duality transformations. It has been shown that the quaternionic formulation presented here remains invariant under quaternion transformations.Comment: Key Words: Quaternion, dyons, gravito-dyons, gravi-electromagnetism. PACS No.: 04.90. +e ; 14.80. H

    Four Dimensional CFT Models with Rational Correlation Functions

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    Recently established rationality of correlation functions in a globally conformal invariant quantum field theory satisfying Wightman axioms is used to construct a family of soluble models in 4-dimensional Minkowski space-time. We consider in detail a model of a neutral scalar field ϕ\phi of dimension 2. It depends on a positive real parameter c, an analogue of the Virasoro central charge, and admits for all (finite) c an infinite number of conserved symmetric tensor currents. The operator product algebra of ϕ\phi is shown to coincide with a simpler one, generated by a bilocal scalar field V(x1,x2)V(x_1,x_2) of dimension (1,1). The modes of V together with the unit operator span an infinite dimensional Lie algebra LVL_V whose vacuum (i.e. zero energy lowest weight) representations only depend on the central charge c. Wightman positivity (i.e. unitarity of the representations of LVL_V) is proven to be equivalent to cNc \in N.Comment: 28 pages, LATEX, amsfonts, latexsym. Proposition 2.3, and Conjecture in Sec. 6 are revised. Minor errors are correcte

    Worldline Approach to Forward and Fixed Angle fermion-fermion Scattering in Yang-Mills Theories at High Energies

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    Worldline techniques are employed to study the general behaviour of the fermion-fermion collision amplitude at very high energies in a non-abelian gauge field theory for the forward and fixed angle scattering cases. A central objective of this work is to demonstrate the simplicity by which the worldline methodology isolates that sector of the full theory which carries the soft physics, relevant to each process. Anomalous dimensions pertaining to a given soft sector are identified and subseuently used to facilitate the renormalization group running of the respective four point functions. Gluon reggeization is achieved for forward, while Sudakov suppression is established for fixed angle scattering.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures in three file

    The generalized cusp in ABJ(M) N = 6 Super Chern-Simons theories

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    We construct a generalized cusped Wilson loop operator in N = 6 super Chern-Simons-matter theories which is locally invariant under half of the supercharges. It depends on two parameters and interpolates smoothly between the 1/2 BPS line or circle and a pair of antiparallel lines, representing a natural generalization of the quark-antiquark potential in ABJ(M) theories. For particular choices of the parameters we obtain 1/6 BPS configurations that, mapped on S^2 by a conformal transformation, realize a three-dimensional analogue of the wedge DGRT Wilson loop of N = 4. The cusp couples, in addition to the gauge and scalar fields of the theory, also to the fermions in the bifundamental representation of the U(N)xU(M) gauge group and its expectation value is expressed as the holonomy of a suitable superconnection. We discuss the definition of these observables in terms of traces and the role of the boundary conditions of fermions along the loop. We perform a complete two-loop analysis, obtaining an explicit result for the generalized cusp at the second non-trivial order, from which we read off the interaction potential between heavy 1/2 BPS particles in the ABJ(M) model. Our results open the possibility to explore in the three-dimensional case the connection between localization properties and integrability, recently advocated in D = 4.Comment: 53 pages, 10 figures, added references, this is the version appeared on JHE